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  1. Sounds like you haven't accounted for potentially lost moves from the bug goin around. I've already lost 5 moves from that alone, though hopefully they'll fix it so it stops happening soon since it majorly sucks. That little bug single handedly made sure that there was no way I was gonna be able to complete this event without spending kobans lol. ._.
  2. Did they give any info on about how many movements it took them in total? And how many Kobans they went through to finish all 10 levels? Pretty curious to see the pricetag on this event.
  3. Thank goodness for that, small mercies. Sabrina looks like it'll be unlikely to complete if you aren't putting some money into the event or at least a pretty hefty chunk of saved kobans, even more-so with the placement bug occasionally costing you some moves. I've lost 4 movements now because of the game not registering them after placing them on the board, but at least I may still have a chance at nabbing Cookie someday from the gacha. Thanks a bunch for the info Keeper, though now I gotta decide how I want to let this event play out lol.
  4. I'm also a bit curious if Cookie is time limited as well. Having a koban sink event like this on top of a time limited girl would be pretty rough, which is a shame since both girls are pretty powerful in their own right. This event is starting to feel a little like a slap in the face. x.x
  5. Spend lots of kobans for more moves! Though half of them might not actually go through so you'll have to buy even more to make up for the moves you lost due to the event not working properly. \( T ^ T)/ I was so excited for a new type of event, I guess I should have been more careful for what I wished for.
  6. I've had this same thing happen to me multiple times, lost multiple attempts this way now. This event was already insanely unforgiving with the huge cooldown time and low overall event time, this is basically the last nail in the coffin for even having a chance at getting the event girl if you aren't wanting to fork over insane amounts of kobans. Add to that, we don't even know if they are gonna fix it so who knows how many attempts you'll be losing from your purchased moves either, this event isn't worth the risk at the moment.
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