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Zorba the Geek

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Everything posted by Zorba the Geek

  1. Ooh, that sounded ever so slightly sarcastic in the nicest possible way. Reminds me of Ayano, the serial killer assassin gf from Crush Crush. But if the cap fits and you're just a bit sensitive about spending a pile of kobans, then don't be. I got very close myself, but took a long walk and had a rethink. I came out the other end with a much clearer head. By the way, it was this account where I blew my koban resources for nothing so the finger could just as easily be pointed at me (it means I'll have to wait forever now to play Epic Pachinko so the next event will have to pass, sadly). I was sucked in too by all the hype. HH's marketing strategy was a brilliant success we'd have to say.
  2. Yo! Hey, a whole lot of us were just so pleased with ourselves that we got her to drop that we just had to brag - pretty insensitive I know. I got her 4 times, but not in this account, probably cos it's hardcore and in this account where I've been trying and trying to get the right HC girl I don't seem to have much success at all. It's like some kind of weird conspiracy to drive me into utter depression.
  3. Yes, indeed. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever, does it. It sounds like the kind of weasel words that come out of the mouths of some IT CEOs I could name but won't.
  4. Okay, I thought so. Please don't take offence. If English is not your first language you are doing pretty well. How's that for grovelling and back-tracking?
  5. Okay, thanks. I'll take a lot more care in future. I try to use only the head and shoulders icon image that appears in the harem field, but I might've slipped up.
  6. Hey, and how is this for off-topic... Shidou is a discord moderator. Perhaps then he should better edit his own text and check for spelling/grammatical errors (or get someone else to do it for him). Sometimes these make what he writes very hard to understand.
  7. I got done for spamming in this account. I wish the moderator would spell out exactly what I did wrong. I suspect it was because I posted a full image of Levitya and didn't crop - seen as a spoiler perhaps. Considering this was the same image as was being promoted and is what appeared standing beside Dark Lord (even if reversed) this seems a particularly silly and petty decision. Okay, I'm sorry. I try my best not to spoil and I have been warned a few times, but, like a whole lot of contributors, I get carried away occasionally. I apologise... And I apologise for bragging. I appreciate, in retrospect, that I was insensitive to those desperate to get this girl and who failed (often spending real money to buy kobans so they could refill combativity).
  8. Good going and congrats! It's a pity you're charm but you have great advantages in this class as it is.
  9. Not always. I got her in my oldest game at level 213. However, the way we get punished is in the cost of upgrades for our newest harem acquisitions. Sure, the more girls we get the more they payout from pimping them (presumably), but this isn't matched to the cost of upgrades. Similarly, the later trolls pay out more when they are maxed out for XP or close to it, but there have been so many events that these later trolls have been bypassed for the likes of Dark Lord, Ninja Spy, etc, so that is not really an advantage unless we choose to skip getting event girls. I'm glad hardcore players have been considered this round, but the anguish they have trying to capture this rare beast still seems like punishment. It's the short 3 day duration that's the killer, but she is meant to be legendary after all. I've found that the drop rate for her is about the same as for regular girls. I'd returned to battling Sylvanus and I had Leeditt drop after around 60 tries, but it could just as easily been over 200 tries from past experience. The 60 attempts is about the same as it took for Levitya to drop in that account. It's usually (but not always) easier to get event girls from Dark Lord than for his regular girls so the drop rate for Levitya appears to be set the same as for regular girls.
  10. I appreciate your graciousness. There does definitely seem to be an advantage in acquiring her if you're new to the game and where you are now. I found the same, but I got her in my oldest account where I'm on lvl 213 as well as my newest. If you're hardcore then double my congratuations. Because you got her early in the game she'd be far less expensive to upgrade and you'd be at a definite advantage against charm or know-how opponents. If you are hardcore then well done!! She's only legendary to hardcore players and eye candy for the rest of us. I'm about to try again in my hardcore accounts and I hope for success this time. I'm no longer spending kobans to try for her and I accept how things fall.
  11. Oh God, I'm lost! All those 'a's.
  12. None of this makes sense. One minute you're a beginner now you're at level 165 with Samane as your alpha. What's going on here? Unless, like me, you have multiple accounts.
  13. I did a check and, yes, in one account I've had around 800k worth of affection added to my tally since I had a good few rounds of victories. So a small correction to my somewhat exagerated earlier claims. This is from a fairly low ego base vis a vis other opponents. So it's not to be sneezed at. However, I still contend that affection bonuses should be applied across the board and not dependent upon whether or not all my team has been fully upgraded. I still say this is a flaw in the system. I used these bonuses to upgrade Levitya's affection, not because it makes sense from a battle perspective (it doesn't in the account where I've upgraded her), but because I'm just too curious to see her affection scenes and profile images. I suspect she has some kind of lesbian thing going with Abrael, as has been the trend lately among all the girls, even Princess Agate who claimed to be a determined hetero and NOT bi. I lack willpower as I need to upgrade Samane and make a final upgrade to Red Battler's affection. But there you are... Curiosity killed the cat!
  14. Oh very good, but none of this would raise your ego level to 71k and this is linked to endurance anyway - at least in the stats. I agree re. endurance and I sell all the endurance items I get. I'd like to know how your critical damage was maxed out at 25% when you don't have any equipment that boosts it, unless you've used epic jujube berry boosters in all four slots. I don't use boosters anymore as I find they have little benefit at my stage in the game. You'll find the same. Maxing out ALL your girls' XP levels (not just your battle team) also boosts ego as much as it can go at the time, but this is really hard as you get more girls. You get a bonus for upping their XP and it's calculated on the total XP for all your girls. I'm trying to do that, but it's hard. Epic books help a lot and they're not too expensive.
  15. I didn't say I'm consistently at a 21k deficiency and I do okay, but I'm not the only one who thinks the system is broken and unfair. I'm interested to know how you could have an ego of 74k at your stage in the game. You don't seem to have much equipment to boost it and your girls are at a basic level of affection (and their levels could not be maxed out to much). Maybe, as you imply, our character is set from the start and that's what we're stuck with.
  16. Yes, you are full of yourself. I was doing quite well, too, at your stage in the game. Call it beginner's luck or encouragement if you like, but it does get harder as HH put up more and better equipped players against you. Something to look forward to, then we'll see how you feel. In those early stages, the ability to inflict and withstand critical damage doesn't seem to matter as much as it does later on. Try battling one of three players when your own ego is 67k and they are 88k, 90k and 110k. There's not much show of a win here, even if their battle stats are on a par with mine because I start off at a 21k+ ego disadvantage. If they're at or near the same level as me then I take it on the chin; they're better, fair and square. But if they're lvl 10-15 (or even 20) higher than me I ask how this is a fair contest. And it can cost me 31 mojo points for the privilege of putting my head on the chopping block for them. So often, with the ranking system as it is, I face this situation. But then again I can face a row of three opponent choices where I have more of a show of winning, and I usually do, unless they get lucky critical damage attacks against me at a crucial phase in the battle. All in all I've done quite well and I got first place in the last contest that included winning arena battles. That doesn't mean to say I can't criticise the fairness of the system as it's been set up and I feel for those players who are constantly facing losses. Yes, and it's okay for you to argue about the fairness of affection bonuses when you have all three girls to upgrade. However, how is this fair on players who have toiled to max out their girls' affection to be forewarned in a pending battle that we stand to win 5 affection points, only to miss out on them because the girls on their teams are maxed out - as they ought to be? Why not give us the choice of girls we assign affection bonuses to? Yes, to be quite blunt, there is a lot wrong with the arena system and it's a whole lot of little flaws adding up to a great big stuff up in the design. Too much tinkering and not enough of the back to the drawing board.
  17. It sounds like you're one of those lucky, lucky hardcore players who got the new girl. Congrats! I haven't been so lucky as yet. If you can max out her affection, and fairy too, you might be able to give Bunny a much deserved rest (assuming, like most hardcore players, you still have her as your alpha). I've got Fairy to 4 stars in this account and she's quite handy but not outstanding. She pushed Edna to omega, but I'm not sure it was a good move. Fairy should be a great beta girl at 5 stars though (maybe even alpha). Hey, I wish she had a name! She's too cute and pretty for words just to be addressed, "Hi, Fairy!" After all, the kodama has the name, Sylvia. Right now I'm in the quest of Hamelin Town where Kalissa joins my harem. She's not worth much to me since she's charm (yeah, yet another 5 star charm girl). I have only Marina to collect, but she's been slow to drop. I still have Sylvia to collect from Sylvanus and I might go back to try for her if I look like being beaten by Bremen. The real downside of getting so many girls, though, is the cost of upgrading them and levelling them all up. Like a lot of other players who have posted images of their harems I have my latest 5 girls sitting at 0 affection.
  18. I have tried what you suggest. When it's a tight race, as it usually is, my beta and omega girls become really important (for this account it's Edna and she's saved my butt more than I can count). However, I might try swapping girls when I'm up against an opponent I ought to be able to beat easily. This might be worth a go. Re. aff rewards, I don't see why it shouldn't be put in our choice panel to let us decide how we use it and what girl we might want to upgrade. Besides, the reward is so tiny that it's like building affection by building a wall one layer of paint at a time. I just might live to see the outcome if I'm lucky!
  19. Yes, but we don't have an under-19 team playing against the national champion seniors! That's how the ranking system is now (or rather the lack of a ranking system) and it's either like it or lump it - or pay 24 kobans for refresh or wait 30min. I just leave it if it looks like I can't win. And why the heck don't we get rewarded with affection points if we have maxed out the affection of all the girls on our team - which is usually the case? I don't understand how it works, but I do play the arena. I win half the time and sometimes against opponents 10-15k higher ego and slightly higher attack power than me. When I lose I can lose against opponents I ought to have beaten easily (much more ego, better attack power and stronger defences). The element of luck that can do me in is critical damage as well as timing. If my opponent's girl orgasms when I have (say) 15k ego left and I get critical damage at near the same time it's lose every time.
  20. Trophy hunter to get a girl? Lol.
  21. That's not quite true. I got her in my earliest account with 62 girls, and in my newest account with 42 girls. I do think it's random chance. I tried burning up kobans at first and this seemed to jinx me because she refused to drop ever since in my hardcore accounts where I was recharging often and used up 1000 kobans in each.
  22. God, I hope so - hardcore please! Your table spells it out nicely and her stats go some way to redressing the balance dominated by charm girls. Those stats are incredible. Were they posted in the wiki? It would be good to give Bunny a break from all that fucking, especially since it's Easter and I don't want to get her pregnant!
  23. Yes, I think you're probably right; good defence is one thing, but effective attack power seems to be everything, especially the extent to which I get dumped by critical damage attacks. I experimented with Abrael with 5 stars as alpha in a know-how account, but she just wasn't up to the task. Maybe I should just hope to hell I finally get Levitya in a hardcore account. No luck so far but there's still time - or I could switch class if I fail to get her.
  24. Yeah, I might switch class (and just to thumb my nose at charm players who are so privileged in the set up as it is). You've made me think. The three accounts where I got her are all know-how, but I just can't get her in hardcore at all. What you said was what I thought might be the case. I beat someone in know-how class with her as alpha. She was at least 3 stars cos I have her at 2 and she wasn't that. She doesn't work so well for know-how it seems, but maybe if she were upgraded to all 5 stars and maxed out on XP she might put up great defence against hardcore players who haven't got her in their teams. I might try that.
  25. Sorry I shouldn't laugh. I'm still gunna cry myself, though (people like me you just can't please, huh). I REALLY want her in hardcore, but she just won't bloody drop. I hope you're wrong and that I haven't used up all my luck just yet. If I get her in this account I'll put my feet up and rest easy. I've quit spending kobans to get her and take the approach that if she drops she drops. I used them in Epic Pachinko instead and got that pink-haired, pencil-thin friend of Eugenie's who first appeared in Begin City - Skytte. Hey, I just battled someone with Levitya as alpha (he was know-how) and I beat him. I didn't check to see what her affection level was, but it's more than 2 stars because I have her at that. I suspect she'll only be competitive for hardcore players, but maybe that guy was just showing her off. I don't know. I don't think it was a bot cos I got 11 mojo points for the win.
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