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woodsman's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I won 4 purple orbs today on boobie wars (task 10) and they did not show up on any of the pachinko games im bit upset/ as i spent real money to buy gold coins so i could achieve the task before the event ended. ive logged in then out and refreshed the page several times but they haven't showed up. can i get my orbs or do i have to /request a refund.
  2. thanks for your help the power ups have been now been applied to my account. there appears to be a function to change email in forum account settings but as you mentioned the change /edit button doesn't work yet. once again thanks.
  3. i made a mistake when submitting my email address to register so i haven't been able to validate my account. not thinking it would be a problrm i made a purchase on a sale / special offer deal but didn't receive the energy or cash but did receive the legendary items. how do i correct my email address and claim the rest of the promotional offer please.
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