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Everything posted by Tamsin

  1. same here since last update. hovering with my mouse over gear, boosters, pachinko/night club overview, etc. doesn't show anything. suspicious though... if i seach for "mouse over" in the forum i get all those airline spam posts.
  2. well, the surveys are sometimes kinda black & white. there are more answers than "like", "hate" and sometimes "don't care" for some questions. for me it was for example the question about the waifu slideshow. i generally like the idea but i would have added that i would really love it if i could adjust the positions and maybe zoom in and out since you can see only the head or some other bodypart if the waifu is not standing.
  3. i like it. in addition i would wish for a possibility to move them and/or zoom in and out. there are plenty girls kneeling or laying down and you only see their heads if you pic them for your screen.
  4. huh.... sry for that. so it works as intended. then i assume it is also intended that "stronger" players don't get to finish "So Bad it's Good Girls" without paying for 24h resets?
  5. i am not taking any dmg from champions. not that i would mind not loosing champion performances but it does make finishing "So Bad it's Good Girls" quite expensive.
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