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  1. Do you mean the one that lasts 12 hours? At least I don't see anything else. That is pretty much carbage. What i suggested is permanent autoclicker which you can assign to click different things.
  2. Autoclickers like in Clicker heroes might be a good idea to implement. You could assign one or more to click on the girl, one to lvl up a harem girl for dps and one for money . First clicker could cost 500 kobans, next one double that and so on. One clicker could do like 10 clicks/second. Would be especially nice since it seems like idle and clicking swithced around in last update. And since many people seem to have lost kobans and affection, offer us two or three for free 😃
  3. Is this still going? Anyway, my vote goes to Keeka! HH ID:1647857
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