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Everything posted by Hollo

  1. Hollo

    More 3D-ness

    Might be - depends on whether PH has a prop for that. If it doesn't, I'm back to the turban. On the bright side, now that it's made, it's easy to duplicate. The next thing I wish I had was that vest she wears. Closest thing I have, as you can see, is a thin shirt that buttons in front.
  2. Wow. I had no idea John McEnroe played this game. Amazing.
  3. Gah. Someday I'll get there... At least I'm satisfied with the work fantasy event. (New art is up in my thread!) Got both event girls, and ever closer to my one-year anniversary, meaning I'll be able to hopefully spend a lot less time grinding for them, and more grinding kobans and cash for EP. And boss girls, sigh. Silvanus is now 90 fights in. For every two fights on him, I do one on Roko to level him up. He's now 260, same as Final, and still rising. I'll probably max him before either Sylvia or Leeditt appear.
  4. Hollo

    More 3D-ness

    During the work fantasy event, I did a quick survey, and concluded: my workforce is kinda combat-heavy. Like, where did all these kunoichis come from!? And why do I have two princesses and a debutante? Anyway. Alice decides the crew needs to buckle down, and asks for some posters warning about workplace distraction. Trouble is, the copier's busted. Luckily, Ankyo didn't learn to be a pilot without picking up some mechanical skills. She's no Viola, but... well, I have no Viola yet. So Ankyo changes into her repair outfit, grabs her toolbox, and gets cracking, while Jeevie takes care of the plants and Matilda takes care of her caffeine deficit. A half hour later, Ankyo says she thinks she's gotten things working, and Juliette shows Alice their first design. No more distractions for us! Right?
  5. The event girls mean I practically always have to track this in a separate app, or notes on my phone. Not only that: I've been doing this thing where I alternate between grinding a boss and grinding Roko, to max out his level after he let go of all three of his. So now I'm left wondering how long Silvanus, my latest project, will take to give up his remaining two. He gave up Titania back before I began counting. Meanwhile, Finalmecia took 1418 for Salem and 1491 for Edna. What a sweat show.
  6. Just now found out the exact bonus when your girl's favorite pose happens to be the one requested by the judge (5% of your base attack power). I tried looking this up in both general FAQ and the battle-specific FAQ Jessie posted a while back. AFAIK, it's in neither. Nor is there any explanation of how all this is calculated. The Dark Lord's tutorial is very high-level and doesn't go into this. The wiki has formulas, but they're dated (in fact, the favorite position bonus is 1.05, not 1.1). Could we get an FAQ section for battle formulas?
  7. New record for most fights before getting a girl. One to go on Finalmecia. Gonna go work on Sylvanus instead for a while. Boss - level 251 - 78 girls - Finalmecia (level 260) - 1491 battles - 20 boss girls - Edna
  8. Rawr at sticky-itis. I'm thrilled at the influx of content from Kinkoid, but the more stickies there are, the less attention each one gets. :shakefist: In other news... first league is still four days away?! Other other news: level 250 now; closing in on 1500 tries on Final without Zoe or Edna. Rawr again. That pity counter needs more pity.
  9. Those battle suit ribs are tricky, aren't they? 😉
  10. You can tell player type from the stats. I'm charm; he's KH. However, that's already figured into the stats seen above - he got a harmony boost, which translated into a higher crit%. Player type dictates the alpha type, and since he can only crit once, that dictates the only special he'll get, too*. And it probably makes a big difference, as we know - charm's special is not as good as KH's. *One thing I've never heard before is special triggering on orgasm. Are you sure? I've seen orgasms trigger lots of times with a special announced, and lots of times with no special announced. But if you're right, then he'll get more than one special.
  11. Logic says you're right. If he never crit, he'd lose. So he had to. And then somehow, I never crit, either, which is understandable given the rate; if I had also crit, I'd likely make up the difference. However, I was too busy verifying the base numbers were happening to confirm the crit count. (Note to Kinkoid: I would really really really really like a post-mortem log of arena battles.) The main thing that was sticking out to me was a few fights where even the base numbers seemed way off - e.g. me having a 2300-point advantage and then seeing only 500, followed by a crit that puts him over the top. Now that I'm taking actual screenshots, the base numbers look exactly right, but I still seem to be facing the mother of all freak crit streaks from opponents at the moment. I'll have to keep watching. Trouble is, every time I watch close, nothing weird happens. Then I stop paying as close attention and then the freak crits reappear. It's frustrating. Reeeeally wishing I had a log.
  12. Okay, consider this matchup. The egos alone suggest I'm the strong favorite to win. More specifically, His (initial) defense advantage should be 6628 - 5597 = 1031 and his offense advantage should be 23538 - 26436 = -2898. In other words, he should be dealing 2898 - 1031 = 1867 less damage to my ego than I do to his. Another way to look at it: his initial damage should be 23538 - 5597 = 17941. Mine should be 26436 - 6628 = 19808. 19808 - 17941 = 1867. His crit is about 4 times mine, but he's only supposed to crit once, according to various accounts. And that would have to make up for doing almost 2k less per action, and overcoming an 8k ego gap. I'm not set up to record video, so all I can do is tell you that the numbers were as above, but he won with 5099 ego left, and I'm out 31 mojo. :sad: I can also tell you that I've been consistently beating opponents with narrower disadvantage gaps. It's like crit suddenly matters a great deal more or something.
  13. Good news: got the second event girl. Bad news: doing much worse in PvP than my stats say I should be. I just did a fight where my opponent had 1600 more defense, but 2400 less offense, meaning I should have had about an 800-point advantage per attack. I started and saw the advantage in the other direction - he was doing about 22800 to me per hit, while I was doing only about 22000. Anyone else having this problem? Should I start collecting screenshots to report a bug?
  14. Done with the event! Back to cash farming! Huzzah! Event - level 249 - 77 girls - Ninja Spy (level 50) - 80 battles - 20 boss girls - Botanist Murakawa
  15. 1/2 event girls recruited. Event - level 249 - 76 girls - Donatien (level 130) - 176 battles - 20 boss girls - Barmaid Stephanie
  16. Indeed. In fact, I see Damoncord in the arena every level or so. I always have to pass - all six of his items are legendary, and only one is an all-stat. He's 8000 ego higher, and has literally a 2700-point advantage per attack. There's no point in my destroying my own mojo. And hey look: I'm charm! It's kinda interesting to see how fast I can catch up with other players. It takes gradually more and more XP to level up, which means eventually I'll catch up, but it would be very slow - at this rate, we'd be on even levels only if the cap were several hundred higher. Ultimately, it's all about the girls, the stars, and the items.
  17. I've had a few single-stat purples, and they've been HC. They're a big reason why I've been giving serious thought to switching from Charm. (Another reason was because I had Levitya, but not the Twins. That reason went away thanks to the leg revival.) I ended up staying with Charm mostly to prove to myself that they're viable in arena. They are, although purple charm items would definitely help. That said, I buy every purple I find in the market - just in case. Even rainbows. Some day Kinkoid might patch the game with a redesign of sex battles, and I want to be prepared, and purples have a good chance of being usable even if they're 50 levels behind.
  18. Aye; I know what you did. :-) It's interesting, but it's not what Zorba was pointing out. It wasn't that four KH accounts had a specific drop order; it was that each account had the same drop order for the same school. Again, his thing was over 3 times as rare as yours. Even your example would have been worth mentioning; his, even more so. And this is important, because we need to start on the same page about what's being brought to our attention, before we can start arguing about whether it's more than coincidence. I agree that there are roughly 4650 KH accounts that will have the same order of drops from a specific world. You seem to be driving at the fact that it's possible to have four accounts all from that same set of ~4650. If so, I certainly agree. But what's the chance of that happening? The first is 1/6 likely; the next, also 1/6th; and so on, until we have a 1/1296 chance of all four being from that set. Just as you said above. (But again, that's not what Zorba was pointing out.) I could make the same post myself, yes. :-) Most of the time, I'm with you: these things are like cockroaches. And it's tempting to see the OP as one example of this. In this one specific case, though, I think it's plausible. Why? Two reasons. If an anomaly is to have a cause, it has to either be put there intentionally, or get there by accident. What's the chance that Kinkoid intentionally made an account's world drop order by school predetermined? Not high, admittedly - I might place it at 1% - but that's based on what I know of Kinkoid's policy (combined with other factors I think are relatively minor), and none of us know much about that. Which means our uncertainty on that is pretty high. So now it's 1% +/- 20%, say. It's a dartboard. But that's actually not drawing my attention; I'm pretty comfortable saying they're unlikely to do this on purpose. So what about accidentally? Seems even less probable, right? Well, welcome to the crazy world of RNG. Or rather, pseudo-RNG (PRNG). (For all I know, you're aware of this, and you can skip this paragraph if so; I'm writing this for any reader.) All computerized RNGs are basically this algorithm that generates numbers which look random, but are actually the result of a preset algorithm taking a preset key as input. Here's the thing: it's possible to have an algorithm that gives you a skewed distribution of numbers, such that when you put it through several filters to set up a certain range of integers, you get anywhere from 10% to 100% more numbers from one end than the other. It can creep in unpredictably - you might see a completely normal distribution if your range is 1-117, for example; but if your range is 1-3, blam! Where are all these 2s coming from?? It can also creep in if your RNG algorithm isn't just a simple call directly to Math.random() or rand() or randint() or other standard language's RNG, but rather to some homebrewed thing your company cooked up because they wanted more reproducible tests or some programmer was too clever by half and added some code to it to detect hackers and you didn't know about it because that programmer was not you and they checked it in with a bunch of other changes and no one else noticed because your team didn't do a code review that day. Which still means this is unlikely to happen by accident - a lot of stars have to align just right. But that's okay, because again, in this one specific case, it's easy to check with a quick query out to other users. (And hopefully other users aren't somehow pathologically inclined to only report confirmations. This method ain't perfect, but in this case it's probable enough that if someone has a counterexample, they'll say so. And look! They did.) There's a strong temptation, I think, to err on the side of what you call "conspiracy theories". Or more accurately, anomalies with a definite cause. But there's also a strong temptation - in part because of a lot of people having an understandably bad reaction to conspiracy mongering - to err on the side of "no definite causes, ever!". That can be even more damaging in rare cases. (As in, millions of dollars in damage. Security crackers make a living from exploiting anomalies they discover, that everyone else considers too coincidental to be worth bothering with. Or biologists who discover a microbe doing something slightly weird, that leads to the next great cure that they'd never have found if they just considered it a silly theory.) You and I aren't disagreeing on whether this specific anomaly had a cause; we're disagreeing on how to tell whether an anomaly is just a coincidence in general. ...I mean, yeah, it's just a bit piece in a game with sexy pictures, but let's not jump to the conclusion that all theories are stupid, please. :-)
  19. They didn't happen the same way on just four accounts. They happened a specific way on six, in a way that suggested that it was school dependent. The chance the first one is of a particular school is 1 (100%), since it has to be something. For the next five, though, it happens the same way - the three other same-school accounts get the same school girl, and the other two get the exact same other school: 3^3 * 3^2 = 243. And then the second girl's school is also apparently constant, for five of the accounts, with the sixth not yet known. Again, the first one is just whatever it is, but the rest are consistent with it: 2^2 * 2^2 = 16. 243 * 16 = 3888. (If it turned out that the first recruit was determined by account school, we'd toss in another factor of 3, but we aren't asking that yet; we're asking what the chance is of what we actually saw happen.) And with tens of thousands of accounts AFAIK, this is of course statistically near certain to happen among six of them. But it didn't happen to exactly six accounts we cherry picked out of tens of thousands; rather, it happened to the exact six accounts that a single person was able to observe. And then Zorba made the right noises: could this be due to a hash from IP address? Is six too small a sample? Can others report their recruits? Turns out it was indeed too small a sample, assuming Chthugha didn't have a burp in his record keeping. It's like if you go to a casino where they've invented a die with 3888 sides, and on the grand opening of the mega-craps table, on the inaugural roll, they both come up with the same side up. Now everyone's staring at the dice and wondering what's up. Yes, those dice are going to be rolled millions of times, so someone was bound to get a pair someday, but if it's the very first roll, the pit boss can be forgiven for wanting to reroll the dice and make sure they're not loaded. He wasn't mistaking coincidence for a pattern (or rather, for a cause); he observed a definite coincidence and was checking for a cause.
  20. That's just it - it might not be totally random. There might be a limited range of choices offered to us that Kinkoid didn't tell us. We don't know the exact recruit rate for event girls, for instance, or the value of the pity boost for normal girls. And given that Zorba saw something happen that has a 1 out of (3^5 * 2^4 = 243 * 16 = roughly 3900) chance of happening, that no one else apparently thought to look at, it's worth checking. We might have discovered a hidden rule that decides what school you get first; who knows. Or we might have uncovered a bug in the random algorithm (this happens occasionally)! Either way, we learn something - either that there's something, or that there's nothing. Looking for quirks in the RNG can be fun, too! I can think of two possible reasons: greater chance to get a rare drop on at least one, and epic pachinko played at 6x the normal rate (assuming you have the free time in RL to pour into it).
  21. Data point #7: My account is Charm, and the drops were Noomye, Venam, Mavin, in order.
  22. Hollo

    More 3D-ness

    Princess Noemy is ready for you to ftuck her in.
  23. Hollo

    More 3D-ness

    More portraits! I hate this turban. Hate it hate it hate it. Ryaku might understand. It's rigged out of several props. She turned out nice enough, at least. Smile, Jeevey! Miss Spook is looking for something. Might be a cat. Might be Regine.
  24. And Ninja Spy is their hapless Bosley. That was exactly the photo I used as a reference. Good job!
  25. ...whereas I'm the opposite. Roko's only level 255, and has already been cleared for me. Final, OTOH, still has two girls in her bosomy grip, and is now at fight #1326...
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