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Everything posted by Lolliz

  1. As we're on the topic anyways, anyone else having problems getting the script to run? It worked for me until friday. And then somehow failed to work. I checked it on Mozilla and Chrom, tried new greasemonkey and tampermonkey, but it doesn't do anything. It says its loaded, but doesn't show any features
  2. Forgot to screenshot 😑. Anyway this new system, or at least the way it works now is just crap. Nothing more to say. My number one (Bob) had 7662 out of 7575 possible point. Number 2 had 7573, which also doesn't work. Would've had to have more than 7450 point for top 4. So, got 8th
  3. Unsurprisingly TheMadaFucker dominated the league without any issues. Got a new personal high, with 22,11 so I'm content, had to fight like 10 unbuffeds though.
  4. This week was even worse than the last one, somehow the more I seem to get less points every week. Maybe it's just more and more charmful opponents to steal the points. Anyway. This League got it´s expected winner, with Leocario also doing great again. Top 5 all Charm, except me.
  5. So, well seeing the overall points, that was an easy win for 4t+. Was experimenting with buffs and items a lot, but point pretty much stayed the same as the weeks before. Tiben was the only HC-player in Top 10, with first 4 all being KH. Didn't get 4t+ and 3 midlvl player unbuffed. Not really satisfied, but at least a secure top4 spot.
  6. Oh I see. That simulation seems interesting. Thank you :). Ya, of course. Time is (and should be) always the factor, if your doing good or bad. (otherwise it's most likely p2w, and well...) I noticed that instantly once I started to actually use single fights instead of the 8h-hour-don't-annoy-me-with-this-i-just-want-my-kobans-button. How much I spent will very much be depending on the opponents I'll have in my league. If I see a chance to actually win the whole thing, I might get all out for this week. If not, I'll do what it takes to ensure being at least 4th.
  7. No I hadn't, but now I have installed it (and thank you windia for your explanation on how to use it in another thread ;)). Looks convenient, will see if that actually helps. And thank you for your quick insight, Kenrae I'm definitely aware of that unbuffed attacks. Going through the ranks a lot and fighting what's left. Not really sure about the buffs though. I tried a week with full monos just some weeks ago. And when I now think about using 4 cordys that weeks come to my mind immediately. Of course this boosts attack as hell, but all this week I had the feeling that everyone hit me like a truck. Used 2 ginseng+2 cordy most of last week, and will try 4 ginseng as well, but not really sure about the 4 cordys yet.
  8. Hello there, I can totally relate to Kenrae here, this weeks league was actually really weird average-wise. I just started to actually take care on leagues performing some weeks ago. Before I was just pressing the 15 fights button, when ever it was full and be done with it. I still can't fully figure out on why and when I should be using what buffs and items, especially after seeing Kenrae constantly changing his values/items. Demon and I had, for them most of the time, pretty much the same values. We started with ~450k ego/~80k attack and 25k-ish resistences. He changed this for the last two days to 90k attack and 19k-ish resistance, which made me really wonder why. Because I had the exact opposite feeling of what I was needing. The last 2 days I only had Kenrae and Demon left buffed and some 400-. And for me it felt (in comparison to the weeks before, where I had like 490k/73k/27k) that it would have gotten me more point against the lowlvl than more damage done. And as Kenrae said, this week was weird in average, I had so many fights with guys 430 and below, where I just got 21 points or less. This felt weird. At the End I got 4th, with less then 10 points more than Den. And as Demon made around 250 points more than I did, he most likely must have done something right. As I noticed, that this is going to be a heavy week to even get fourth, I just focused on not forgetting to take my buffs, so that people will have to at least hit me hard. Well at least that worked :). edit: typo
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