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  1. If I understand it correctly, it just means that if you haven't logged in AT ALL during the 72 hour lead up, then you won't be added into the contest. Otherwise, you're in. That's my interpretation, at least.
  2. I would say 98% sure. If you click the "i" in the top right corner to see all of the base values and modifiers, you can calculate for yourself how the game arrives at the final number shown at the top of the screen. I did the calculation and arrived at the correct value without subtracting anything for the videotape, which I had at level 100.
  3. I agree, that's what it did for me too.
  4. I just got the sex tape and was very curious how it works, so I ran some experiments. Here are some preliminary observations: First off, convert does not mean that it removes anything, so leveling these cannot hurt you. Second, my strategy has been to only level Bunny and Estelle, so I didn't see any effect from this charm. What it does is when you level up Mizuki (or another girl that adds to click) it also adds to idle. I haven't worked out the exact formula, but I just wanted to get this out there.
  5. If you have enough Kobans, you could do Epic Pachinko and save enough for a reroll should the unthinkable happen.
  6. One last thing: Mono stat legendaries are very rare. It is relatively easy to get a full set of high level rainbow gear. It takes a lot of money to get monostat gear in your specialty and you will out level them in not too long. My advice would be to use 'em if you got 'em, but don't go all out trying to get them unless you are so high level that your progress is slowing down significantly.
  7. So far, villain rotations have only been on the 2 year old events, not the one year old events.
  8. I prefer to think of it as attack and defense are equally useful, but attack is cheaper. If you bought an equal amount of all three stats in the market, then one more point of defense will be 4 times as expensive as one more point of attack. Clearly you should buy the attack. Similarly with equipment, the way I like to measure the usefulness of gear is to add how much attack and defense they give. If a legendary monostat and rainbow gear have the same level, then the monostat gives more (att + def) in all cases I've seen. If the rainbow is higher level it might be better than the monostat.
  9. And I think they need to lock the Announcement forum so that people stop creating new posts in Announcements that aren't official announcements. There is a General Discussion Forum.
  10. Rarity does effect stats, but so does number of stars. That's why a 5 star common will be better than a 3 star rare. You can see for yourself at this page on the wiki: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Compare-All-Haremettes Sort by whatever your specialty is to see the best girls for you.
  11. There is a wiki. You can see the girls and their poses on the harem page. There is also a ton of other info on here. https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes
  12. Did you also check to see if you got any new gifts?
  13. How is that more accurate? That is exactly the same criteria that MCP stated.
  14. This much: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Adventure
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