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Everything posted by Eexa

  1. Your reasoning is even stranger because they also decreased the rewards of the (paying) season pass. Why would we buy more of a less attractive pass? Unless they expect us to fall back on bundles? In which case they are even more disconnected from reality than I thought...
  2. Si tu peux lire un peu l'anglais, on a essayé de s'en amuser ici Même si sur le fond, cela n'a rien de drôle... 😒 Le fond du problème c'est qu'ils se sont troué le mois dernier et pas question de faire un cadeau gratuit (comme indiqué dans le patch) à qui que ce soit. On a affaire à des businessman, pas des enfants de cœur. Sauf que ce qu'ils ont du mal à intégrer, c'est qu'à force de devenir trop greedy, cela devient contre-productif et on perd les gens en route.
  3. Don't worry I am sure Kinkoid will have no issue at all finding their sleep after it. And because they do not read here, they won't feel concerned at all 😒
  4. J'avais fait plus ou moins le même résumé que toi sur un post en anglais. La seule chose positive ajoutée, ce sont les récompenses journalières, mais au delà du niveau 200, ça ne pèse quasiment plus rien dans la balance... Tu trouveras toujours quelqu'un (souvent le même) pour pinailler sur l'un ou l'autre des points en essayant de cacher la forêt derrière un arbre, mais au final on sait tous très bien ce qu'il en est. Et on sait surtout que c'est parti pour continuer...
  5. Juste pour info, sur le forum anglais, ils sont bien plus avancés que nous sur la question. Ils ont même déterminé la formule qui décrit l'amplitude à laquelle le nouveau système nous enfle par rapport à avant: Récompense en fragments = pourcentage des dégats infligés x (3 + 3 x participants) Le pourcentage devant bien entendu s'écrire 0.01 pour 1%. Un petit exemple, vous infligez 2.4% des dégats sur le champion, vous avez 32 participants, récompense = 0.024 * (3 + 3*32) = 2.376 -> 2 fragments...
  6. Like I said on another similar post, this change, even if pretty unpleasant, is just the tip of the iceberg of Kinkoid latest trend of changes... If a stand has to be made, it goes far beyond the CC rewards.
  7. I do not want to be the bearer of bad news but this system people discover only now with the introduction of a new girl, was put in place last month. All the ones who did not finish yet the old CC girls already complained loud and clear and were simply IGNORED. No: "we heard you and will think of an improved split", or "we will try to see one more week if it is really THAT bad". Actually nothing... So the fact that everyone suffers the same pain now is very unlikely to change anything. KK is being cheap on many aspects these days : decrease of epic orbs drop rates in Places of Power decrease of epic orbs reward in daily competitions (it almost completely disappeared) less affection and experience in the market because of slots taken by paying mythic items decrease of shards rewards against the Club Champion decrease of season rewards in kobans ... To be completely fair and give the full picture, the appearance of daily rewards was the only significant compensation provided in the mean time, but it works only for very low level players. From level 200 on, they cannot pretend to compensate for anything. Either Kinkoid became more greedy or they simply have financial issues, but this Club Champion thing is for sure only the tip of the Iceberg. The trend has to be changed for the whole game or instead of earning more, you (Kinkoid) will simply discourage players, especially the new(er) ones which are hit harder by these changes. My first move after the un-communicated decrease of epic orbs drop rates in Places of Power, was to boycott every bundle or real money expense. The next one if the above list continues to grow, will simply be to move away...
  8. Kinkoid had to catchup with the bug of the pass from last month. So they played it like great Lords on the patch note, saying "enjoy, it is offered"... and the next season they decreased Season koban rewards for everyone to compensate 🤣 Could have been smart if not so obvious... I guess because we play a porn game, we are supposed to be a bit stupid, or conspirators 🤔 Due to a bug in recent reward changes, for a week, players with a monthly card subscription have received twice the amount of daily Kobans The bug is in favor of the users! Enjoy spending them in the Haremverse!* * anyway we will catchup next season by decreasing everybody's rewards in kobans
  9. With 30 participants, at 2.5% damage you get 2 shards. I let you draw the conclusion of which system was better.
  10. Ce matin encore j'étais justement en train de rager car cela fait 3 jours que j'ai 2 Lieux de Pouvoir à (potentielles) orbes épiques, que je les fais 3x / jour, et que je n'en ai pas encore eu UNE SEULE ! Tout cela pour dire que là dessus Kinkoid n'est ni revenu dessus malgré les complaintes, ni même n'a commencé par avouer le changement de mécanique. Du coup je suis sceptique pour les livres mythiques... J'espère me tromper bien sûr.
  11. This looks great, finally! For once a really nice enhancement requested for so long. 🍾
  12. 5 jours d'affilée là, ça commence à se voir que KK veut baisser les comptes en banque des high level...
  13. Grosse emphase sur les compéts où il faut PAYER en hymens... (12/30)
  14. So true... I am at the point I am considering quitting and letting KK focus on taking care of their old paying customers in peace. 🤐
  15. The patch note is as usual completely lacunar and raises many questions we will have to answer ourselves: Is the shard allocation mecanism revisited? Will the new girl supersedes existing ones or only appear when you finished the first? Will she be accessible from any of the club champions? Shall I mention that almost all pictures are broken on the Patch Note page? Anyway, if the answer to the first bullet is 'No', I do not feel concerned at all...
  16. Ok I did not know. Until then, or a patch, the feature is dead anyway...
  17. Not sure this is an issue as all these players already have the girls anyway? For now, I won't be able to contribute at all to the numbers crushing because nobody plays the CC anymore... Really well done Kinkoid! 😠
  18. Actually, it is even less. I think we did 5 (maybe 6 I have a doubt) rounds in total for the whole month and only one with the new system. Overall the CC is very challenging since his level never goes down anymore. If you add up the fact that now the rewards are ridiculously low, no one is interested anymore in spending tickets as long as it is not fixed.
  19. I hear you well and I agree that KK is not trying to be evil when they release changes. However, my personal feeling is that Kinkoid think they have the monopoly of good ideas and are convinced they know best what is good for us. Maybe by the way, as you mentionned between the lines, because they think they are the only ones to have a long term vision. Which is not entirely wrong because there is absolutely no long-term communication, and we are constantly kept in short term reactive mode with tiny patch notes letting us "guess" what has just happened (and not what WILL happen). Long story short, even though dialogue is always the most constructive way to resolve issues, I am (still) not convinced the current approach allows any. At the same time, I strongly hope I am completely wrong. 🤔
  20. Strange I thought there was a test server to avoid these enormities? 🤭 My theory is it was a deliberate attempt to strongly nerf the mecanism and who knows, with Euro and all, maybe nobody will notice 🤣
  21. Like I answered earlier in this thread to Kenrae, it is not even true (see figures there). This on the contrary encourages lower level club members to put only 1 ticket and hope the higher will finish the boss as soon as possible. Or in the end, it coud also be that neither the high level nor the low level will play at all because Kinkoid just broke the club champions 👍
  22. Fun fact, tu parles de ton fameux post d'il y a 2 et pas 4 jours, sur lequel Mario a fait un like ? Pas la peine d'en rajouter je suppose... 🤭 https://forum.kinkoid.com/index.php?/topic/18583-sujet-polémique-diminution-des-orbes-épiques-arrivée-des-objets-myhiques-contre-kokos/&do=findComment&comment=234906
  23. What a strange (to stay polite) move once only the newer players are affected. They really know how to get loved! 👍 No need to say no one will give a damn of their Club Champions in these conditions.
  24. Sur le forum anglophone, il y a plus de chiffres. C'est juste la cata... Sur ce combat a priori, dans notre club on était 27 à taper et seul un joueur niveau 335, excusez du peu, et avec 100 tickets, a dépassé le 1 frag ! 🤮
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