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  1. male person here. I am the type to think too much but I'll just dump my thoughts here do with it what you will. Men and women have a few differences in their base instincts men often feel the need to posses their women and women often want to be reliant on a man but due to personal differences in environment growing up these instincts can be either changed or covered up. Other factors are social pressure, for men they are often men don't hug or that they aren't allow to cry as such men in general are more close minded than women and you often get the impression that men are solitary where women more often move in groups. This results in men disliking contact with other men and women being more open to contact with other women. I'll stop here for now (please note that this is just generalized and as a male my info on the female side is limited)
  2. rather than getting rid of one I really just want to organize them but that is mostly because I like shooting for 100% completion and the way they are organized normally (in order of capture) somehow sparks what little OCD I have.
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