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  1. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    Anyway, If only what matters for those that answered me on this thread is obviously a possible efficiency on koban spending, I do not think there is any reason to keep going. I have seen the Dev team treat average players very poorly (by omission) over and over again in many threads on the forum in the little time I play this. Little to no support to average player bugs (they may care for the top patreons) and problems with the game, bad practices like the one discussed on this thread and no real feedback to the community for days when a large problem occurs like the recent crossgame event for Hentai Clicker girl. And that makes perfect sense. If no support for valid reason is not really a reason to care as long as it is not happening to me. If a unethical design is not an issue as long as they throw me a cookie for it. If a large problem was not addressed for days it is ok if I managed to solve my end of it even if many people are still nuts about it. If community doesn't really care, why should the Devs do? Community and Devs, you do deserve each other. Peace and out
  2. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    "New player asks if it is normal in this game to have to use kobans." It could not happen in this way as the main problem is that event never suggested koban usage on first place. You really didn't read last post did you. player will just reach the end of it and think: - what now? doesn't seem possible to complete it. Now it is the time some veteran could tell player that kobans is the way to go. A misleading event the real reason for all this. "If the community tells you this event is the best value for your kobans, then you can take that for granted" I never said there person is wrong (or right) about it. This is just NOT the point of the argument. And the whole reason why this dragged for so long. It seems we are not really talking about the same thing, just same theme (the event).
  3. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    So in any game event (on any game) I am to assume that an event made entirely of normal game mechanics (in this case fighting world bosses with combativity points that replenish naturally over time) might not be possible to achieve through normal gameplay? And that is not inducing the player to an illusion? Yeah, you may learn it and use it as part of the game once you went through it (as you said yourself, a player playing for at least a month), but that does not erase the frustration of the players that actually just see an event supposedly awarding effort on normal mechanics. Many games make events based on premium currency or even mixing premium currency with normal mechanics either as a boost on efforts or just as extra event points, but that is usually very clear on event description. When a game makes NO MENTION on premium currency to achieve event goals and every simple action stated on event for such goals is made of everyday mechanics, what do you think most people would assume? Come on, be real. Do not try to make the way a veteran view it as the way ANYONE would view it. And yeah, it is a Dev responsibility to make it fair for the players on event descriptions so players know exactly what the event effort is about. "Time to spend your hard saved kobans" or something like that would be a nice hint where "normal gameplay tends to award around 50% and the rest of a girl and other girls must be acquired through premium currency" would be the ideal description. I'm not saying an event requiring premium currency is wrong. Devs do have to earn money. And it is their game and they can design it however they want it. What I'm saying that leading players to frustration is wrong. Fair play is all ethics would require here. Warning players about what the event is really about is required for a fair player-dev relationship. And no, the fact that the player will learn about it the hard way after some time spent in the game is NOT a solution to that. By that time the player already had a bad experience that could easily be avoided, so the problem still stands.
  4. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    Even if he actually agrees with you, you cannot respond for him unless he instructed you to do so (in which case you should have said so in your post). And he did quote me on the previous post, so we were indeed in a dialogue. You may have not understood but I did say he made his point about the subject he choose to focus on (I'm not really sure if he is correct but the point is made). And yes, it may be a good event from business and value point of view (depending on your view), but certainly not ethics, or there would be a warning on it about not being able to finish a single goal (girl) by "normal" gameplay. Some members of the community (as Chthugha, Shal, yourself and some other veterans) may have learned to deal with it and even pragmatically like it if they think it is advantageous for them in some way but it doesn't make it "right". For someone experiencing epic days for the first time and really investing effort into it under the premise it would lead to a new girl (even a single girl) if he worked hard enough, I doubt the sentiment would be something much different from frustration, anger or disappointment.
  5. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    Sounds like you are in the sale bussiness for them. Nevermind then. Pointless keeping this up as we would just focus on different subjects over and over again (Me on the ethics and good practices behind an event design and him on koban spending efficiency) even though we are on the same theme (Epic days event on Hentai Heroes). I made my point for those interested in hearing it. Shal made his. Fair enough.
  6. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    This disregard for ethics and principles is the attitude that perpetuate this kind of bad practice and disrespect in games and in life (The famous: "As long as I think I'm getting something from it, anything is OK, no matter what"). Good thing that aside from a very limited interaction on Clubs feature, this is a single player game, otherwise it could be a very toxic environment with players that think like you. And Kinkoid's market department is probably tunned to it if smart, because players may spend kobans in any possible way but unhappy players will just spend free ones as they are unlikely to put money into the game.
  7. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    I have already opted out. I see no problem with sales. Devs got earn their money. For the same reason I see no problem in requiring kobans to get some girls as pachinko only girls during events. Answering to the question about how do I spend kobans, I do save mine for opportunities, the ones clearly pointed out (pachinkos mostly as it seems to be the devs choice of doing it). I prefer event pachinkos myself. My problem with it is disguising a sale as event gameplay leaving the players starting out on the game thinking they actually have a chance of completing the event goal just to find out after putting effort on it that it is just not possible by normal gameplay no matter how efficiently you play. It is just unethical. Either sell them (directly or through loot boxes like one game pachinko). Or don't. Do not disguise it in a way that the player will end up frustrated on his effort accomplishing nothing by it. EDIT: If the main event window (bottom right of town) or in the news announcing the event (bottom left button in town) it was clearly stated that normal gameplay will only award half a girl requiring kobans to complete the other half I would see no problem at all. Bussiness as usual. Just do not make a fool out of the player.
  8. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    REAL events have both goals (complete missions daily, get from World boss) and paid options (pachinko). In those I actually got girls fighting bosses and from missions. This is not an event with a paid option. It is JUST a sale. No event at all. And yeah, it may be a bit cheaper than pachinko. That is the definition of sale. But I was expecting an event. Not a sale.
  9. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    My point exactly. And very expensive since it seems I would need 4 days worth of combativity to get the other half of attraction. With no free Kobans from event missions on activities. So basically a no-event. If you cannot complete a single event objective in a game during event duration (in this case a single girl) by "normal" game play it is not an event, it is just a disguised sale. I pass.
  10. Kjeldryn

    Epic Days

    Girl attraction drop rate seems too low for event duration. I have not wasted any combativity points (not letting it get full) and I'm fighting same boss since event started. In 42 hours (out of 96 total for the event) I got 27 attraction on one girl. Droprate would have to double to even make it possible with perfect combativity usage (for a a single girl). Since there is no event pachinko or event missions for an added bonus, this seems like a no-event for me.
  11. I can confirm it worked for me too. Thx mate!!!!
  12. All they have to do respond to support tickets about the issue with a working link. This would solve 90% of the issues involving this crossgame girl and allow them to focus on the remaining 10% better.
  13. So no solution yet. Just the usual blaming on something else. I wonder why let this drag on. I mean, if they have already took the time to read the ticket, a little more time to check player account for max level reached (if the person used same login credentials for both games) on Hentai Clicker and adding the girl manually to that person Hentai Heroes harem would prevent them from receiving more and more support tickets from the same person. Even if somehow the support guy do not have the means to actually fix it, just sending the link in the ticket response (same link banner is supposed to provide) would solve most cases and prevent a lot of new support tickets. Meaning less work for them.
  14. I haven't received Mizuk1 girl from hentai clicker as many other players and I have already submited a support ticket and posted on a bug report thread about it. The problem seems to be related with the player having to click on a specific popup on Hentai heroes (which there is no way for the player to manually trigger) which should generate an event on Hentai Clicker. Once the player completes it on Hentai Clicker it should push an event back to Hentai Heroes with the girl reward. I do not know if I'm right about the above process, but it is too complex and gives opportunity to many errors. This is a suggestion to fix it for this and future crossgame events: Since the idea is that the user login with same credentials on all games from this publisher, it is not hard to extract data from the other titles on account level once they are recorded For Hentai Heroes, town is the main screen player will be returning over and over again every time invoking the "show town" script. Simply add to that script: (just some logic, not actual commands) If [Highest level achieved] value on [Hentai Clicker] > 3000 (and any other requirements there may be) If Mizuki not present on Harem Add Mizuki to Harem Trigger crossgame girl reward banner No need to push events back and forth between games and a lot less prone to errors This may easily be done to all future crossgame events Edit: Since this would be automatic, you may want to add some popup on the target game of the event (on this case Hentai Clicker) warning the player once he completed all goals ON TARGET GAME required for the event (in this case reaching level 3000) that he should log in on the source game (in this case Hentai Heroes) to collect the rewards. If there are additional requirements to complete on THE SOURCE GAME, it may show a popup on login saying the job is done on target game and all the player has to do is to complete requirements X and Y for the reward.
  15. I would if there was any way of triggering it
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