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Everything posted by Sephiroth-777

  1. I edited the first message. And as I searched on the forum before posting here, yes, I'm pretty aware that I could be banned. But why ? Reporting an obvious bug ? Like I said: pretty weird, and highly unfair. That's not like I was pushing for something that didn't happen. Or something hard to understand: pachinko and night club can't use koban and gold when you have orbes. If you have orbes, and koban or gold dissapeared, then that's a bug, and as a support, you have to refill what is missing. That's not quantum physics, just basic understanding. I don't understand how it can be that hard. And can't understand why any discussion about that, even on a forum and not on a ticket, could lead to a ban. Why threating people ?
  2. Ok, so there had a bug, I prove it, I lost the equivalent of 133 days of silver card, or weeks of farming, we tell me there was no bug, and then I should be happy ? Why do I spend my time and my money on the game, so ? For any random bug take off everything I do, can't complain about that, rinse and repeat ? That's... pretty weird, and higly unfair. I'll edit the message to be more friendly, but I won't just shut up on the issue. There was one, and I'm not the only one to be able to get it.
  3. Hello everyone. I'm turning to the forum, because obviously, it's the only way to find a happy ending to my story. On the 9th february, I used the Night Club to get the 2 last girls of the event. I fell asleep, and after waking up, I see my gold amout to around 14000, and I was around 23000. I post an answer on the french forum because I saw another topic with the same issue. After a few days without any answer from anyone (and the topic was from 31 january), I decide to open a ticket, because at that time, I didn't know where they were, so thought about a random bug, and asked for investigation. The support check at the 10th february to the 15th, and don't see anything. I insist and open another ticket (it was written "closed", so I didn't know I could answer after that). The support ask me to refrain to open multiple ticket for the same topic, legit. He answers me that I didn't read carefully enough his answer, and that he did credit me the amount of 14256 gold to my account, and that he didn't tell me that I didn't have more that 14256, but that this amount were missing. I answer then that if it was true, I should have more than 30 000 gold. He answers then to forgot the last message, that it was a mistake, that he checked again the same days, and seen nothing. I reply to check olders days, and finally, he replies that I used 17x Epic Night Club, and that I should enable the settings to avoid any accidental spent. Finally, I know where the loss is from. So I'm happy, now the issue is known, no other choice to give me back what is missed. So I finally tells him, that now, thanks to this, with screenshot to prove it, I can prove that there had a bug (because I have more than 500 epic orbes, and like we can't use gold to Night Club, when we have orbes). Saddly, he tells me that I was not affected by "the Pachinko bug" and ask me to stop discussing about the subject, and tells me if I do, he will take actions on my account. So no other choice to, at least, asking here, and report that you can used gold even with a lot of orbes on your account. Hope it won't happen on anyone else. Because 9150 gold lost... It's painfull. I'm posting the screen of my orbes, for the prove. And I'm gonna cry a bit. See ya, all.
  4. Je viens de me rendre compte de la même chose. Je devais être autour de 23 000, et je suis autour de 14 000. J'ai pensé a une mauvaise manip aussi, soit dans le pachinko, que j'aurais manqué sur le moment, soit sur l'un des passages, mais aucun n'est débloqué et dans le pachinko j'ai toujours les orbes requises pour ne pas utiliser l'or donc c'est pas possible, et un changement de plus de 8000, même si j'avais par inadvertance cliqué sur le refresh du champion de guilde, ca serait pas autant. Donc c'est forcément un bug.
  5. Bonsoir à tous. Aujourd'hui je n'ai pas reçu la récompense, alors que j'étais dans les 5%. J'étais sur mon téléphone, donc je me suis dit que j'aurais en rentrant, mais je n'ai toujours rien. Mon pseudo dans le jeu est Sephiroth.
  6. Salut les gars. Bon pour le coup c'est pas tant le drop de fille qui me fait visiter le forum (bien que j'ai déjà eu des expériences de drop impossible, dont Levi quelque chose indropable), mais plus la malchance sur la tour de gloire hebdomadaire. Dimanche je vois qu'il y a moyen de tomber dans les 100 1ers pour avoir une belle récompense pour l'affection donnée, donc je donne beaucoup a ma légendaire, et a quelques filles qu'il me reste, j'ai donné ce qu'il fallait, j'étais a 25 000 et j'ai du donner 40 000 environ (j'ai pas compté, et vous allez voir pourquoi je sais pas le nombre), et comme le refresh de la tour se fait 2 minutes après le résultat, je n'ai donc ni la récompense que j'aurais du avoir, ni le montant de l'affection donnée pour la semaine d'après... En gros, si vous montez dans le dernier refresh time du dimanche, ce que vous donnez ne sert a rien ni pour la semaine en cours, ni pour la semaine suivante... C'est bien casse burne, et c'est pas mentionné, ca...
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