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Everything posted by saberbholt

  1. To make the long list of girls i use the button of the zoom option to reduce of the browser ^^
  2. the most important options are missing, they have a search engine and not a menu to make a sort, and less options time to pay, ascend, descend and a box so that the main list always looks like this. I think the developers did not understand that we want a setup for how the list looks and not a search engine. Without that kind of options for my taste it is completely unnecessary and just a curiosity instead of a functional and practical tool. In the other hand, having changed the UI visually of only one section and not of all the screens of game gives a strange impression for the player, the combination of colors collides with the pictures for combats of pvp for example
  3. do not know how it will be in your work, but in mine if my company does something wrong because of an error, they take responsibility and compensate for the error in monetary form or with a totally free premium service. In fact in this case they know that it is a mistake of theirs that affected many people and does not even require economic compensation, if they had wished they could have done the prehistoric event of 12 days with the compensated drop rate and repeat the event by announcing it before. The real problem seems to be that a group of players is getting used to the fact that when there is an error that affects them or part of the community, they decide that nothing happens and that should not be the case, they should ask for responsibilities and it should not happen again , because if it is done, there is a risk that attention will not be paid to the details because it does not happen, people will be happy.
  4. @Harem KrishnaI understood you hahaha, what I was referring to is that as a programmer my philosophy is and always was: that the company that uses the hardware itself and does not do anything or the minimum client, so I did not think they did not calculate the time. About the number of consultations, as I said, I do not think they'll ever do so many, not even 20 per second (I put 200 because it's a number of maxima I've come to see in Sap S / 4 with some companys). As you say, is a company that seeks only benefits even at the cost of burning the product and when it fails to change the name of the game, funds, icons, characters and history and come out as "hunting all pokemons."
  5. Nothing, today 1 USD → 0,84835 EUR but in his change they win more
  6. About what the creator of the thread indicates, I completely agree: you have to be clearer and transparent, and if you are asked how in this case you will solve a problem that has occurred, I do not want you to tell me how you will go to repeat (you should never repeat a problem) I want you to answer me how you solve the problem caused or if you do not take responsibility; but a clear and concise answer even if you do not like the answer. The problem is that you always try to look good and that is not a good policy. Be clear and if something does not like you do not obviate it, answer it even if you do not like it.
  7. Diference is in the last legendary event was your fault the people use lenguajes aren't english or french don't see the event (spanish, rusian, german, italian and portuguese). For that the question is how to fix the problem create the main developers for this people who don't see for give the legendary girl Norou. If the answerd is "nothing, the event happened and it's the players' problem" I would like it to be an official response and you pronounce
  8. Maybe I expressed poorly, let me reformulate the question: Are you going to repeat the event, put the girl in pachinco, do a revival or nothing?
  9. @JessieChan Any news of the Dev's or staft for the problem of people not see the last legendary event and actuation from his side to make a solution?
  10. ufff if it could work by timestamps of the server seen as you indicate that it is not a large company with finite resources, and if so I hope you do not give too many problems the automatic change of summer and winter time in Europe. In the companies where we work, we would never leave charges like this for readings and comparison from the database for performance issues (ram vs hdd or solid state) and for sure use processor of clients without his knowledge with all completly specified in a clear document. Although as you say is a small bussines and doubt that it has 2,000 queries at a time or 200 :-P until that typr of filosopy im the code the only think for make the pool of pay was relauch the monthly card
  11. It does not matter, you are really right in the client code but it is something conceptual that has escaped you: the client shows and indicates the activated button as you say and checks with the server if it has a right, or if it is correct the button is active and pick up the paago. But what escapes you is the concept "if the server decides it is valid", at this point to know the server if your counter is correct, is delayed by lag or you have the right or not to charge, you can only do it in 2 ways : running a timer to zero or doing the differential calculation between server time stamp for next payment and current time on the server. For practical purposes, a timer will be used or an infinite loop of verification of the button will be used (since it always checks) so that this does not happen, a 2 step check is done if desired; a timer that reaches zero + when the time stamp check reaches zero. Of course with the timer the other is not really necessary in this situation and I would only add more calculations and code, that's why I am convinced of the use of timers in the server. (Don't worry for if are or not wrong, is the most interessant responses in a thread i read in time ago ^^ )
  12. they could be using another system for the timer which is basically the same but with small pauses, I explain when a timer reaches zero and the timer is not picked up, it stops in terms of calculs, also they can make that when you disconnect you save the time and calculate it when reconnecting making the difference and updating the time of the timer (is the wayI would have used), that would have less timer running on the server while the user is not connected, but that does not free the server from having to work with all the timers of the connected users and As we have seen, they are not few.
  13. jajaja I understand you, but in my case it is because of my work experience and my type of work as a database and management programmer as well as the experience in mmo games (where there are calculations and many on the client side for which bots can be created or cheat players with external programs)
  14. i think is the load data from database for display in your html screen,. Don't see any code for make operations and more important, if code works how you think, you can cheat from your side the code for change timers, payments, lvl an all of the game, thats one of the things because all calculs are from server side. Is more a Object-oriented programming, your side buttons make unchain the code in server side for make changes in your account of the database and change your visualitation variables in your side for see the changes. I make a easy probe for that, change the computer hour and reopen game, if work unyil you think making the timers in your pc and compare marks time the girls are in time to pay and not, the clocks are in the some time and more importnt i change the time with the game open and not have efect, don't crash, don't update timer, simply done, for that questions i am sure is the server who make the calculs in his side.
  15. I think you confuse threads with clock cycles, a timer usually uses 20 clock cycles more or less, each processor in a 3.5 ghz i7 has 3.5 x 10 raised to 9 in each kernel, roughly: i7 of 6 cores would have 18,000,000,000 cycles in total, the threads refer more to the number of simultaneous programs, but here we talk about all the timers are in a single program next to the system of connection to the database and login. You should not confuse the number of processes in a system with the number of parallel calculations of a process, for example when executing a raytrace in a render the number of calculations for incidence of light particles and rebounds are calculated individually although they are calculations that require many more CPU cycles to be executed than a simple timer
  16. thats not correct and can verify that easy, when you reconect in 10 or 50 minuts the timers of the girls was not stoped or reset, the only think for that was is: A) your computer make the calculs, but that not posible because you don't have a client software and if you shutdown the computer the timers of the girls run. Until the only think is option b. B) the server make calculs of all the timers of all the girls ever are you or not conect, and thats is consumition of clock processor cicles. I now the conection and refresh of an acount and search in database is one of the thinks less use make to a processor. A lot os leess than calculs of timers. For make an idea, the conecton of user with database the most problematic is the speed to search in hard drive dates in query, the rest of operations are so fast (move to variable, asignation of memory, sent to screen...) and when data of user is charrged or compare the conection with the database is closed and reopened when change of screen (for compare if are or not changes in the tables of the database). But allways the processor are calculatin the countdown of all the players girls (and the other timers form shop, etc). If like to make a sense of that problem with timers only need to make a simple proyect in any programing lenguaje some visual basic. when more timers have so much cicles need the procesador.
  17. the code in execution always is make the timers for all users, one for pvp change of players, one for change of items in the shop, one for recarge energy, one for the recharge of combat points and onme for every girl have in his harem for the pay. That is always for all player are or not conected make the calculs and the code for make wait conections of players. the code for load dates of database for players only work when a player is conected and is checked every time refresh screen or change of screen (if you see for any changes need to change to one or other screen: buy item, play pachingo, make combat) are in this moment the server make comprobations and change dates or upload new dates. For that the code for execution primary (the timers) make a down of work from 80 timers in only one user to 5 with that system, multiply for every player who have more than 1 girl in this harem and you see the number of timers the server don't need to calculate. Really is more than 30% the new charge of work but i put that number because think in backup data of the database and all the server system in second plane.
  18. Well i put a idea for make a real optimitation of the server 20 minuts ago with real improbent of the work charge
  19. in reality you would not need to have the computer on, the server would know if you have activated the monthly card and collect the pool, obviously if you have a card not only would not do it but as now by not collecting cash from a girl, the timer is not restart (it is not a cumulative pool) the idea is not having all the money in cash (except obviously pay for the monthly card) is more to have a reason to buy it and eliminate the chronometers that use a lot of server work (going from 79 timers to 5 with 75 girls is a lot of calculations less, imagine that for each player when working the server) Imagine the midle of players have is 50 girls, with that systen of only 5 timers (pool cash, batle, energy, shop and pvp change of enemy) the server can be x45 times the number of players actualy with the some work charge and have one more reason give the monthly card (monetitation of the game) with no impact in the players.
  20. Improvement in the performance of the server and greater reason to buy the monthly card (and more number of players who use it). Does it seem too good? Actually the concept is very simple: Eliminate all the girls' counters (which reduced the server's workload by almost 30% or less from the current load) and leave only one general girl counter in a common pool where the cash would be for pick it up (instead of 1 in 1 with your counter). For example: it would happen to have 75 girls with 75 different counters with payments between 595 to 5000 to be a single accountant with 140,000). But how would this re-launch monthly card sales? Simply making the monthly card if activated automatically pick up the pool. But would not people stop coming in? Yes and no, remember that every 30 minutes there is refreshment in the PvP matches, so even if they did not have to enter every 10 minutes to collect cash from the girls there would still be traffic of people and the connection would be less saturated by not having to be pending every connected time So for the change in the collection of the pool automatically ?. It's simple, it would give you more freedom and flexibility when playing, without losing cash while you sleep, work, study or just prefer to go to the movies or watch a movie. What do you think of the idea?
  21. Any news for the Dev's for the problem of people not see the event and actuation from his side?
  22. Is only stetic, in the server side the timer have the some cicles for computer the dates, don't have any tecnical optimitation in that sense,. But if all or you see , when go from any screen and come to general screen (ej,. pachinco) see a correction in the timers from old timers, is the latency diference in the times, with the new timers you don't see that until have minus of 60 secons (and yes, until you not see have the some desfase). For that is only a stetic change.
  23. mon amour is the same connotation of Darling, is more affectionate than loving. Regarding the thread, the truth is not a theme the steampunk that I like never, I find it very forced as a genre except in alternative worlds in science fiction and even so I consider it an easy resource in that genere (scfy) In fact here the steampunk is a failure of the fat in continuity but is part of the story and very well spun for the following reason: There is light saber technology, there are androids that almost look like humans and wicks. These 3 technologies can coexist together and are compatible by technological advancement, nor is it a world where magic exists and there is even a chivalric code of honor but what does not make sense is that there is retro-anachronic technology with the technology shown.
  24. mmm in one word? is a bug, that should not happen and all should have the same maximum level
  25. I also fear the same from a company that is not serious and does not seek customer care, In any case it was the developer's fault and he should look for a solution to the problem caused by it and not pay the users for faults. The normal thing in another company would be to rewrite the entire calendar of future events and repeat this event, but as I said before, this is not a serious company that fixes the situations caused by themselves. I hope I'm wrong and they decide to start taking responsibility for their actions.
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