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Everything posted by sentinel003

  1. We're all moving down, it doesn't refresh to move us up.
  2. Same thing... We're whining now, let someone else do it for a change.
  3. Great to know. Will be funny to jump back to first place again in my country.
  4. Didn't see that in any of the threads, guess it was Disc or something. Thank you for the info.
  5. You asked about the currency return and that you used to get more, not that you used to fight more. I'm only proving that it isn't really true and that people are exaggerating.
  6. We are elaborating on the answer that the currency has been improved since the update, which Trunks has a hard time believing. So I'd say while we could be more on topic, we're not that much off. And if we debunk a myth in the process, I'd say it was worth it.
  7. Because I'm not reading a whole old thread to find something... But, yes, you're right... I did make a miscalculation there. But this is still lower because of the overflow I mentioned. You get 20 points in 3:30h and you presumably sleep at least double that, so you lost at least 20 points. But you can use all of the 48 points without them overflowing. 1.440.000-1.272.000= 168.000 (this is the ideal situation) Rather small difference if you ask me. even smaller when you consider you're losing points while sleeping or anything else. And at that point your harem is most likely producing more per day than this. A more realistic one when we remove the minimum of 20 "sleeping points" is 1.240.000-1.272.000= -32.000 (which puts you 32.000 ahead of the old system at least)
  8. I didn't know you can get her either. I stopped farming there after I got the 3 girls.
  9. Ninja and Donatien seem to have the worst drop rate. I have girls left on Ninja and right now fighting for one on Bremen and I will be done.
  10. Villains and PvP are now separated, so it doesn't matter now.
  11. I did something on the fly right now and I think this new system may even be better if my maths is correct. Namely... Old refill: 72 points per day, but since you needed 2 points to fight, that is 36 fights. New refill: 48 points per day and 48 fights. Also better because of overflow in the old system because of the fast refill. Someone said Finalmecia gave around 10k, I think it was more in the old system. Now on max lvl she will give much more. The formula for money is (lvl+5)*100. Since Finalmecia can go to 260, that means (260+5)*100=26.500 I think I didn't make any major mistakes there.
  12. You can't anymore. Neither there, nor on the forums. That's why I was asking.
  13. In the light of the recent bugs they didn't only not fix, but are quiet about, I agree with this. A lot.
  14. Dirty Harry and I asked in that thread about the frozen ToF, no replies. @JessieChan @Kinkoid could possibly give this some needed attention.
  15. I didn't do the maths, but I think people exaggerate by how much it changed. Combativity refills are slower, but we also use less of it. So, instead of a fight every 20 min, you get a fight every 30 min. Not that bad. And instead of old 10 fights, you do 20 now per refill.
  16. All games need a competitive aspect. So even if I don't see mojo as something of much use, I still do want to see it unfrozen because I like to follow my advancing and how far I improved. Now I'm falling from no 1 in my country from various positions (fights, xp, etc) even though I shouldn't be. On topic... I do agree that we shouldn't lose as much if we're fighting someone near our lvl. and gain next to nothing. But it doesn't bother me that much, I'm just smarter about choosing my opponents.
  17. Is someone posting them here?
  18. Contests give rewards based on your lvl, don't know how often they increase. Bosses give more as you lvl them up. It has gotten worse compared to the old system only in the sense that you need to lvl them up to see change. When you max them out they should give more than previously. I think... I agree that the girls could give more... 1k is not really worth a click. For a while I didn't even collect the harem at all.
  19. Lenaelle is from the last world. Maybe that's the reason?
  20. I don't think it's about the wanting it, but that some of us can't upgrade. I don't see my country if I want to try and do it via phone. May I also repeat the question about ToF... Anything in the works there? I'd also like to change my e-mail, how is that possible? (Sorry for the offtopic, but since this thread has got your attention now....)
  21. That is good news, thank you. If it was against Villains, I'd understand, but we want out girls on top of their game for PvP. Not to be rude, but rather than working on updates, how about some bug fixes? I dropeped to 800+, when I should be 200+ or sub 200.
  22. Affection needs to remain a drop!!! I upgrade my girls affection before they go into battle to have the best stats.
  23. So, around 50M for everything. Yeah, of course I... don't have even 10% of it. At least I got 3 star on Kalissa and 1 on Lenaelle. And with the new girl coming and most likely a desirable stat... will have to farm her for next to 0 money. And the game is offering some decent updates to gear lately and I'm buying those too often, sometimes even on the same lvl.
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