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Everything posted by Incubys

  1. Roll on re-set lol Aprrox 14k kobans spent, sorry I didn't keep an accurate record
  2. That's true about the Villian's having more then one girl, but being based on Champions where each one has a separate girl I'd guess that would be more likely. I appreciate some people missed out on earlier girls (I'm struggling with current KH one). I'd say it would be like Mythic girls and work in a cycle so eventually each girl will come back. They may leave the same three for the next rotation or add in three new ones. Call me cynical, but I'd guess the revenue Kinkoid earn would dictate how often Champions are added.
  3. From the description that @jelom posted, "Each Club Champion will award one base girl" & More Club Champions are planned for the future" would imply that is it is a new girl it would be with a new Champion rather then with an existing one. Also I'm not sure how they would incorporate two girls into one Champion. Would they have sperate timers so you could fight both at same time ?
  4. There is always a chance that it will be a new Champion. I had expected the Mythic girls to repeat straight away but we got a new set instead, making it a 6 month cycle (so far). Kinkoid may do the same with Champions. Edit : Reading back through Patch Notes for Mythic Girls, they always said it would be a 6 or 9 month cycle (which I had forgot). Nothing like that was included with the Club Champion notes so my comparison was incorrect. Whilst the notes say "More Club Champions planned for future" nothing confirmed a new one this month, just a possibility.
  5. Only one item doesn't seem worth the expense of more then a few tickets, but the alternative of putting a scaling reward ie 1 item every 10 fights, opens the door to heavy hitters abusing the system to farm for items over the needs of members still trying to get the girl. Yes it is down to good club communication and co-operation to avoid this. An item range like we get for the girl's shards? I would suggest that is greatly reduced, maybe not getting above 1-10. But if a battle is won you would get a random amount of a random affection item. So possibly 1 x Flower up to 10 x Lingerie, or any other combination in between.
  6. It does seem to that some individuals don't think of the Guild. The guy that did 155 mill could have soloed it with 200 tickets, a couple that helped to finish it so we could re-set could each of soloed it with 100 tickets ! We did have a plan in place but it obviously wasn't taken into account. Hopefully with the information you've supplied which I've posted in CC will get members thinking that it is in their interest to slow down. Or maybe not. Time will tell.
  7. Thank you so much for this clarification. Our first attempt was a bust when one member did 155 mil damage in about two hours, before most people had even joined in. And seems like someone re-set ours overnight (to me that is) so missed second one. I've posted link to this thread and asked them to give others time to join in, fingers crossed third time will be better.
  8. I've just checked the Patch Notes for Club Champions and there isn't anything about the shard range being linked to how many members participate. Was there another note or explanation post somewhere else that mentions this ? Thanks for any help you can give.
  9. Didn't bother quoting you I'm sure people don't want to read your over long post twice. As you say, you don't know the saying and so don't understand it. So a quick lesson. It just means telling someone something they all ready know. Simple as that. So you have presumptively assumed I didn't know as I'm a noob. Whilst I'm obviously not so God like in my omnipotence as you, (hell how could anybody be compared to you?) I do realise there are counters. Yeah I've been playing less then a year, yeah I'm only level 304. Guess as far as you are concerned everyone's noob ? As to not owning up to my mistake, and I do appreciate this little snippet was in the first line of my original post but you may not even have bothered to read that far, "I should have checked". There. In black and white. My signed. sealed and delivered admission of my own failings. Thank you for at least admitting the wording wasn't ideal, (even if you did put it into italics to say you don't really agree}. I agree "soon" instead of "now" would have been better. Would I have checked the timer if it had said "soon". Honestly I don't know, as less then an hour before re-set and I had to go out. TLDR : Yes it was my fault, but wording could have been better
  10. Please don't try to teach granny to suck eggs, it isn't polite. As I admitted in my post, I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED. However it doesn't excuse the fact that it was posted TWO DAYS before the end of the event. Surely a reminder on the day it is to end would be better. If you are gonna post the warning earlier, why not the day the season starts. You know, so you can really start getting ready for the next season ?
  11. Why was this announced this morning ? I know I really should have checked but I assumed current season was ending at 12 today. So I collected my saved Kisses and Combativity ready to get a head start on the next season but ..... still TWO days until it re-sets !! so now I either hold on to them and lose two days free kisses, or waste them on the quite frankly not very good rewards for the later stages of the current season. Not a good situation ....
  12. All Pachinko orbs are kept until they are used, except the free one's for Mythic and Great, gotta use those before they re-set. But all the others, can be saved as long as you want
  13. I'm guessing they hadn't planned for no contest today, and when they realised it hadn't appeared rushed to start it and messed it up. It is very unfortunate for anyone who didn't get credit but I would hope if tickets were raised they would be addressed. The biggest problem being how quickly as only just over a day til Cyber Babes ends
  14. Thanks for the head's up, I hadn't noticed the new contest appear. Just tried selling an item and it has registered for contest and PoA so hopefully everyone will be ok completing Stage 19
  15. ahhh poop, I'm gonna be in same situation as @bernsai soon😒
  16. No problem, we all learn these little tricks as we progress 😉
  17. As title say's, I have not received a new contest, it say's new contest in 22 hours. I only have four previous rewards to collect so that should be an issue. Is there really no contest today ?
  18. If you only have one Champion available because you haven't unlocked the others, and you are beating them too fast to complete the Cyber Babes stage, there are a couple of things you can do. First do not match the poses, in fact select the weakest girls available. You can also change your equipment to lower level which will reduce your stats meaning you will do less damage each ticket.
  19. Thanks for the reply. That's a bit rubbish, and doesn't really explain it on the market. At least I'll know for next time. Thanks for tips, I blew most of my books and affection of Bianca & Beatrix, guess next time I'll should wait to level the Leggo girl and Club Champion girl. Stats are maxed out, something else I can leave unlevelled around next PoA
  20. Should the paid option to re-stock market refresh books and affection items ? Just spent the 42 kobans but both sections are still blank. Was trying to stock up with these items as part of the PoA Spend Money stage. Thanks ps if it is only the section that was open at time (which may have been equipment I wasn't paying attention) can you suggest anything else to spent 30 mill Ymen on ? I'd usually use Great Pachinko but I have 11 free single and 36 free ten's that I don't want to use now
  21. Square root ? I assumed it was the squirt function ....
  22. I guess the interpretation of "inactive" would be the issue. How long would a player have to be offline to be declared inactive ? Would an ongoing purchase (card, Patreon subscription) negate not logging in ? No matter what rules were put in place someone would not be happy. Though I do favour some official rules with regard to inactive guild leaders being replaced, maybe with some protection that they cannot be removed from the Guild for a number of days in case they do return to the game soon after being relieved.
  23. I had a similar problem, in a fairly inactive club who weren't making a concerted effort to beat champion. Didn't want to leave without knowing what clubs were available, but didn't know how to check. Then I saw in Tower of Fame, there were two views : { League } and { Clubs }. Clicking clubs allowed me to view all clubs, and find one that looked promising. So I left old club, joined new one, and managed to get Kumiko. Now on way to getting Bianca. Also found out that the double speech bubble was club chat when I started to getting messages !! Good luck if you look for a new club.
  24. Thanks for the information. From your explanation I needed to take a break ....
  25. Villains: 007- drops in 00,212 battles. Drop range: 1-6. GPx10: 017 drops in 160 GPx10. Drop range: 1-6. Edit 16:00 - 23/02/2021 Averages so far : Drops from Villains 1.32% (32 drops from 2420 attempts). Lowest (other then 0) 0.77%. Highest 8.70% ! Drops from GP 10.12% (305 drops from 3015 attempts). Lowest (other then 0) 7.14%. Highest 15.52%
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