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Everything posted by Namenloser

  1. WE do the Clubchampions every Saturday together and he goes down. So join us so we can make more days the CC
  2. - Lederwein (ger) - 4091 - We speak German - 23 of 30 members - To reach the max clublevel and have fun - min. LVL 150 - Don´t be a silent player use our chat. everyone has to spend min. 60 Kobans/week at the moment.
  3. and i thought this game was simple if you look at this list that a lot.
  4. i was dick2. I wanted do fall to dick1 and didnt do anything now. The new week starts and i wanker 1. Is this normal?
  5. If someone postet this then sorry. Would it be possible to make a change in the market for selling the items? Some people would prefer it. the first is to filter the items class (common, epic...) the second one would be a "sell all" button. thanks in advance
  6. This picture you are showing had every boss. but after a few times they Dissapeared. And then they suddenly dont dissapear so from where should i know if this is a bug or not. Karol is the first boss where the gifts didnt dissapear.and because they dont show the money everyone has to know that the gifts stay forever. really great logic
  7. really great answer for a moderator. then tell me if there is somewhere a guide where i could have find this. The support could give me the same answer then i would have known this. Still thanks for your truly friendly answer
  8. i know that the bosses need longer but i find it just strange that the gifts dont dissapear like with the other bosses.
  9. Does Someone has the same Problem? I fought Karole now around 200 Times or even more. She always gave me 99% only Gifts. Even the bosses before her didnt have so many gifts . Its gettin really Frustrated. I wrote a ticket but they say as long the gifts are displayed they will come again....
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