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Posts posted by chidoristream

  1. I have played almost every BANG! event, but I never win up to 80 let alone 100 battles. Is there a specific thing i should prioritize within my harem or is it a stat problem? Cause on mt HentaiHeroes BANG event i can easily complete 100 battles becuse i have max stats and a surplus amount of women in the harem.

  2. @FinderKeeper but if mythic girls are available why not increase the probability, because this has happened to me during every legendary fight where i wud get 2 shards and the probability of getting a mythic hero is almost aboutt the same. (in my case) Im not sure if this only pertains to me but most of the legendary girls i can get are the ones that have a 10 day obtainability or from competitve or path of glory/valor.

  3. I have been playing this game for as long as it existed. But whenever i try to get a legendary girl, like just recently Narkisha Onix, i used up 60 battles and only obtained 5 shards. Why is that? It shouldnt be this difficult to obtain legendary shards.

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