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Everything posted by Vexen666

  1. 1) So the first question is in the headline, but I'll elaborate- To my understanding, the total power of a team determines your ego, attack power, harmony and defense, which are all shown on top of your opponent's profile in leagues and season. Yet at the bottom of the profile you can also see the team's total power, and I noticed cases in which all my stats except for total power were above my opponent's but I still had under 50% of beating them. Am I missing something? 2) As far as I can tell with the current system all girls in your team do the same damage and defense and their order only affect what kind of bonus you get when you crit... Is there any other importance to the order in which you have them in your team? 3) In the handbook it says your defense is a 1/4 of your stats (plus 0.12*total power), but in the market it shows that upgrading your HC/CH/KH upgrades their respective defenses. Is that just a graphic mistake left from the previous system? Same question about the class dominance scheme as the B.D.S.M update said it was removed but you can still see it anytime you put your cursor on someone's class. Just wondering if that's something I should but am not taking into account.
  2. Yeah, kinda makes me wish I wasn't playing on Nutaku T_T
  3. Hmmm... tried to divide by 1.1 (as the club bonus is 10%) before subtracting. Still comes back that KH is smaller than HC. I doesn't really matter, but I'm kinda curious now what I'm doing wrong. My current total stats are HC 17548, CH 22639 and KH 17455 I have max club multipliers (10%) on all of them. My equipment is: Super Sexy Takuhatsugasa: HC 2140 CH 2103 KH 2157 Super Sexy T-Shirt: HC 2087 CH 2110 KH 2149 Super Sexy Bleached jeans: HC 2121 CH 2138 KH 2139 Super Sexy Anarchist: HC 2062 CH 2142 KH 2166 Super Sexy Hepius: HC 2115 CH 2171 KH 2171 Super Sexy Tube radio: HC 1995 CH 2148 KH 2151 Total bonuses from equipment sum up to HC 12520 CH 12812 KH 12933 (which makes me realize I might have to switch my equipment a bit to help my CH more than my KH as that's my main) 17548/1.1-12520= 3,432.7272... 17455/1.1-12933= 2,935.181818181818 And Just subtracting them before the club multiplier still comes out as HC 5028 and KH 4522... Super weird. I wonder what I'm missing. I'm trying to think what other multipliers are there to affect stats directly.
  4. Hey, A quick piggy back question- Is there a way to see your stats after counter bonus for each fight? Or do you have to do the math yourself?
  5. Thanks! Sounds like I should find a club more fit for my level then...
  6. Thanks! that's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for! I the stats I posted are the ones after I subtracted the bonuses from equipment, so I assumed that would leave me with my raw stats which should have my Know-how higher than my hardcore... But I guess I'm missing something.
  7. Hey, So I recently joined my first club, and got into a pretty high ranking one of the bat (Top 100). I noticed I'm barely leaving a dent in the champion's impression, never making it past the 1.5% even after spending a bunch of tickets and only getting one shard at the end. My question is are club champions power levels consistent between clubs? Or do they scale along with the club's level (Or some other scale)? Cause I'm thinking it's either that or that other lower level clubs just don't beat the champ as many times as higher level ones do and so you get a higher % per victory but lower amount of victories.
  8. So, I'm not drowning in money... I'm currently only spending it on market and on upgrading my 5 star legendary girls' affection (Only during PoAs) and have no spare money left afterwards. My question is how much of a bump to stats does upgrading my stats through the market really give me? Should I postpone maximizing my team to get to the max stats available at my level? Do you guys max out your stats every time you level up before anything else? For reference, I am currently level 305 with a revenue of around 1.5M every six hours. The current cost for upgrading by X60 is Hardcore 160K, Charm (Main) 1.10M and Know-how 174K. My current stats with no equipment are Hardcore 5028, Charm (Main) 9827 and Know-how 4522 (Though I think I might be calculating that wrong as Know-how currently costs me more to upgrade than Hardcore which makes no sense if my hardcore is higher, right?). Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Cool... Tbh as I've said I'm rather new to the leagues so I only had one rotation under my belt so far, with little to no experience in fighting for 1st so I couldn't really measure how harder it is than hitting 5th two leagues up. That's why I left it to the player's discretion and always gave an alternative route.
  10. Yeah, that's why they're marked as red. If you'll notice I wrote exactly that in the legend as well- If you're not SURE you can do it, try an easier route (Except for the first route which is the only way for you to get the girl at that point). Especially the ones with all red. Only thing I have to say about that is that if you'll look at the calculations in the table, scoring three 1sts is more profitable than any other route in the league above it (aside from ones dependent on 1st). You'll have to make it to two leagues up 5th place to make more than that and still get the girl, with D2 being the first league to allow any wiggle room on the 6 5th bracket route (You can drop to 6th twice there and still get the girl)... So while I definitely wouldn't recommend it, if you're confident enough to score 3 1st on a league but not to score 6 5th on two above it, it's a high risk high reward kind of situation. But again, I wouldn't recommend any route with a 1st requirement. I just put it there as technically they ARE the most profitable routes in their groups.
  11. TL;DR: I made an excel with the most profitable routes to take in order to get the most Kobans in league while still getting the girl. Hey, so I haven't seen anyone talk about this and thought I'll share my thoughts on the most profitable way of obtaining League girls. I'd love to hear comments about anything I missed or other thoughts... Last season I made my way from W1 to S3 (Joined Oct 16, stopped playing when leagues were just starting and came back two months ago) and got Dolly. This girl rotation, as I couldn't make it past the 31-45st bracket even while boosted, I realized I couldn't get Madame Ivanka- Which made me realize that trying to make it to the highest bracket you can each season might not be your best bet as even though Kobans scale so that each bracket is worth more than the one above it in the previous league level (except for 5-15th), shards never are. So I made an Excel sheet to note the most profitable way to get the girl at the end of each rotation: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ7p4cfI2QBAe6kcwNApoICCfzd2u2swkbkg3k8mvw2sxELviOldaG_r8jTCz10WKg5s3LheOarx2mt/pubhtml I also attached the file itself if you want to make any changes to it. hope this helps. P.S I didn't take into account worship or orbs, as it's hard to measure just how much they are worth to each player's playstyle. League Calc.xlsx
  12. This worked! Thanks so much it was driving me insane. And sorry if this was irrelevant to the forum... Feel free to close it 😅
  13. So not sure if this counts as a bug so I put it here... I'm using the Nutaku Hentai Heroes phone app, and every time I turn it on for the first time in a while it switches to my browser and shows the comix heroes page. Now that in itself wouldn't be that bad, but the problem is if I try to go back to the app it immediately switches back to my browser and pops another comix heroes tab. I have to close the app and turn it on again, and even then it might switch to the comix heroes page again and again, and I usually need to turn the app off and on again a few times before I can actually use it. Has this happened to anyone else before? This is extremely frustrating as a)I don't always have the time to go through the whole process when all I want is to run an activity and maybe collect some money and b) I'm not always in a place where I can view nsfw content, and while I can view the activity page and a few others discreetly, the comix heroes page is extremely explicit 😅
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