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Everything posted by GameRaven

  1. The green star replaced the blue dot as notification that you can upgrade one of your girls. Before the update the blue dot was at the girl you had to pay for the upgrade, now the dot is gone and instead the grey star in the overview is now green.
  2. With the newest update they replaced the blue dots in the harem with a green star. @Kinkoid already stated they want feedback on this, so I thought, 'hey, how about a poll?' so here it is. Do you want the blue dot back or do you like the new green star or maybe you want something completely different instead? Vote and comment now!
  3. GameRaven

    Ideas Main

    The issue that @Sammy Boy and @Encino are currently discussing here is something I have thought about as well. So here are my thoughts about this. Right now the durations of boosters are 8 hours for white, 36 hours for green and 72 hours for yellow boosters. The fights possible per hour are 8 right now, 2 bossfights and 6 arenafights. So we could just multiply it and had a per battle countdown of 64 for white, 288 for green and 576 for yellow boosters. Another issue that I saw elsewhere in the forum, but not in this thread, so you probably dont know about it. So, since this is the official thread to make such a suggestion: Change the free daily pachinko from the current 24-hour-hard-reset to resetting together with the daily reset you have for missions and contests.
  4. I know it says only one girl but can I cheat a little? How about characters from RWBY? Maybe even a new world based on RWBY?
  5. Hello, just finished reading this thread. I started the game in december just in time to get Shadow Astis. So far I never spend a single koban so of course I dont have any girls from pachinko. The only event girls I missed so far are Commander Cattleman due to not being able to reach the Juy Sea so fast and both girls in the 2nd december event due to bad luck. I know this is a game but I like to think of it more as a webcomic with bonuscontent, that way it doesn't matter if I get any girls or not, the really important part is the story after all, and every time I do get one I can be truly happy about it.
  6. At the beginning it is 40 points per level, then it changes to 19 points per level but I dont know exactly when.
  7. Problem with that would be that we can't get some of the girls there right now. Some of them are from past events and can no longer be obtained, unless of course they do a revival event like they do for some time now. However if everything you want to know is "who is that girl?" and "where did they come from?", "can I get them too or not?" then the wiki could help you. http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes
  8. When they brought the changes in the combat system I tought it obvious that they had to reset the mojo sooner or later and that they would in some way compensate us for our loss of points. Though I must admit instead of a conversion of 1 Mojo = 20 Money I hoped for a conversionrate of 1 Mojo = 1 Koban. They should make a poll about it if we want Money or Koban for the Mojo. I would vote for Kobans.
  9. It is quite normal for all 3 contests to have a different player pool. In fact if everything goes right your name should be the only one appearing in all 3 because all contests contain ~50 players which are of approximately the same level(at least that's the way it is intended to be). All 3 contests should always be seen separately, after all they dont start and end always at the same time. Sure they can overlap with some goals but that's really random.
  10. That was yesterday and just now I got a Super Sexy Steed in the Market. So at first nothing and now 2 days in a row. I guess chances of anything appearing in the market is just as random as the chances to get girls, in other words dont bother finding a system either it will show up or not.
  11. The day before I opened this thread I had one legendary hardcore only item in the market, that's why I opened it to ask for my chances to get super sexy. Today I finally got my very first Super Sexy Leather Jeans. Inbetween nothing. Lots of yellow and green but no purple for roughly a week. Not sure what exactly that says about the chances, but at least it shows it is possible.
  12. A.) It does double your max damage B.) It is capped at 25% and is the chance of actually doing CRIT, so theoretically every 4th hit is CRIT C.) Tower of Fame D.) High ranking in the Tower of Fame
  13. I guess they will stay useful for a little while longer. But like I already stated in the OP, I don't want to use any kobans as long as there girls with the Trolls. Once they are all clear it is worth the risk, since I can no longer obtain girls I could have gotten from them. That's why I wanted to know whats better right know: waiting for my luck in the market or risking a bit of GREAT Pachinko.
  14. As long as there are any girls in the hands of trolls i dont want to play EPIC Pachinko, but having some Super Sexy Equipment would be nice. So I wanted to know how are the chances to simply get it in the market or would it be better to try GREAT Pachinko? My current level is 119 and I just take a "Walk in the woods" with the Fairy, should that matter.
  15. I know this is a bit late, you probably already know some of this but there are a few things were i can give an answer: 1. Your combativity points can exceed 20. Somewhere in this forum there is a screenshot that shows 22/20 after winning the daily. 2. The daily quest are not in their final form. In the patchnotes it said something about them changing in the future but they wanted the feature as such already implemented. 3. According to the wiki Mojo gets calculated after the ELO-System https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system
  16. @Shidou Why do you create a F.A.Q. and then dont keep it up-to-date? Since the original post were a few changes, for example we now can change our Avatar/Name/Specialty in our ingame profile (not here in the forum though) Why is this F.A.Q. not on the frontpage like in other forums where you can see it before going into any subcategories?
  17. Are you aware that you can review the affection scenes? You just have to click at the stars with the play button.
  18. Maybe the wiki has what you are looking for? http://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes
  19. In your example the 40 points will go into the next level. However, you should pay attention to the numbers in case it is the last star. After all, to go into the next level there needs to be a next level.
  20. Maybe? Hadn't thought about that My concern was more in later instances the german texts are far longer than the english ones, so why not shorten it where possible?
  21. My take on "So you like watching people fucking, huh?" would be "Es gefällt dir also Leuten beim Sex zuzusehen, hm?" "Du schaust gerne zu oder?" would be enough for me.
  22. According to the Harem Heroes wiki it seems to be based on the ELO-System https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Tower-of-Fame https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elo_rating_system
  23. Looked a bit through the Tower of Fame and noticed the last 11 players in the world had a negative number of Mojo beginnig with -113 for MichaelLance going to -25330 for PlayerSlayer. How can this happen?
  24. I cant say that there is any girl in my harem I wish weren't there. But I can say I am somewhat confused about having Jennie. In my opinion it would make much more sense to have her sister in our harem instead. After all what happened and suddenly it is Jennie who joins and not her sister? WHY?
  25. At the beginning you regain a full bar for each lvlup until you reach LVL10. Afterwards it's only every 10 levels (20, 30, 40 and so on)
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