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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Stage 9 done and first 3 pieces correctly placed for stage 10. I actually feel this puzzle was worse than the clicker we just had. Between the bugs and the massive amount of blank space in 5 out of the 10 puzzles it seems they are really forcing people pull out their credit cards.
  2. You do you. I'm free to ignore this event for the next 8 days now that I've already completed it. My time is more valuable than babysitting a freemium web clicker and moaning about it online.
  3. Bought free using rewards from daily missions and events. If you are too lazy to take advantage of the systems available for free then you don't deserve to progress. Enough said.
  4. I don't understand all the QQing it's definitely doable I am a filthy casual and completely free to play. I've been playing for roughly a month and a half and do my dailies every night while watching TV. I've never needed to buy any currency using real money and always keep some aside for emergency boosters. So far I've not failed a single event girl and have cleared up to level 9000 in the main campaign, and collected Lupa, Finalmecia from Gatcha and Keira, Sabrina, Hari, Rabbi, Titania and Lyka from the current event. I do agree that the game is heading in a pay to win direction even in my brief time playing. All my girls only have rank 3 << bonuses and I cleared this using all of the available boosters at once with around a level 12500 skill and all crafts at about 240.
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