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Everything posted by GarfEild

  1. 278 here with the same results, and apparently some people have gotten even higher with the same... If I get him to 280 with no results, I'm going back to get a leftover girl from an earlier boss. Maybe that will jump-start something, despite reports to the contrary.
  2. If I recall correctly, during MOST events (7 out of 10 is a fair guess, I think), I'm able to get the two "free" girls without paying. But there are those 3 where I get nothing despite trying. And it's usually a girl or girls I really wanted that I don't get. During the event just passed, I was able to get both girls, but in Mecha event, nothing, and I really wanted one of those girls. So I do think it is partially based on luck... it's just that luck seems to be very bad during some events. Which is why I would like to see the addition of some visible factor that increases your odds by a noticeable degree. But by and large, in my experience, event girls are still easier to get than some "starter" girls. Which is pretty backwards to me, but whatever.
  3. I know nothing about Faith from Mirror's Edge, but I would have sworn Hope was based on Gogo Tamago from Big Hero 6... Maybe the curves and the color scheme threw me. And I thought for sure I'd seen her wearing those same type of shoes at least once. But oh well. Hope looks nice either way.
  4. I managed to get both girls this time, but there have been multiple events with two "free" girls when I couldn't manage to get any. So i'm just considering myself lucky this time around. Although I feel the need to point out that I used to be able to get both girls during an event without too much trouble, but somewhere among all the game changes, my luck lowered.
  5. I can say for sure that there are two changes about rarity that I'm all for. There was a Common girl I was looking to 5 star, and before the recent patches that was going to cost me upwards of 19 million. Just did it today for less than 2 million. And, I don't know if this will change, but it seems to me that Common 5 star girls, when fully leveled, have stats comparable to Epic 3 star girls. Which, at the moment, is good because I only have around three Epics. And just to throw this in there, yet another reason to collect girls: the bigger your harem, the more money it earns (which is important because if you never bother to grow or upgrade it, it earns less money, so things would certainly seem more expensive that way). I admit I do wish drop rates were a bit more... fruitful, I guess. (I don't want to say consistent, because some might say that them being few and far between is consistent) But in the meantime I keep busy by upgrading girls, and trying to get certain ones to drop. Though I can see why that wouldn't be enough for some people.
  6. Also for not so new players who maybe weren't paying enough attention.
  7. This is kinda answered already on the Equipment wiki page, but needs to be updated to contain info on the most recent patches. Equipment (and now girl) rarity color-coding seems straightforward to me, but I imagine someone could get confused if they're new and/or aren't paying close enough attention. So I wondered if there was a page on rarity and their colors yet. Or, put into question format: What do those colors around the equipment and some girls mean? And, somewhat in the same vein: Why is it that so much equipment at higher levels has worse stats than lower level ones? ...I genuinely want an answer to that one. To give an example, I'm at level 230, and still using a level 152 Legendary bowl, because every Legendary I've gotten that could replace it had worse stats. I almost can't believe they're randomly generated, because the worse stats seem fairly consistent. Although I suppose maybe I just got some really choice gear before an update that lowered the stats on newer stuff.
  8. I'm not really sure what's going on with the latest Patch Notes ( 30/05/18 ), but since that thread was closed, I'm sure someone already knows about it. So... I assume we just wait until someone with some authority starts a new comment thread? Which bugs me only because I have completely different guess on the inspiration for the second girl.
  9. I have never understood the logic behind putting any event girl in Epic Pachinko for a limited time. You can't aim your chance at them, so the chance of you getting them should be almost the same as trying to get them when they're not available. In short, no chance. You're far more likely to end up with either a boss girl you don't have, or any of a hundred girls that are always in the Epic Pachinko. About the only way that would change is if there was like a Supreme Pachinko that only appeared during events and only had about 30 girls in it at any one time.
  10. For anyone interested? I was right. Roko at 237, and still no girls. Although part of that may be blamed on the fact that I've gotten two drops elsewhere recently. And one of those after only two fights during an event, which is easily the fastest I've ever gotten an event girl. It's good to know the drop rate isn't totally broken for me, Roko is just being stingy. Those tentacles must make it easier to hold onto girls.
  11. Technically? Yes. I mean, it sucks that you paid for Norou and didn't get her, but that's not exactly an uncommon experience, from what I can see. But what is pretty uncommon is getting 6 girl drops in such a short time, even if it was during an event. At least, it's never happened to me, and I've been here almost a year.
  12. Yeah, I realized it later. Looks like my team will have to be Sailor Celsius, Shao, and Gossy. Although right now my all common team is in much better fighting shape, so I'll be using them for a while longer. And I also notice my new team can't rise past 3 stars, either, so there's a chance the old team's max stats will still be better overall.
  13. I think this may be an unpopular idea among free players, but I have mentioned the possibility of a girl you get solely for the first time you donate. Or a series of girls, each unlocked by donating a certain amount. I can see why free players would not want girls held hostage for money. But this another way of generating funds that can support the game. And I still think that if you at least got a guaranteed girl for donating, there wouldn't be as much for people to complain about during these legendary events. They could at least say, "Well, no legendary girl, but I got A girl." Though something like that would hopefully still apply to those who have paid in the past. Mind you, I am suggesting this as a free player, and I have no immediate plans to donate. In part because I know there's no guaranteed girl involved. If that were to change, I'd at least consider it.
  14. Don't have either those, so I'm most likely going with Gossy, Sailor Celsius, Shao, and/or The housemaid. Almost certainly the housemaid, since she was on a previous team and doesn't need as much leveling. I'm not too worried, just a little annoyed that I spent all that time upgrading commoners.
  15. I suspect it was just bad timing. After a recent update I've heard multiple people complaining about a dry spell. I was one of them, but I did just get a starter/common girl a couple of days ago, so technically I guess the dry spell is over for me.
  16. I'm a charm player. I'm currently using a team of Abrael, Kalissa, and Juliette. I have no legendary girls, so I thought I'd switch to an all-epic team. But of course I only have one epic charm girl with a charm score of 4. I knew this update would call for some shifting things around, but I was hoping I'd be in better shape than this.
  17. Huh. No, I think I would always rather have the boss girls drop right away, even if it meant poorer stats on them. For the most part, boss girls would likely be of low rarity/quality anyway, since there's no time limit on them and thus everyone should have an easier time getting them eventually. I don't care what their stats are, I just want them because they're parodies of characters I like. They don't need good stats to look pretty in my background. But I do need them to put them in my background. Assuming I don't want to cheat with screenshots and editing, which I don't.
  18. That would explain why it might take so long to get a second drop from a boss, not so much why it would take so long to get a first drop. If there are people in the 250s still waiting on a first drop... I guess I'm in for a long wait. But it's stuff like this that makes me long for a bonus bar or a type of girl that increases the drop rate against certain bosses. Mind you, I'm skipping Legendary Days, and at this rate, I wouldn't expect to have gotten a girl from Roko Sensei by the time it ends.
  19. I was about to ask if the drop chances were better with the boss at a higher level, but clearly that's not true. Level 215 and still nothing...
  20. I didn't realize some people felt this strongly about the last Legendary Days, though I could tell there was some annoyance. And yes, I was annoyed myself, though less because I didn't get the girl and more because the only way to get her was to fight the very first boss, which meant I was very low on money when the event ended. I would never suggest a "koban strike" or anything like that, however: I would simply make the personal decisions to not spend money on an event, or to skip an event and focus on improving my harem instead. Yes, I'm upset if I don't get a girl I want, but I do still enjoy the game and want it to keep progressing and improving. For the most part I am looking forward to the girl rarity update, because it seems like it will bring some interesting changes. But based on my previous experience with Legendary Days, I do think that is an event I will traditionally skip, unless some major changes are introduced into it. And again, that's my personal choice, I'm not going to attempt to convince other players to follow my example. That is just a style of play that I think will make me happiest. And Chthugha, thank you for the poll results. I don't recall seeing it so I'm not sure if I took part in it, though I do recall posting my feelings in a thread once the event ended, which is where I got the idea that most people did not care for how the event played out. And I admit that was somewhat reassuring, because if I got the impression that most free players got the girl and I didn't, that would have annoyed me more...
  21. I also haven't been able to get a single girl since the last update. If it was just the event girls, I'd think that was normal but disappointing, but boss girls aren't dropping at all, either. And increasingly I'm running into an issue during various fights where there's an extended pause before the Skip button appears that results in either the fight eventually finishing, or a server timeout. I'm starting to think that may be impacting the drop rate as well.
  22. The overwhelming impression I got from the first Legendary Days seemed to be that many people paid for refills yet still didn't get the girl... which doesn't exactly give me much incentive. And to be clear, I didn't get that impression until after I had wasted the entire event fighting Dark Lord, thinking I had a chance. So I was doubly disappointed. And considering how much trouble I have just getting some of the "free" girls to drop lately, one that's even rarer, less likely to drop, and that I might have to pay for, doesn't interest me. Generally, I'm not a fan of holding rare characters hostage in exchange for money, but in this case, I'd rather people who donated did get an exclusive Legendary girl. At least, that sounds better to me than people who donated complaining about not getting a Legendary girl, anyway. So I'm thinking I may skip this event and focus on trying to save up some money for affection raising. And I suspect this won't be the last time.
  23. I'm waiting for the changes before raising any girl past three stars. Apparently my current battle team will be "commonized" and I may need to pick a higher quality one.
  24. Not only have I not gotten any event girls, once again the newest regular boss girls are proving evasive. So I've given up on the current event girls and have been focusing on the boss girls. Not that it's done any good yet. This is why I would really like to see something along the lines of a boss bonus bar that gradually fills for every boss fight won, until you're guaranteed a girl drop somewhere when the bar is full. I don't care for the feeling of wasting time fighting lower level bosses for a girl that never drops. And if she isn't going to, then at least a normal girl should. At some point, the number of girls you've already collected should indicate that you're getting better at it, and so it should be harder for some girls somewhere to resist the lure of your expanding harem. Or something.
  25. I didn't realize that was the same person posting under multiple accounts, so count me among the confused. I don't understand the desire for so many accounts for playing, and certainly not for playing and posting. Particularly since he was complaining about aspects of the game and insisting he would contribute no money to it the last time I spoke to him. I can understand how posting under multiple accounts gives the wrong impression. Likewise, I don't understand why he felt the need to do that. That's a lot of time spent playing and commenting on a game he was supposedly so unhappy playing. I'm sure this won't be a popular opinion, but if people are going to abuse multiple accounts in this way, perhaps tighter rules on having multiple accounts at all are needed. I don't really know common an issue people with multiple accounts is, though, but it seems like it could relatively easily lead to abuse.
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