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Everything posted by EdMuse

  1. There's got to be a way to figure out the cause of this. Would you happen to be playing on Nutaku? Because from looking at other posts in this thread, I've got a hunch -- nothing more than a hunch -- that that might have something to do with it. What's got me wondering is that I play right on hentaiclicker.com, and the last puzzle event went off without a hitch for me, as has this one (knock wood!) so far.
  2. Just realized the folly of my ways, but a moment too late! I'm on stage 10, and with no moves to play, I've solved it "in the abstract" without actually putting a single piece in place.... Unfortunately, just after finishing this, I realized that now I have nothing to do but wait 18 hours to accumulate the moves to actually do it! 🤣
  3. So even though the amount of ymen in the reward rises with the increasing stage, it's actually more valuable to claim the reward sooner than later. BTW, what's the D stand for in "DPS?" I've seen you use that abbreviation, as well as DPC, elsewhere, and I get "per second" and "per click," but not "D." Thanks!
  4. Are you sure you've got your other three corners correct? That damn rock almost never goes into the bottom right corner piece on that puzzle, so you may have to watch for a while to make sure it's correct. And when it does hit that corner piece, it only shows a tiny bit in the top left corner of the piece, so it would be easy to get it in the wrong place.
  5. Her position makes a little more sense if you use the "Move and Zoom" controls in harem view to zoom out, so that you can see all of her. It becomes clearer that she's lying down.
  6. Yup! Exactly what I do! Another thing I realized is that when you've run out of moves, that's the time to experiment, since you can't accidentally drop a piece in the wrong place.
  7. Oh, that sucks! That's a nasty bit about this game, the fact that it doesn't auto-save continuously (like, say, HH does). Combine that with the WebGL issue and other things that will log you out or freeze you up without notice, and the sort of thing you described is just BEGGING to happen.
  8. Here's an interesting question for those who look at this game in very mathematical ways: I've got a ymen bonus waiting for me to collect on it... ...and for the past couple of minutes, I've been sitting here idly watching its amount rise. What I'm wondering is this: if I wait to collect it, does it really rise in value? Let's say I plough all of those ymens into leveling up Felicia. I can collect about 5J5 ymen at stage 12,000, or 70J5 ymen at stage 12,050. Since the cost per stage is rising, too, the outcome would be one of three possibilities: Spending those 5J5 ymen to level Felicia on stage 12,000 is more powerful than waiting to get the higher amount. Spending those 70J5 ymen to level Felicia on stage 12,050 is more powerful than doing it sooner. The power gained from 5J5 ymen at stage 12,000 is equal to the power gained from 70J5 ymen at level 12,050, so none of this matters, anyway. Of course, this doesn't take into account any other considerations of delaying future bonuses, but that's okay, since I'm only talking about a few minutes worth of waiting, here, anyway. BTW, now it's 422.32J6 at stage 12,237. If I wait too much longer, it becomes a moot point, right?.... 😁
  9. Got it. Now I just have to figure out what the "D" stands for.... 😆 Actually, one thing I'm wondering about is if the enhancement multiplier shows up on the girl's listing in "office view." For instance, in... ...does that 5.54I1 reflect the fact that she has the level 4 enhancement? And yeah, I could definitely figure this out for myself, if I were to remember to look before I click. But I figure someone has already figured it out, and that that someone will either be @maxafax or @GeorgeMTO, who are already in this thread. So instead of counting on my own (lack of) ability to make that observation at that particular moment, I thought I'd just ask. 😄
  10. Oh, I get it. Rather than repetitions of the same missions we've been seeing (Juliet sure has a lot of birthdays, doesn't she!), it's new missions. I read it as being an announcement of a new feature, but rather, it's new content in an existing feature. Thanks!
  11. Woke up to this announcement in HH this morning: Not sure what it's referring to. I've already finished today's missions in HH, and I'm not finding any others. Could it be referring to the five daily missions in Hentai Clicker? If so, why did the announcement appear in HH? Am I missing something? Granted, I haven't had a cup of coffee yet this morning....
  12. Screenshotting is tough when only a tiny bit of the shape may hit one of those pieces only for a fraction of a second. I'm just doing it by eye, and by lining pieces up with each other in pairs in the "staging area." Sometimes I'll take notes in a spreadsheet, but I did the last puzzle event with no errors, but no screenshots. And not what I got from the line "every pieces was at the right spot," that he didn't place any of his pieces. From the screenshot provided, though, it does look like there are three pieces missing from the stage 2 puzzle, but no pieces left to be placed.
  13. Why, just out of curiosity? I did the same thing, and though the time was tight, I finished it without spending kobans (or ryos, or whatever they were called at the time). Did you miss moves at some point? Because as I recall, on that event, you could only miss one move or make one mistake before you had to buy extra moves. Yeah, that bugs me, too. I wonder if the devs thought they were making it more challenging by doing this? I try to start with a corner piece, and often those are almost completely black most of the time. So for instance, right now I have the top two corners of stage 6 placed, and I can hardly see they're there. I probably won't place another piece until tomorrow morning, and I'm actually a little worried I won't see what I've already done. I'm probably off-base, here, but when I see a pic like this, my thoughts go immediately to what I just wrote about corner pieces, and how they stay black much of the time, as the floating shape may not float into them as often. Are you sure you didn't switch two corners? You may have to wait and watch for a quite a while to see if that's the case. The strange thing about this screenshot, to me, is that the bottom row looks empty. Is that what you're referring to? Are there pieces missing?
  14. Makes perfect sense, thanks.
  15. Thing I don't get is, what does "2 multiplier on self" or "2.5 multiplier on self" mean? I figure it's 2x, 2.5x, etc., but what's being multiplied, the girl's base skill, or her perk bonuses, or both?
  16. Thanks. And bummer. 🙁 Seeing as I can make max stage several times a day, now, the two things I'm really playing for at this point are kink points and affection hearts. So I'm waiting on playing Gacha until this is fixed. I really want to play, too, as I want the girls and the enhancements.
  17. Anybody know if this is fixed, yet? I've accumulated almost enough ryos for two rounds of Gatcha, but I still don't want to play if I don't stand to get any kinkpoints out of it.
  18. Running in Chrome, in Win10, and the same thing is happening to me. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Happened this morning; refreshed the page (make sure to save, first!), and it took the button press after that. One strange thing: even when it doesn't work, while the button goes grey, the number on the button of whatever you have to contribute stays bright. No effect on functionality, either way, though -- just odd to look at.
  19. Myself, I'm right around the corner from Main Attraction VII (29/30 heroines) and Luck of the Draw V (18/20 gacha rolls). But I can also make stage max in about 24 hours, now, so I don't really need much from the gatcha. But I do have a roll coming to me, so Im trying to decide whether or not to use it. Probably gonna hold off.
  20. What I'm wondering about is, is this such an issue that I should hold off on playing Gacha until it's fixed?
  21. Yup,. took me a while to figure it out, but that was my problems. No tier 1 items. I'm thinking, "Geez, this girl wants one piece of mojo candy, and I've got a whole pack of it! How do I open the bag?" 😆
  22. Can't say as I recall it working that way the last 12 times. But then, I never thought to check. I'd suggest, then, that it shouldn't work that way. I mean, you make the break point for the achievement, you should get the achievement, right? And then there's the whole part about the red dot on the star icon, but no reward to claim -- that's definitely not working right. But hey, here we are less than an hour later, and I'm already up over 12,000 again. So like I said, not a huge deal.
  23. So I just got to the max level, and it's telling me I have an achievement waiting for me. That would be "Rise to the Top XIII." Unfortunately, I did a forge reset before collecting the achievement, and now it's telling me I'm back at stage 4835 (my current stage) out of 13000, and not letting me claim the reward. I mean, it's not a huge deal; I'll get there again, and hopefully I'll remember to collect before I do a reset. But it's even still got the red dot on the achievement star on the main screen, telling me I have an achievement to claim. So clearly, something's not working right. ETA: Just saved and refreshed, and the red dot on the achievement icon is gone. Still didn't get to claim the reward, though.
  24. Agreed. For instance, I really think they should have calculated the cap on accumulated moves at 12 hours worth, rather than 8 hours and 20 minutes. I mean geez, even in HH, your limit on combativity is 20, which is earned in 10 hours. So you can get a good night's sleep and a nice breakfast without having to worry about using your points. Or work an eight-hour shift with a commute on either end. BTW, good point about being able to replay levels in Candy Crush. I lost on that event a couple ago where the difficulty was much higher than the previous ones. Now I'll always feel like I'm behind by one.
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