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Everything posted by ShadowHaamu

  1. Yeah, it would be pretty much better to stay at the basic goal of this game. "Gotta catch'em all" like its said in very beginning of the game. That should be enough of challenge for free players and cashers alike.
  2. @caseyIf you're looking at competition, then you should find your way out right now. Those who pays to the most or had played the longest will always win. If you haven't spend lots of money or been playing the game since near beginning, you have no chance. The only exception here, is if you're willing to wake up early on Thursday morning (or when ever the league reset is for you) and then do "refill spree" to get all +900 fights done in few minutes. But even then cashers and longtime players have advantage as they got stronger teams/battle stats, which mean you might not even "win" with raising up early and spend all of your free kobans you've saved in this tactical option. So really, if you playing this game for competition....there is no such things as it's just an illusion. When you reach high enough or if you want top rewards, it's always those, who are willing to pay that wins in the end. And yes, even saving free kobans and then spending them for refills/boosters is paying for win. As for your point of clubs, you're partially right. Joining in high skill club is important, if you want to succeed in fights. But I disagree with over the fact that clubs prevents individual play. No one forces you to talk in clubs. As matter of fact, you can join some of the clubs and never write a word in chat. In the same way, you just see clubs as boost for your individual gameplay, which it is essentially.
  3. Got the Ombresse and she really wasn't what I was expecting. When I heard she was based on Rias from Highschool DxD, I though it would involve certain type of art......obviously I was wrong with that. Especially with first 3 scenes. Oh well, at least she gives nice amount of ymen and her battle stats could be good too. Just got to wait for event for that.
  4. So, champions battle seems to be a large scale boss battle. You got 10 girls and they all attack one at the time against bosses girl. And the battle lasts until the bosses "impression" bar is full or your ego bar is empty. Every girl also gives one round lasting boost to one of the three stats atk, harmony and one other I don't remember. And if you win, there is 24 hours wait until the next fight. You can skip it with kobans, but that needs 432 kobans. As for rewards, I got 2x random legendary item.
  5. I can actually see devs doing exactly that. As it would be fricking huge pay day for them. Plenty of old and new people, who are missing some of the girls...especially as 5 of 9 where before new shard system.
  6. 5 star starters all the way. Best invest you can do....well at any point of the game. Actually, I would first upgrade all "grey" girls first as they take the least amount of affection and pretty much all of them gives much better income than majority of rare girls. After that, I would upgrade rare girls one star at the time. Like, if you got 5 of them, make them all level 1 star at first and so on.
  7. Why the hell not? I don't see anywhere saying that you have to have equal number of specialties to have revival event. Besides, this new girl is part of 3rd "trilogy" now as Golden Bunny was hardcore, Taria was charm and Fabienne know-how. Technically Sara Jay started a new "series", but I thought it was special case, what with it being called "sponsored" stuff and all. But obvious that's not the case anymore, which makes it look like there won't be any revival event for "secondary three" legendary girls.
  8. Yeah, this new legendary girl certainly got some similarities to Bunny. At least to some of the Bunny art. Must be the same artist that had done this and Bunny. But ever more, why a new legendary girl again? Legendary days revival would've been much better.
  9. Most likely because right now we have 3-4 different events per month. That leaves you 4-6 free days per month to use your fight attempts on Finalmecia/Roko. And if you have work/other RL issues, people might not have much time to play per day. For these people, they might have time to do 20-40 fight per day. That's not nearly enough to get much of shards, especially if you're unlucky with shards drops. Yes, there is a chance that you might get events done faster than the required full length of them. But way too often, you will need that full time "free" event girls from bosses. These players also don't have any "easy time" events as people just hitting Final/Roko don't often have revival girls already, so they have to play those events too. And again, if you don't have that much time to play per day or chances to log in, that 20-40 fights per makes it hard to get the girls, even in revival events. So really, with constant events and rng shard drop system, people simply might not have time to play Final/Roko/Karole/Jackson. And even if they have, there is chance they will run into those "dry sprees", where you have dozens of fights without any shard drops what so ever.
  10. Well, there is already such a thing and it's called Epic pachinko. You want girl for sure, play Epic. Event is purely for gambling with rng vs your luck.
  11. Some people might actually play on test server, especially when it comes to league. It's the only place to have a real competition, where your own effort and tactic are purely deciding factor in your success or not. In real ones, all and every competition is ruined buy the cashing option in the game.
  12. The problem with this idea is that with constant cycle of events and more than random shards system, many players doesn't have time to actually fight on Karole or Jackson. That said, the girls income in general is a problem that I had been complaining for ages. It doesn't make sense that Epic girls, let alone legendary girls have smaller income than they rare or normal three stars. It's just plain idiotic design.
  13. They would better fix it and as soon as possible. As right now some people will unfairly get huge amount of kobans and other rewards every league reset.
  14. I only said to use that "one time try", if there is a girl(s) you really truly want. For most people, that means maybe use event pachinko every few months or so. At least it had worked for me that way. This is also probably just my good luck too, but I have noticed that I get event pachinko girls much easier during the revival events. 2 out of 3 of my "one time tries" had netted me a girl, once 4x legendary gifts (and that one hurt).
  15. Yeah and I not only imply it, but guarantee that old system benefited koban users/non users pretty much the same way. Only once I did not get both of the event girls with free attempts during the normal length events. Most of the times I got both of the girls before half way mark of the event. With the new event, I often need full 10-11 days to get both of the girls and even then I need to do refill or three. And what irritated me the most here is that with this shard system, I need to waste much more time on lower revenue bosses, because you need to get lucky more than once. I only got at least one epic girl with free attempts per every epic days event in the old system. With the new system, getting even single girl with free attempts is just a ridiculous pipe dream. The only real exception here is the legendary days events. This shard system benefits kobans users mu ch more than a non-users as there is no that "safety net". After spending more than 10k kobans, it's more likely that you had got enough shards to get the girl. Of course, the use of Legendary days event is bad option here anyway. The whole point of those events is to simply squeeze money out of us players.
  16. Well, the good thing about the old "all of nothing" system was that you only needed to get lucky one time to get a girl. With this shard system, if you don't count revivals, you need to get lucky at minimum of 20-30 times per girl. That's awfully huge difference, if you take into account of free attempts only. That said, this shard system is much better for revival events as 1-12 shard drops in those helps a lot. Other than that, this shard system might benefits koban users (gamblers really) during Legendary days events, as you now have some idea of how many kobans you need to gamble, until you hit a "safety net".
  17. My tip is just to do 1 attempt, if you there is girls you like in there If you get a girl, yippii..... if you don't, well you won't lose too much.
  18. Yeah, I know that thread as some people have apparently got lucky. But as long as I haven't got 100 drop myself, I'm calling it myth. But in all seriousness, regardless of that threat, it's undeniable that 100 drops are much much much rares than they were before the shard system.
  19. Frankly, if devs wants us to actually buy these backgrounds, they should add some actual benefit form them. For example. 1. Plain money boost from every background. Every background generates you revenue every 12 hours. Even something like 5k twice a day would go long way. 2. Make a daily quest(s) that requires you to use randomly chosen background with randomly chose girls. Like some random theme with random number of girls with specific demands like only story, rare, epic girls or legendary girls or only girls from one of the 3 types or then the highest reward option, event specific set girls with 4/5 (6 if you count quest girl). In either way, this way getting backgrounds and changing them would not only benefit players, but it could provide another avenue to spice thing up so to speak.
  20. Except that the chance to get one drop is nerfed to highest degree in this new system. It's actually so low that it might not even be there at all.
  21. Oh, you were totally right about that. New "'bundles" introduced later today.
  22. Hopefully those bundles will be one time only. As otherwise we can forget pvp or any kind of competitive play in this game.
  23. I got no problem with real Sara Jay, she simply ain't for my taste. But when it comes to art, the quality is seriously lacking here. Yes, her scenes are decent enough, especially with Epic version of Sara Jay. Said epic version even had well enough made art for poses. Same can't be said about the Legendary version. That's also something I can't really understand. How can one version of the same girl have decent to good art, while the other one being not so good to awful quality? This is also not the first time that Legendary girl causes debate/arguments here. Some people already complained about Taria and her looks. Fabienne being full on lesbian causes lots of ruckus and now this case with Sara Jay. This recent case is just garnering much more attention as people have stronger opinions here, being it about RL persons place in this game, quality of art, choice of current legendary girl and people personal beauty standards. It's this latter one that actually reminds me of something that everyone here in the forum should remember. Beauty is subjective matter and debating, commenting or reacting to it is basically a lost cause. Something that's beautiful to one person could be utterly disgusting to other one. But there is always someone out there that finds something beautiful and it doesn't matter how much someone protests over it as it won't change anything. I'm sure that, if we would make top 10 most beautiful girls list in this game, over 95% of all girls would appear at least once in someone list.
  24. Or strategic koban saving. If you only use kobans during Legendary days events, 4-5k free kobans should be doable...especially on higher lvl leagues.
  25. Used some kobans to get her on my nutaku account......and now I wish I wouldn't have used any. This Legendary Sara Jay might have best battle stats around, but her art is the worst of all. I think Sara is even close to beating Gork here, which is rather questionable achievement. Edit: Actually, normal Gork beats this Sara Jay rather clearly....but at least Neandertal Gork is still worse...not that that makes it much better.
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