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Lazy Lord

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  1. Lazy Lord


    Let us celebrate the 🐌Day
  2. The event does not feel rewarding at all, so I am not going to push it any. The Ymen tasks are nothing but a spit in the face of players even not taking in account the recent cash nerf. That is all I can be bothered to say.
  3. Thankfully they provided another reason for the removal. "Trolling" one would have been a laughable one
  4. I know my options in the changed state. Does not mean I should accept it while the former state was more to my liking
  5. Making avatars a koban-only option is not a win by far
  6. Most likely the cash club bonus bug. Requires ($ + bonus) instead of just $
  7. Lazy Lord


    I am not sure what depths of thoroughness and rigour were expected from my testing, but I did test it with two separate items from the market. The result was the same, the sum of cash deducted included the club bonus and the "visually" wrong outcome did persist throughout reloads and re-logins.
  8. Lazy Lord


    How is spending up to 10% more of now scarce cash is a visual issue? 🤔
  9. I can confirm the season XP rewards are excluded. Whether it is intentional or not, I have no idea . Unless 5% is added right at the Season screen. I should have checked the booster remaining capacity.
  10. Where are lvl750 teams? Whales be lazing
  11. Возможно, на французский действительно переводят уже переводчики-добровольцы. Я про то, что думают ключевые разработчики на французском. Так что в итоге первая версия выходит на Frenglish. Так было в игре, где я переводчиком был. Там первый язык Swenglish, разработчики шведы. На шведский, помнится, переводили уже добровольцы.
  12. Dear Kinkoid. Recently we witnessed two cases where your team has failed to deliver the earned league rewards to their respective accounts. Those cases were nothing short of a disaster for a game the size of HH. While the bugs can happen in any game, it is your inability to fix the consequences of said bugs which is unacceptable. I do understand that going case by case when there are hundreds of them may be deemed counterproductive. What I do not and refuse to understand is the lack of dev (programmer) involved decisions in those two cases. If support cannot handle them, you should have dedicated a few dev hours to solving the problem. Seeing as that was not done, I can only imagine two possibilities: It was deemed too insignificant a problem (twice now) to divert dev attention from more important matters. Which is unacceptable. You simply do not have a way to perform a search for accounts/rewards data with certain parameters and then distribute them en masse as opposed to case-by-case. Which is unacceptable as well. That said, I ask you to give it some thought and make some steps to prevent such disasters from happening in the future. Thank you.
  13. "Valid" would be the one you can log in to months and years after registration, not the one you forget the password to a minute after. Mine was valid for years until one exciting moment the portal ceased to host the mail service
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