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  1. I do not mind a grind, in general; but the excitement is gone for me. I much prefer the old system: yeah, it sucked when you missed a girl, but there was always some hope and occasionally, excitement when you hit. Now I see the exact progress (which appears incredibly slow to me, even compared to the previous drop rates), but that makes it way more of a pure grind than the occasional jackpot. When I do hit, I just feel "meh" and maybe relief that the particular grind is over. It is giving me some time to max out my existing harem, but I'm not that far off; and when I do, I do not feel a ton of incentive to keep grinding. Hopefully in the time it takes to get them maxed, the system gets reverted (even if it's with slightly lower rates, I'm happier than now) or the mechanics get worked out. Good luck all.
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