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Everything posted by TheRealBinz

  1. Ah, KK is still in the same mode: "Crap, our artists are crap!" "Don't worry, just give it big tits and a big ass, and the players won't mind." And yes, I purposely used the word "it", and not "her" :P. As for the event, I skipped it once I saw the girl and the yemen animation. I'll probably skip whatever comes next too.
  2. Request: I'd like an option, for the girls in my harem, to show them as a shadow, like all the girls that haven't joined the harem (yet). A sort of -1 star so to speak. Reasoning: As the art starts to vary more and more, it is increasingly likely people end up with some girls they don't like. I've read Devs have stated they will never implement options to remove/swap/whatever girls from a harem. By adding this option I can almost hide the girls that turn me off. (Like Natasja, or Sarah Jay...).
  3. I checked all poses for all 8 girls (not the scenes, obviously) and I can honestly say: I want none of them, and there are 3 where if I got them anyway that have at least 1 pose that doesn't make me recycle my last meal. The rest I would have to replace with blank images. And I can't really be bothered to do that. I don't even know why I'm still playing, with "art" like this. When I started playing (on an older account I since abandoned) I thought "Oh, nice game. Good art, a bit of competition, and events to spice things up." By now I have learned: the art is being diluted with rubbish the competitive part is unbelievably broken some of the events are a bloody chore. IDK. I think I'm about ready to call it quits.
  4. Ah thanks, clever! I had not thought to look at the harem page. I will ignore it because the only way to play this event is to interrupt whatever I'm doing 5000 times a day to do something in HH. I'm not inclined to do that. I value my work, time playing other games, social time far higher than I'll ever value HH. It might be a little thing for you, and that's fine, I don't begrudge you that. I have ADD and every switch of my focus from one thing to something else leads to massive wastes of time. As I normally play I just manage to complete the dailies (most times, not always). It's the thing I hate most about PoA: I can't just go play for a while and finish a bunch, I have to switch to HH way too many times. So, that's just me but yes, I'm ignoring it :D.
  5. So these girls are 3 star? 5 star? How can I discover that if it's not in the announcement? It's not really important as I will be ignoring the event after stage 4 or 6 (as usual, by now), I'm just curious.
  6. Re Multi-edit: I didn't consider it, and as I was responding/posting to unrelated parts of this thread I don't know if I would have done it if I *had* considered it. However, I'll be more mindful of it in the future. Re the parts of your post about players in "end-game" and where they can get points: I had never considered any of that! Re the quoted part: I'm one of those. I see no point to get to level 400 as there's nothing there for me so I don't particularly want the xp, I can do without the "wins" of low level leagues, so I don't participate in the league other then just keeping myself in the lowest bracket. I still don't dominate most contests, *except* when PvP wins come into it. As I posted in one of my earlier too-many posts (sorry!): if I went and got all my potential wins in the league now, I would indeed easily score very high in today's particular contest.
  7. Competitive game ends once you reach 400. Nothing you can do will help you catch up
  8. That is a bit of a tall order, but I've long felt KK should have a 2nd "group" or "slot" whatever you want to call it, with a reset time 12 hours offset from the current reset timer. An eastern world and a western world, so to speak. And then let people choose which world they want to be part of. And make them sit out a week if they want to change. Splitting the player base like this into 2 groups should help with lag, and certainly addresses the (very valid) complaints about the influence of sniping and time-zones on the results in-game. It doesn't involve changes to the software. Just run a 2nd server and install the software again. I still don't expect KK to do it.
  9. Odd. Even though I'm not even trying, I'm at 3rd in my group atm (100k, 115k for nr 1 position). Just from spending energy on quests, doing Arena fights for daily quest and doing the normal daily quests. If I'd go fight in the leagues I'd be in nr 1 position. That leads me to believe a lot of people are like me and not bothering with the event? Just doing normal daily stuff.
  10. There are servers that run MMOs. They have to calculate not only many attacks at the same time, but also running, position of players, line of sight, collision (attacks or players hitting scenery) etc etc. These servers do that for 10000s of players. The calculations for this game can be done with a simple calculator, that is how simple they are. More of them will not stress out any modern processor. It's the memory usage of keeping track of all the players and their requests. I suspect this game is running on a 386 with 16 MB memory, something I was very happy with 30 years ago. The hamsters inside have long reached retirement age but KK seem to be rather attached to them.
  11. >>" If you’ve been active in the last 72 hours and your level is over 20, you will participate in a wide-open, sweating and arduous contest! " LOL no. The arrogance. <beep> this contest, <beep> the lag, I don't even like the girl, and even if I did: this game is so screwed up that there is no point in trying to compete if we weren't here from the beginning. Why on earth would I bother with this BS if even 5 star legendary girls won't help? I keep slowly collecting the girls I actually like (which excludes most new girls), I don't think the game as-is is worth spending real $ on, and I don't think the game as-is is worth it to try-hard anything. I most certainly will *NOT* participate is this mess. Only change this event might make for me is that if the lag gets to bad I might finally give up on the game completely. o/
  12. I would *love* to add Fanny & Fione to the harem. Unfortunately they are guarded by a villain i'm not even close to unlocking yet. Instead I can add torpedo-tits Sai who is roleplaying in a fake super-hero outfit. Like most new girls she does absolutely nothing for me. No eroticism, no sensuality. I really would have preferred it if they were swapped. Or if I could choose. Or something.
  13. for me also: 3) Legendary Lag. It's not a good thing 4) Just like PoA, because you have to prepare for these events (save up on books, level-able girls, yemen, etc) it throws a shadow that is much larger then just the 4 days the event lasts. If both PoA and LC become regulars, they will completely dominate *all the time* how people play. 5) It requires a commitment in time (both in minutes and in frequency of looking after the game) that is much higher than "normal" events. I don't know about others, but I cannot and will not participate with this level of commitment in time again.
  14. Could be true. I'm level 96 now. Won my bracket's 1st place without spending Kobans, and I don't think anyone spent Kobans on the last 30 mins efforts. I felt like there were maybe 5, 6 other people giving it their non-koban all? Maybe a few more, but definitely not dozens of committed cut-throat players to compete with. OTOH, this might be a complete misread by me if lots of others in my bracket were planning to snipe but had overlooked the 30 minute earlier ending. I basically no-life-ed the event to do lots of arena fights. This was a one-time "let's give it a go" participation, but I hated it.
  15. The game needs a bunch of legendary hamsters to power the servers more than it needs a legendary contest. The lag was insanity itself *legendary*!
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