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Everything posted by TheEvilDog

  1. Just got my....third? 100 shard drop. Which is fine by me because now I can go back to trying to get Cunegonde and Edna.
  2. 63 shards and with the last Combat Point of the event, I got...1. Bringing it up to 64 shards in four days.
  3. I have, its how I got Eugenie and why I initially dismissed it as just being lucky.
  4. Hadn't thought to take a screenshot of it, but I just got my second 100 shard drop, Bitch in the current event. I had 9 shards on her already, just got a new combat point and tried it, suddenly 109 shards. Well now I can go back to trying to get Lola and Pelagie. My first 100 shard drop was Eugenie, but I had dismissed it because it was a 10x try and I just figured I was lucky with the RNG.
  5. Its time to play the game - Motorhead
  6. From what I've seen, he's presenting them as characters from Smite, a MOBA where the characters are based on gods from various mythologies.
  7. Wouldn't have wanted my first post on here to be about plagarism, but here we are. Found this artist on Hentai Foundry who has pretty much traced images from the game and passing them off as characters from other games. I've spotted images from the intro, Bunny's, Red Battler's and Bonny's upgrade splash pages. http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Drart78 Felt that coming to you guys directly would be the best course of action. I'm not saying people have to jump onto this artist's page and bombard them with messages, I just want to make sure that the artists and developers know what is going on.
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