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Everything posted by Dragonmx6

  1. I also did not get my 15 tokens at reset altho I play both versions of the game. the Nutaku version got the 15 tokens at reset and Kinkoid version did not. I have seen alot of people saying to get rid of the tokens completly but without them there is no way to be able to fight all participants in the list without spending money. the best way to fix this problem would be to give the 15 tokens at reset as a reward instead of auto refilling. that way no matter how many tokens you already have the 15 that you recieve will stack allowing all players no matter the sleeping schedule to still take advantage of the 15 free reset tokens.
  2. same here, the tower of fame Leagues did not refresh and give me my 15 available attempts
  3. same tried to get this new bunny all day long everyday that she was available on both of my accounts and got nothing. Kinkoid has mentioned multiple times that they were making the game more user friendly for both heavy and light players but all that keeps happening is user unfriendly upgrades. not to mention the sadder than ever before drop rates from the event girls.
  4. just as an FYI I was refering to our daily quests. the xp from the daily quests was cut in half sometime after I started playing. at the time it was halved I was getting about 84 xp for the lowest lvl quests(the 5 min quests). when it got cut in half I was only getting 42xp per 5 min quest etc. then not too long ago all the daily quest xp was cut in half again. at the time of this last xp cut I was getting 88 xp per 5 min quest and after the cut I was only getting 44xp per 5 min quest. I am only using the 5 min quests as an example but I mean i checked my larger quests as well. the ones that gave 220xp per mission were cut to 110xp per mission, etc. also I am not sure if it happened more than twice or not because when I 1st began playing I was unaware of how the daily quests worked and thought u needed kobans to do them so I avoided them for the 1st couple months of gameplay. also Kinkoid has mentioned multiple times that they want to make this game more user friendly. the removal of the tab/enter function to retrieve the money from the girls is not a very user friendly choice and we the players would appreciate the return of said function. just saying
  5. the ranking changes for the most part are great. But I have notice multiple people mention that the xp was getting halved again and a moderator give them an explanation as to why, wich kinda makes sense but!!! I would like to remind the moderators that when people say the xp is getting halved again? they do actually mean AGAIN!!!! wich you didn't touch base on. Since I joined this game the daily quest xp has been cut in half at least 2 times so far maybe 3. just saying that's why people complained about the xp getting cut in half. Also when you collect money from your girls, after you click the 1st girls money, you can then click Tab/Enter repetitively to collect all your money. That function apparently has been removed from the game in an attempt to try and get players to pay kobans to collect their money that they already earned. That is something that was not mentioned in the patch notes. just saying
  6. they need to stop with the normal 3 star girls getting 2 more stars just because some people complained/asked about/for it and make Fairy's 5 star stats worth more than Ankyo's starter girl 5 star stats. also someone said above that Sheheramazond was a starter girl. this is not true. the starter girls are as follows, (Bunny, Juliette, Red Battler, and Ankyo). this has been mentioned multiple times by the update patch info given to us by the Devs. just sayin!! but again there is no reason for the starter girls 5 star stats to be better than other 5 girl stats of the same elemment that you receive later on in the storyline. once you get those new girls further on in the storyline they should be stronger than any of the starter girls. but apparently this is not the case since the 5 star Fairy is weaker than the 5 star Ankyo. make Fairy stronger please!!!. and that goes for any 5 star girl that comes from the story. also if you are going to 5 star any of the normal 3 star girls then it only makes sense to 5 star all of them.
  7. Dragonmx6

    Ideas Main

    suggestions!!!! 1) allow the players to collect each girls hourly pay on the hour , every hour ( at the moment we get a different amount rather than the girls hourly pay, and we dont get them all at the same time. it is quite annoying honestly) 2) make the girls hourly wage stack for [8 hrs]. (when the girls get paid they just stop collecting money until you get the money they collected. That makes no sense at all. also in terms of making the game more user friendly, an 8 hour time limit for money to stack makes sense for players. When people have to go to work it is usually for approx 8hrs, when people go to sleep it is approx for 8hrs) honestly I would like to see our girls money stack for like 24 hrs but lol I don't really see that happening. 8hrs of stacking money is actually really fair. 3) please stop the harem tab from auto scrolling down the list to the last girl on the list, there is really no valid reason for having that tab auto scroll like that. (the only reason to auto scroll to the bottom of the harem list would be so that people that don't feel like scrolling all the way back up will feel tempted to just click the orange button to pay to collect their money) pay for my money? 4) the new button added to troll fights? the new orange button that allows you to fight 10 times without clicking!!!! this game is a (CLICKER) game. are you trying to make us lazy ass people who just sit around clicking shit even lazier? lol now we can play without even clicking? cmon lol. (its like using a macro while fighting in an mmo. are yall really so lazy you cant even click the button with your own fingers? O.O) just sayin 5) if you are going to make us pay for items during the story line, LOL!!!! please be a bit more realistic ($1,111,111.00 for a face strap on and $555,000.00 for a blanket)????? WTF yall are sick seriously it takes a long time to gather up all this money to lvl up our girls and their affection, not to mention getting our gear and our own stats up as well. I do not expect all of my suggestions to immediately be taken and put into effect. but please at least take a look at them and give them some consideration. I honestly think that most players would agree with at least a few of them if not all, and even the game creators should be able to accept creative criticism and get something out of it. 6) almost forgot, this one is for the players. for any player out there playing this game on firefox, internet explorer, opera or maybe another browser. Your game will perform better if you switch to playing it on google chrome. (just an fyi)
  8. good lord these drop rates lol!!!! finally 6k+ kobans l8r i got the dam heavy metal princess!!!!!! also gotta love how the devs jump in to whip thrash you if you get off topic!!! stop talking about that SMACK!!! bad player oh speaking of devs hey devs!!! where do I give suggestions at? I dont believe I have ever seen a suggestions thread. I believe i have a couple suggestions that are actually really good. also the auto scrolling when you load the harem tab, please stop the auto scrolling, for the love of the game GODZ plz make it stop
  9. lol over 2800 Kobans spent on battle point refills and every waking momment spent on battling Dark Lord since the event started and still nuthing!!! so what happens when the event is over and those of us who have tried so freaking hard, still have nuthing!!! will kinkoid be like haha, so long and thanx for all the fish!!!!
  10. 260+ battles and still nuthing!
  11. Actually it is not spelled nOthing, it is actually spelled nothing. if your going to correct somebody, at least do it properly. Also this thread is to talk about the legendary girl event, not other peoples spelling so stop being a Tard and stay on topic! did I spell that right? haha ty, well said
  12. to the ppl that got her quickly and with low effort GRATZ!!!!! to those that have not :(. i said earlier i did my 18 battles after waking up then did 10 refills = 200 more battles. got nuthing. just did another refill plus however many battles in betwwen tiss refill and my last and still nuthing lol . so 240+ battles so far just to get nuthing. this is so far the worst time I have had trying to get just 1 event girl. she has so far exceeded the amount of kobans and battles it ussually takes me to get 3 event girls from boss drops. and the amount of time we have to get her is :(.
  13. everytime event girls are released, as soon as they appear visually in game, even b4 the patch is supposed to officially start, I have been able to get any and all girls within approx about an hour or so by spamming kobans for refills. usually takes me about 1.5k-2k kobans to aquire 2-3 event girls from bosses. I just used 18 battle points then spent 2k kobans for 9 refills, just now like within the last 30 mins, thats 218 fights to try and get this new event girl from dark lord and no drops. now i have no more kobans lol. FAIL!!!! my point is saying this is people are speculating on when the event is supposed to officially start. but again previously as soon as the girls are visually in the game they were already there. and in almost every case I got all of them b4 the actual patch notes were released to us. this new event girl legendary or not should be the same. her drop rate or scheduled time of appearance was not listed in the pre patch notes as being different from other event girl drop rates or time of appearance. also Kinkoid said in a comment up above that this update is on, and the battle arena stuff would be added this morning. so the new girl is absolutly here already unless we were lied to. and as far as her drop rate being really really low, Kinkoid has misinformed us before while giving us pre patch info or has convieniently left out information previously.
  14. As stated in my 1st comment, I was using our current contests as an example, wich are both, running right now, and they both end tonight. The 2 contests in question both have (give xp to girls) as a requirememnt to earn points, 1 content asks for energy spent as well as xp given to girls, the other requires xp earned plus xp given to girls. Anyone spending energy should also be earning xp wich would put their name on both contests and anyone giving xp to girls would put their name in both contests. That is why i found it odd that no nmae is the same in both contests except for my own. This of course has nothing to do with wether they are ahead of me or behind me in points, but I find it odd that in one of the contests someone could be ahead of me in points but their name does not even appear on the other contest. they obviously had enough points to appear on both yet their name was only on one of the contests. Hopefully you see my point and reasoning for speaking about this. I mean it only makes sense. Granted if the contests asked for completly different requirememnts to earn points it might make sense that the names on each contest were always completly different, but I mean ever since I have started to play this game my name has been somwhere in the top 50 of every contest even if my score was low. JUST SAYIN!!!
  15. Thank you for the information. I was not aware that you could go to a profile page from the screen where you start a battle.
  16. I did say that i checked the opponents level, however i also said that I checked their ego as well. When i said i checked 10 pages above mt nameplace in the rankings and 10 pages below my nameplace in rankings, it was because their ego amount was close to mine and i was factoring in the possability that their ego number could possibly increase or decrease. Thats why i checked 10 pages above and 10 pages below i was searching for their ego amount in accordance with their name and they were no where to be found wich would be impossible. I was not searching for their name in accordance with their level. In the arena when you click on an opponents picture (or at least when I do) it takes me into the battle start phase and gives me the option to click the start battle button. It does not take me to the players profile page. However if you are looking at the contest page leaderboard and you click on a players name it does in fact take you to the players profile page. I am assuming you got the 2 mixed up, then again this is only an assumption. Again I implore everyone to do their own research into the 2 potential issues that I stated above and give your own opinions and feedback.I do not expect anyone to take my words for 100% fact at all, wich is why I ask people to research these issues out for themselves.
  17. OK so I have been conducting reserch if you want to call it that concerning the arena battles and the contests. [] Ok so you go to do an arena fight, your opponent in all respects is weaker than you and by all means you should win the battle easily but!!!!, you instead lose. Then you complain in the forums and you are told by a moderator that your opponent probably just crited more than you or they had the new 20% advantage over you because you are hardcore and they are know how , etc. so i decided to start doing a bit of research so to speak. everytime sumthing like that has happened to me, I check that players who beat me level and ego. I go to the tower of fame and i scroll up 10 pages from me and 10 pages below me and i cannot find the person who beat me anywhere in those 20 pages. I type in their name and i get sumone who is lvl 6 with the same name. This has happened approx 99% of the time i have checked. therefore the person i battled in the arena obviously does not exist period. so.......... are we sumtimes fighting ficticious player chars in the arena battles? from what i have seen that seems to be the case, but Ill let all of you interested in that possibility do your own research and see what conclusion you come too. I would like to add just for assurance that I dont think all my opponents are fakes lol. I just fought a guy who had 1k less ego than me, was 9 levels higher than me and his only stat that was a bit higher than mine was his Know how, but of course (know how) was his specialty wich also gives me a 20% bonus over him, and also his crit was 14% compared to my 25% crit. lol I lost the battle, wich should have been impossible but whatever. Thats just another point for us all to look into because it should not be a possibilty with the new battle setup we have been introduced to. I looked the guy up and he apparently is a real player, or at least he has a profile. I would also like to add that I only participate in battles in the arena that im like 95% sure I can win. If I compare all our stats and all of my opponents stats or half of them are above mine its going to obviously be a loss , so no point in fighting. And of course I decide that after taking all aspects of battle into consideration, level, ego, stats, crit, class, boosters, and their girls levels compared to mine. [] Ok so all 3 contests end and you collect your rewards. then before you do anything else you close your web browser and restart it to keep any glitches from happening when starting a new contest. Ill use our current contests as examples. we currently have 1 contest running called (A symbiotic harem) that requires you to earn xp and give xp to girls and another contest called (minds and bodies synergy) that requires you to spend energy and give xp to girls. Ok so both contests require giving xp to girls to gain points, so if any player gives xp to girls their name should show up in both contests...... RIGHT!!!!???????? Ok so both contests when i started had 0 points from anyone. so i have 4 girls that were level 1 and 31 girls that were lvl 124. I leveled them all up to level 128 all at once using stockpiled books. ok so now i am in 1st place on (both)!!!!!!!! contest boards. its a 3 day contest. I am monitoring the names etc on both boards, and comparing them. all of the players with a high point count obviously have done as I have and have given alot of xp to girls...... RIGHT!!!!????? Or at least that what you would think, but if that were the case that all thiose players would have their name on the leaderboard for (both)!!! contests and they dont. In fact if you compare both contests there is not a single name on either contest that are the same except for mine? wait what????? that makes no sense unless hmmmm???? unless these players are not giving xp to girls at all and instead spending mass money to refill their energy repeatedly so they can do the storyline faster earning mass points that way and or doing massive amounts of daily missions etc. oh wait no that wrong, because all players get the same amount of daily missions per day, also if they were spending mass money on energy refills and doing the storyline with said energy then again their name would appear in both contest leaderboards, 1 for spending energy and the other for earning xp, but they dont. So is there some cheat that allows players to add points to their name for just a single contest, or are the names being displayed in the contest similar to the battle arena names that may not even exist? Again dont just take my word for it, please do your own research on both of these subject matters and please let others know of your findings. Something is not right. I should never have been able to come up with the findings that I have but I have been keeping track of all of this for the last month and thats what I have found. But again please check this stuff out for yourself and come up with your own thoughts and opinions.
  18. GREAT!!! I have been wondering when Jennie and Fairy would get their 4th and 5th stars. as for the other ad ons. We shall see. Hopefully they will not be as bad as the battle point gain per 30 min downgrade you gave us previously. Please change the battle point time regen to 20 minutes. Please fix the ability for people with lower stats to beat out stronger opponents. an Opponent with every single stat less that mine including their crit should not be able to crit more often than me to give them a win. Please do something about the girl droprates. I have unsuccesfully dropped grunts last girl. I have been trying for months.
  19. the part of this patch that states that you will no longer lose battle points while you are away for an extended time is only a sugar coating. yes if you sleep for 10 hrs and wake up to a full battle point bar, you will not have missed out on any points while you slept. but points you missed out on while you slept is lol, you were asleep so they dont even matter. what matters is that the points while you are awake have also been nerfed. that is what everone is complaining about. even if you are just a casual player you are still not getting what you used to get. and then theres the people that are die-hard players, (goes to sleep and sets alarm for 3hrs 20 min) wakes up and logs into the game and uses all earned points, then goes back to skeep for another 3hrs 20 min, wakes up and uses all points earned while asleep etc. I actually used to do that but its pretty pointless to do so now also i read a post from Kinkoid earlier that said they had multiple responses saying the girl drop rate patch was working fine. "cough" so out of thousands of players playing this game 3-4 of them have recently notified us that they got a girl finally. Yet all the other thousands of players have been trying hardcore to get just one boss to drop 1 girl to no avail. YEP seems like its working just fine to me since 3-4 out of thousands finally got 1 drop each just saying!!!! then theres the battle points needed to be able to fight were halved while the time to earn 1 point was not doubled but tripled instead. all that really needs to be done to address the issue with battle points and time needed to obtain them is make it to where 1 battle point is earned every 20 mins. that will put it back to the norm while allowing us to store up to 20 potential fights. as far as the boss money drops go technically you should have , when you did the last patch, set it up so that all areas you had already cleared pre-patch left the bosses at their max lvl so that if we ever needed to go back to them, the money gained for each battle would not have been total crap. the money part aside each area we previously had cleared, the boss for each area should have had the number of times it takes on average to fight that boss to be able to clear the area plus the times the average person would continually fight said boss to try and attain new girls from said area while we are there into account so that when we go back for event girls we are not starting at 0 again. Im only stating the obvious, and stating the things that would make the players happy again is all. but again about boss girl drops, I have been fighting Gruntt ever since this patch and he is now lvl 66, paying out $7100 per fight and still has not dropped a girl. He actually is paying out more than Edwarda and Donatien wich are the 2 bosses above him wich are also available for me to fight, each of those 2 bosses still have 3 girls each for me to try and get and im about to be in the fairy forest so ill have a 3rd boss available above gruntt with girls needed to get. but I am on my pc pretty much all day long and i feel the negatives that have been introduced from the last patch quite harshly. again just some food for thought here for the Kinkoid Devs. there are pages and pages of complaints about this last patch and less than 1 full page of praises, I honestly think that stands for something and should not be ignored.
  20. lol i just lost in the battle arena to someone with 9K less ego, 5-6K less endurance, and all his other stats are 300 - 1.2K less than mine, hes 2 lvls lower than me and his girls were 26 lvls lower than mine, lol this update has just been flippin amazing one fail after another!!!!!!! Obviously this shows that the arena is not just still unbalanced but that it is Hopelesly failing to even do its job correctly as it is obviously scoring the fights improperly. also i have spent all battle points since this update came fighting Gruntt for his last girl, he is now lvl 51. I even used 150 Kobans on top of all the normal point gain fighting him and he has yet to drop his last girl. gotta love this increased droprate .
  21. @Masters i think the ability to possibly copy a girl you do not have including passed event girls from beating a someone in arena is a really good idea. However the abilty to continue fighting 3 new oponents if you beat the 3 you are given until u lose or pass? think about it!!! If you did that then the player that is currently in 1st place would just continue to get better and better infinitly with no losses incuring.
  22. Ever since the announcement that this patch was coming, almost the entire playerbase has been pointing out the fact that the money we are losing per day is rediculously high, the xp we gain from battle arena has been rediculously nerfed, most of the time other players we fight dont even give any mojo wich we used to get from every player we fought, and even though its supposed to be a balanced out system all the trolls payout has been halved, and now has to be built back up by leveling up said Trolls, and the arena battles wich i almost have never lost any ever before are now being forced into matches that im guaranteed to lose. As others have stated the people that are already able to fight Final Mechia will inccur a 7k money loss per hour after they get Final Mechia to max lvl, but untill then their loss is much worse.I myself am only at Donatien so i can't imagine the loss the higher lvl people must be feeling but its bad. Also we were promised increased drop rates for girls, the drop rate % will increase a bit everytime You fight a troll and fail to get a girl? I still have 1 girl left to get from Gruntt. So since the new patch i have been battling him repeatedly with no drop as of yet. I fail to see how the drop rate has improved at all. So many people have actually done the math and none of this really adds up. making the battle arena completly seperate from the troll battle system was the right thing to do. They never should have been using the same point system in the 1st place. Troll battle points shoul be 1 point earner for every 20 minutes not 1 every 30 minutes. That would correct the earlier loss of money from the troll battle system change. Each pvp battle shoul always payout (xp, mojo, and either money or a prize). Also the xp given per arena battle should be increased to what it used to be. SO PLEASE DEVELOPMENT TEAM!!!!!!!!!!! please take the hint and hear your playerbases voice. THANK YOU!!!!!! P.S. One way the whole problem of all of this could have been avoided would have been to just increse the maximum amount of battle points we could stockpile to 100. Make it evolve alongside the energy points stockpile. It would have been super simple to change just that one thing then nobody would have lost points while sleeping. Also I do have 1 suggestion, you could make the money our Harem girls earn for us stack as it is earned. I mean honestly once a girl earner her hourly wage or whatever you wanna call it, she would not just stop and wait for her harem master to get the pay before she started earning money again. She would continue to earn money untill you picked the money up. So allowing the harem girls earnings to stack just makes sense. FOOD FOR THOUGHT
  23. Im lvl 49. I had 3 lvl 47 girls, 3 lvl 42 girls, 6 lvl 44 girls, and 1 lvl 1 girl. I had a stockpile of xp books for my girls. The event titled "Hard Training" started 37 minutes ago. It is now Monday, December 25th, 2017, 10:42 pm. 10 minutes after the event started i maxed out all 13 of my girls to lvl 49. That was a total of 1020 xp spent at 1 contest point per xp. and with all girls combined the total lvls i gained were 105 lvls gained at 1140 contest point per lvl. 1020 xp given to girls at 1 contest point per xp point earned = 1020 points. 105 lvls gained for my girls at 1140 points per lvl gained = 119,700 points. 1020 points + 119,700 points = 120,720 points. My 120,720 points are not being displayed on the leaderboard for the "Hard Training" contest. Instead it still shows me in 50th place with 0 points. Can you fix this please? Thank You!!!!!!! It is now 11:19pm and I just lved up to lvl 50, so I lvled up all 13 of my girls 1 time each getting them all to lvl 50. The Leaderboard for the "Hard Training" contest shows me now at 1st place with 14,897 points, but my initial 120, 720 points are still not showing up. Please fix this!!!!! Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!
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