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  1. When I look at the calculated values of the opponents for the season of the rose, they don't match the players behind them. Even if I am 12 levels above the opponent, my girls are stronger, my equipment is much stronger and each of my skills is above the opponent's and I pump myself up with 4 legendary boosters, my opponent's strength will still be stronger always displayed by 7000 points and the defense by 1000 points higher. And that is impossible. And I don't even want to start with the Mojo Lottery. In 80% of the cases 2 of my opponents bring me only 1 mojo. even if you swap it for a koban, nothing changes. How strong the opponents are does not seem to matter. And why don't you see how much mojo you lose if you lose? The deductions for defeats are also disproportionately higher than the possible profit (e.g. you can win 1 Mojo, but lose 38 and that with a selection of 3 significantly stronger opponents). So many areas still need to be improved here!
  2. Amelia wants to go to THE party of the night. She just has to go to the next village. Since she is already late, she wants to take the shortcut through a dark forest. She says goodbye to her brother and one of his friends and tells him (like a good little girl) where she wants to go and when she wants to be home again. And so she sets off. In the forest she gets a slightly queasy feeling, because the scene reminds her of the last horror film she had seen. She looks around, listens into the night and takes a deep breath. She says to herself: "It's just a forest and only 1 km to go." However, the feeling remains in her stomach. The end of the forest comes into view and the queasy feeling gives way to the anticipation of the party. She walks lively towards the edge of the forest. When suddenly 2 masked figures with large knives jump into the street next to her and roar. She makes a startled leap forward before the legs turn to pudding and give way. The heart wants to burst, your scream gets stuck in your throat. Only the tears flow down her chalk white face. They make laughter loud. And laugh even more as they take off their masks. It's her stupid big brother with his friend. Just wait and see, next Halloween comes to you ... ID: 3064826 Platform: PC (Hentai Heroes) Girl: Halloween Lilith
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