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  1. So based on this she will 100% be revived and i can save some extra gold with it? I dont think it will be worth not making revive event after they already call it.
  2. in the end full buy her. i think if i buy her i can buy twice as much shards with LAB\SM shops because spending 20 shards instead of 36-40
  3. so for price of big card you will get 240+20 CP (if reach 19500 +20 more) + 10 event girl shards which is 36-40 saphires (+10 saphires if 19k) + 120 saphires that card gives you. so in the end its not about how much CP u can get per Kobans spend, but how much value you see in saphires and event L5 girls. for me personally i have too much Kobans saved and see much more value in saphires. what i really would love to get by spending Kobans is EXP and AFFECTION items but there no good options for it ingame
  4. about DEF of enemy - GS5 probably dont affect it. but when your top7 have mages in 3rd 4rd positions it makes enemy have high def girls front row which is not optimal and in bad run can make boss5 unkillable. i think for boss5 DEF difference between mage mirrored and not mage is 80k for mage and 60k for others (which is huge if you try to kill those first 2 girls) was low on time and very trash rng with relcis so lost boss5 battle 1st time since long ago. now if i have same trash relics will check and try to fix boss5 (1fight before reaching it) so it wont have high def girls in front
  5. im not quite sure but i feel like if boss(or mb any enemy) gave gs5 - that gs5 girl feels like have much more DEF at least. need to check how gs5 affect enemy power when girls same power. its easy but never pay attention to it also thought about 1 extra tip for fighting boss5 if it have gs5 girls. and in case if gs5 enemy have much more def it quite a big difference. in case you want to kill boss girls to lower that fight difficulty - it will be better to have enemy gs5 on 1st best-2nd semibest position so it will stay backrow most of time and u can clean more lower def girls and as less girls enemy have = higher chance you can sustain incoming damage
  6. Gwenaelle easy to build 5*, most likely will never be in top7 and very usefull for lab. mb some1 will want to farm her
  7. got bad start of run this time. only one 8% buble. no good hp or defence relics. no evades. no double atacks. no decent damage relics. waned to see how it will go. enemy have only one gs5 in middle bot position (dont bother setting it untill i will ruin one hard run) main team finished 3rd boss but died to red team in 4th floor at first fight made 2nd team and they were much weaker. some of them 600-650lvls (sexomancers fluffers). was fighting red fights with sending first 2 weakest teams to kill 2 girls and finish fight with new team after 2 enemy girls died and would probably clear up to 5th boss that way. wanted to actually see what i could do in terrible rng run to boss5 last 2 fights before boss4 got two 72% dodge relics on different girls and that solved that run. if no luck wanted to check how many girls i would be able to use to kill to boss5 girls before trying to finish it with eccentric healing remaining team also noticed that i better build some more sexomancers and fluffers 750 lvl and 5*
  8. if i dont send my main team - sending top raw power teams without skills they still take at least 15% of both front girls. around like 15+20% total and die. most case i would kill both front girls in 4-5 fights. 2 random top tanks front. 2 random top dd backrow 3 random top mage/dd in middle. kinda strange that with all girls you made only 70%+65% damage. have you tried sending not main team to last boss to at least kill 2 (better 3) enemy girls before sending main team when your relics not that good?
  9. i made mistake there. forgot enemy girls positions are mirrored to our. so game assumes our team positions are from top1 to top7 - mid - top - clockwise. so enemy will be mirrored to mid-top-counter clockwise. so if u want enemy gs5 to be first row your top power girl with gs5 should be pos3 + pos4
  10. i dont use pleasurelocks. but pleasurelock without gs5 imo useless. i would swap her to 2nd white girl with different mana\red girl with gs5\another fluffer(if with skill even better) and go with it. also im playing 1 sexomancer but using 2 should be more safe if u want damage but your team is tanky enought 1 red girl with gs5 would finish all fights. i rarelly used red girls, only few times in bad runs when need to finish boss5 that lost at least 3 girls already and Metal Noemy was good enought for it
  11. my sexomancer isnt knowhow so she in middle row. and i dont think having single sexomancer backrow instead of midrow will change bad fight a lot. enemy need to clean first line and somehow focus 1/3 middle row which is unlikely.
  12. i think everyone should focus 1st floor on fights. coins in bags in 1st floor too low reward. and early rng can be really problematic to build starting power. 2nd floor also not that big rewards but depends on how good you feel about relics from 1st floor. compare what u get/lose if u go for bags. and few extra coins from 1st and 2nd floor imo not that much and i prefer to build my team ready to finish all lab easy and spend 10mins max for whole run. most time i spend around 5 min with mid rng. if rng worse that mid its 10-15m. lately i dont fight enemy with more than one gs5. even 2 gs5 on enemy team i think would be huge bad rng in fights. also if u cant avoid that enemy have gs5 then even making your gs5 6th or 7th in power is huge advantage (enemy gs5 girls are first row in fight) if some1 using 2 white girls i think green girl is must have. also mb will help if 2 white girls have different starting mana so it will give higher chance that they both dont heal in same round which is better. as it was mentioned earlyer i forgot that fluffers dont heal themselfs so if you use 2 fluffer and both of them first row its kinda not good. probably better to put blue or green girls front row. but front girls must be tanks or mages always until its dodge boosted girl
  13. i play different team comp so cant advice on what u asked. i play 2 white+1blue+1green+1revive+2healer(one of them now blue) never used plesurelocks so wont go for it, but you can always try it and see how it goes. to use not boosted weekly girls i at least want to use 700+ lvl. in hard fights difference between her attack and enemy defence makes quite big impact enemy power based on your top7 girls so high chance lvl 600 not boosted girl will make no impact in fight. if enemy have only 1 gs5 girl its fine for me and i dont really care. if more than one i would switch equipments. never reskilled girls yet but that also an option also if enemy gs5 is 6th of 7th positiont it makes her start fight front row and u kill her early while her skills not affect fight that much you can if u want to spend time on it, never bother about it. best impact probably equiping your 2 front row girls to get extra def and hp skiping is safe. never saw problems with it and no one reported if my run is OK and i have decent defence relics so i predict killing boss5 with no problem my route is 1st+2nd floor focus only on fights. but sometimes with get bags if fights route is very bad. but even green fights can give you purple relics (if im not wrong) which could have great impact. best one 72% dodge which makes your tank close to unkillable with flufers heals 3-4-5 floors in same run go for bags and rarely go for fights if fights pass much better than 1 bag. if i have proble finding defence relics i start looking for more fights and give them a little more focus but still compare routes. i always focus on red fights (CP+better relics rewards) or bags. then if there no red+bags check where more orange fights. if you not sure that your main team can clean boss fights you can send trash team to kill at least 2 enemy girls. if you afraid for red fights you could swap good tanks to random tanks that you ok losing < was doing this before Roles added. now with fluffers and secomancer dont see use in it
  14. i have one fight that i posted here when my main team die to 2nd boss i think (mb even 1st but probably not) and i was quite surprised by that. if u dont get defencive relics and get really shit rng i guess it can happen. enemy team can focus your girls 1 by 1. and watching result of that fight that i lost i killed 2 front girls. but made 90% damage to each middle girl but dont kill them.
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