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Technician Hero

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  1. I could have waited for Jeanne who has absolutely nothing to do with the world she is found on, seriously if Eugenie had taken her place she'd be right next to Abrael, it would have made sense and I'd have moved on in order, not cleared Admittance of the Dead without any drops and got first drop from the NEXT world before my first one there (Sylvia and Kelina) I could accept it a little more when a similar thing happened with the at least thematically aligned Leedit and just went on to claim Stephanie. After that I wanted Pelagie as next the regular boss drop, but due to trying not to miss all the event girls on the Sexy Calander event next was Rumiko (which was fine, at least it cleared Ninja Spy's regular drops before her spring version became available again), then spent my pachinko kobans on that same event, because mission girls, what I got from that was Notka, Cunegonde, Edna. I was not too thrilled with that, especially not Cunegonde, though having a second yandere with Justine probably isn't the safest thing either at least it was more interesting than Cunegonde. THEN when I've almost got Pelagie again the drop rates get divided between all the other bosses with the individual boss drop rate implementation. Thankfully I did get Pelagie before Lola, which let me take advantage of the increase drop rates on the other bosses last girls before returning for Lola.
  2. It's been exactly one year today (or so my profile tells me) since I started playing https://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/289012/profile.html breaking down my harem by the wiki categories 12/12 world girls 27/27 normal drops 9/30 epic pachinko 37/40 event drops 14/20 mission girls 5/62 event pachinko 2/3 Legendary event or by rarity that's 7/7 starter 31/32 common 51/60 rare 14/74 epic 4/22 Legendary since I missed the Travel event girls + Rabbi and Norou as well as the previous mission girls (except for the ones returned for the Sexy Calender event on bosses) a number of which I plan to rectify as they return later this month, same with Shina who counts for common but not world girls currently
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