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Everything posted by Shorty-er

  1. It seems you are reading a completely different discussion. I read a lot of comments, and only in part it's about the missing tools to select a team. Even so: saying that the feature to select a team is announced and coming "real soon now" doesn't change the fact that the fact that it is missing *now* creates a problem *now*. And therefor is still valid feedback. Whatever is said in the blog post. Also, you really think that was the reason for releasing an incomplete feature? And not that they're simply not done yet? If so, I have a bridge for sale that I'd like to talk to you about There is absolutely nothing in the history of KK that validates this fear. Time and again they have released whatever they wanted, often against clear feedback from the forum-using player base. The idea KK will now suddenly listen to such feedback and stop when they've already starting releasing a feature, is not based in reality. Rest easy, you'll get the full feature. Eventually
  2. Quote from the internet today: "Lying by omission, otherwise known as exclusionary detailing, is lying by either omitting certain facts or by failing to correct a misconception. For example: Kinkoid Patch notes." In KKs continued mission to shaft their playerbase as hard as they can, today's effort combined: Delays in the update, causing people not to finish their plans for the legendary contest; Another new feature pushed through, incomplete, buggy and underdocumented; Ignoring remaining issues caused by a previous "update"; Another undocumented nerf. Given the "scene" of this game, I'm sure there are some players who enjoy KK's effort to shaft them as hard as they can. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people. As to the nerf in "attack" or impression value, I have the impression my mythicals have not been affected, or very little, while my common girls are affected hardest. Can anyone confirm or deny that?
  3. Are you saying that you think the CC is not a broken feature?
  4. For me, the most important line in the patch notes was this: Note: the Q&A will be entirely dedicated to the new PvP! KK doesn't want to talk about the ****-up CC, about the mess with the market still giving less XP and affinity than before, or even little things like the Harem timer disappearing. Or about any of the other things they are trying to swipe under the rug and hope we forget about. Me, I don't want to talk about the silly "PvP" changes. I have no doubts at all it'll be released into the live game pretty much as-is, despite what anyone or everyone might be saying about it during that Q&A.
  5. Because clearly a player with no/less mythics can win against a player with a full mythic team. When the values from all the girls matter right from the start... <smh> I ran the whole text through a de-double-speak-inator, and got this: We will sell more mythical girls. We will sell more mythical items to upgrade mythical girls. And when everyone has a team of 7 mythics we'll introduce skills so you'll need even more mythical girls and even more mythical items to level up those girls as well. Oddly enough, a different translation tool said it meant: All your $$ are belong to us. edit: I botched the famous "all your base" quote. Oops.
  6. If you look up "Deafening Silence" in a dictionary, it will point to this patch note. Edit: I just noticed, below the "Harem" it used to say xx mins until yyy money". I don't have that anymore. Anyone else?
  7. Fully agree with all of your post, incl the bit above. And I won't be moving to that ugly comix game KK has started either. I'll make sure to avoid KK like the plaque.
  8. LMAO. Yeah, CC is dead. As lower lever players will simply quit, it will become harder for higher level players to get anywhere too.
  9. Ah, ok. That's my bad. So that means if a club gets 33 people to participate they get to the point where 1% impression = 1 shard, correct? More people if obviously better. Edit: absolute max would be 40 participants, leading to 1.23 shard per 1% impression.
  10. No screenshot, but I'll fill in the values in your formula: 1 = 2.5 * (3 + (3*25)) HTH
  11. Correct. If there is a (more or less) fixed and limited number of shards per CC, it's suddenly no longer a positive thing to be in a big, active club.
  12. I almost whish that were true. Yesterday I had 2.5% impression, but I was somewhat down the list of participating players. I spent about 80 kobans to get there (expecting to at least double my reward to two), and got: (drumroll) ONE shard. The CC isn't just broken, it's FUBARed.
  13. I think the numbers have been pretty much crunched, and I'm not adding anything anymore myself either. I've lost interest, especially after todays patch notes are pretty much KK sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" while congratulating higher level players who have yet again been advantaged over lower level players. This thread is in danger of becoming just another thread to complain about the nerf to CC, and it's better to keep that focused. I wouldn't mind if a moderator decides to close it. Hint hint... .
  14. It does explain why it was so urgent to fix the club-hopping non-issue. It would have become a *massive* issue with this nerf if club-hopping was still allowed. People would jump into lower level clubs, kill the CC, walk away with a lot of shards and leave next to nothing for the club members. In itself it's nice to see KK so pro-active for a change. It's too bad they're pro-active about an issue they just created themselves.
  15. I started a thread called "Club Champion number crunching" in General Discussion.
  16. A thread for the people to post data on when they see their CC shard reward change, so the number crunching crowd can try and crack the formula. Let us know what data you need? I went from 4 to 5 shards with (my impression / total impression / total impression needed): 30,354,700 / 542,333,174 / 622,080,000 I'm in 5th place with 22 players below me in the ranking.
  17. So will it help the number crunchers if I post data here of when the number of shards changes? Has anyone started a new thread to collect the numbers?
  18. I'm currently 5th from top, with 20 people below me. I have done about 6% of the total damage, or 4% of his total ego. And fixed on 3 shards since forever. I'm fairly sure KK slipped in a nerf here as well. Oops, sorry, I mean: they "balanced" it. But I admit I could be wrong, I never did understand how that shard range used to be calculated.
  19. Mythic items are now for sale in the shop as well (for real $). That seems to have slipped out of the release notes. You know that saying of giving with one hand and taking away with the other? With one hand KK take away some xp/affinity, and with the other hand they give us the opportunity to buy it back. For real $.
  20. I am currently on 33 challanges on the club boss, with 18 people below me in the ranking. And I'm on a wopping 3 whole shards! I am starting to wonder if KK took this opportunity to slip in yet another reduction.
  21. I am very curious about how this fixed number compares to the average drop we used to get. Anybody happen to be on a champ and can report on the change? I was low, so 1-3, and have 1 fixed under the new system. So far not an improvement, but it might be better at higher ranges. It is also still a reduction in usefulness of buying a market reset with kobans. Even though they are moving in the right direction compared to the previous patch, they've still made the situation around XP and affinity worse.
  22. Anyone else initially have problems buying a (for example) yellow item, that after closing and re-opening of the market miraculously turned into a red item? Have had that twice now.
  23. Wow, then one part of the player base can never buy a book, the other part can buy only one. That's a kinda drastic move there Franck
  24. Or, option f) show the mythic items while the shop would otherwise be "empty"? So people who want to go above and beyond what you get once every 8 hours can spend their kobans. And then after 8 hours refill with the normal non-mythical stuff. Obviously the items will still have to become cheaper less stupendously overpriced for it to be an alternative over refreshing.
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