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  1. Two weeks later the bug is still there. I don't think it's that difficult to fix, they obviously don't care.
  2. I managed to catch Wang because I won all 50/50, but that's more unique than rare. For all the others I'm still at 35 shards.
  3. It has been days since the timer broke, it was very convenient to quickly know when to log in. Can it be fixed?
  4. Dear players, As you're probably aware, we experienced issues with the Seasonal Event and it had to be taken down. We've investigated the issue and resolved it, and we'd like to share our plan for the consequences of the situation: - No players will be banned or suspended; - Players who have received more than 100 Combativity/Kisses from the exploit will have rewards received since the exploit, from all features using Combativity/Kisses, removed - All players will have their seasonal event progression reset and Shards from the event removed. The start date of the event will be changed to tomorrow (April 6th 2023) and the event will be extended by one day. There will be no changes to the duration of the ongoing Mythic Days event. We'd like to apologize for the inconvenience this has caused. Source: Discord
  5. It seems consistent to me that ladybugs have bugs. I had reached 600 points after a short time, it seemed too good to be true.
  6. Ciao, in game sono Mattress, il mio livello é 201 (Ho ricominciato a giocare da una settimana circa) e sono sempre molto attivo. (Tengo il gioco in background e ogni tanto passo a raccogliere soldi e fare sfide) Se servono altre info chiedi pure
  7. Tra tre ore circa mando la richiesta ( Ero uscito dall'altro club perché non scriveva nessuno e c'era poca partecipazione in generale), ho ripreso il mio vecchio account invece di ricominciare da zero ma sono molto attivo, di fatto tengo sempre aperto il gioco in background quando ho il pc acceso.
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