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Everything posted by EpicBacon

  1. I am not good at writeups, If someone steps up, I can forward all the information I have, and that person can hopefully take the data and turn it into a presentable form. I have also made a spreadsheet of all the relics, this one is now updated with all the latest relic balance. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rdqShf9G3FQ0P_cOWh8e8r3Ylb-MDK_VdIwCXfvlwiw/edit?usp=sharing
  2. it would make sense to get the relevant information in one place for sure, its fine when a thread is 2-3 pages, not so much with 30+ All relics works as intended (as far as I know), the only bug that I know is that "Defeat Medication" does not trigger when an opponent girl is taken out with "Finish Move" As for stacking, @jelom was looking into that; I am not sure if he is still working on it, but I'll link the latest information from the forum that he made (that I could find)
  3. Unfortunately the girls speed are NOT increased by girl harmony, only HERO harmony, and girls KNOW-HOW. So picking up harmony relics will only affect the girls critical chances. However if you have girls at the EXACT same speed, you can affect what order they have their turn, by placing them accordingly. You can also equip some girl equipment on the girls, since equipment will increase their know-how skill, this will give them slightly more speed, and you could also remove some equipment on other already equipped girls if you want them to be slower.
  4. Battle initiative has a fixed order if girls have the same speed, starting in the middle and going up and around clockwice. Girls with higher speed will move before this pattern, regardless of their location. The same is true for the opponent, but they will do anti-clockwice instead, since they are mirrored from you. They also have the same speed rules and you, and faster girls will get priority. Order (assuming exact same speed on girls) Middle middle Top Middle Top Front Bottom Front Bottom Middle Bottom Back Top Back Did some testing on this back in december:
  5. Good idea about putting the name in brackets to show who gets buffed by the relic, I am so going to steal that. Damn, Taurus could have been turned into a stealth archer from Skyrim is she got both of those critical thinkings, that would have been 6x damage on a critical hit. Can't see any obvious things I would have chosen differently either, I might have taken 4% Rejuv over 3% impact on 21, just because I like that extra little healing. I lost 3 or 4 girls this run, I believe the number was 4, but I am not entirely sure. It started okay-ish with a protective bubble in battle 1, then due to my routing (going for all coins), I had a lot of low level encounters, and didn't get any real protective relics, resulting in loosing one girl on the 1st boss. My first defensive relic came in battle 9, where I was able to pick up 40% defence for Zazie, and promoted her to frontline. I believe I lost another girl on the 2nd boss, and 1 more in the 1st battle on the 3rd floor, I think the final one was lost in battle 14 or 16, I had to put Zazie in the midline so she could heal, as she finished the previous battle under 50% ego. Once I picked up the 90% dodge relic for Maelyn, my frontline going forward was Maelyn and Leona. I was somewhat worried for Leona, due to she only having 54% dodge, but she held strong, I finally got some Finish Moves and another Front Defender towards the end of the run. This run was marred by a serious lack of Finish Move, I was able to grab two of them near the end of the run (20 and 22) and the only other one offered was a common one at 11, but protective bubble was chosen over it. Technically I could have made this a run with 0 tired girls, as I was offered 2 revive tiles back to back before the boss, but I chose 2 hard battles instead. I've never finished a normal run on 0 tired girls, I either seem to loose a girl or two early, before I get a decent defensive setup, or the opponent goes full Tora! Tora! Tora! against one of my girls late in the run. My best legit score so far is 1 tired. I am listed in the rankings as having my best run at 0.23, but that happened during the one day where critical were bugged, resulting in any critical against the opponent doing millions of damage, so I do not count that one. Edit: I shall look into skipping coins on floor 1, that is 2-3 more fights to get relics early game, for minimal loss, 3x28 coins; that is only 84. Getting more relics early could set one up for a better lategame.
  6. a clubmember reported something similar, 4x 72% dodge and a 90% dodge, all on different girls tho Edit: Todays Run, This run was as bad as the other two combined.
  7. That Izumi there with the double attack and 40% damage look terrifying, not something you want to be on the receiving end of. I do like to have some damage, Taking out an opponent girl is effectively reducing their damage with 14.2%. I also chose to take a 7.5% damage relic that affected 2 girls, including Sake, one of my healers and main damage dealers, instead of a 20% damage relic for a midline shield girl. I have done some no damage runs in the past, and they just kept dragging out forever, granted this is a while ago, and there was still some bugged relics at that time, I'll have to consider this in future runs. As for pick 11, I really like rejuvenation, it has come thru for me in the past, and it does keep getting stronger the more you get hurt. Taking it over 8% defence tho, might be questionable. I was fielding mage girls; that extra defence would be around 2.500 and that is considerable. Speaking of defence, I seem to have more luck with Mage girls then Tank girls; Arcana, my Green tank girl have 4.000 less defence then Jessie, who is a Green Mage girl that I used on the frontlines. The extra ego from the tank girls just does not seem to make up for what the extra defence does, and this makes them more vulnerable to critical hits.
  8. The labyrinth really does not like me much; this are the results for the last two runs. (Normal Mode) Well... I guess if nothing else, I am consistent. The first run was horrid, I made so many misplays when choosing relics, It was saved by getting 2x54% dodge relics for Zazie in the final few fights on floor4. Todays run was completely different, I was offered no dodge relics at all; but got several protective relics including 44% protective bubble (37.91%), along with Finish Move and harmony for all girls. My one casualty was against a hard fight on floor4, where Arcana was battered constantly during the first three rounds, receiving most of the hits, including 5! critical hits total. And that is with +64% more Harmony for all of my girls. I don't think I could have done anything to prevent that loss, even if I had gotten more defensive relics. There was a revive tile next to the boss, but the game considered healing 3% hp on one of my girls was a better choice. I used a team consisting of 2 white, 2 blue, 2 green and 1 yellow girl today. The increased Mana from the green girls are actually really powerful, I had several turns where I casted Shields or Stuns back to back. EDIT: Here are the offered relics, along with my picks.
  9. Oni Princess Yura get: While I am not the biggest fan of the art on this one, due to saving up combativity and buying the 2 cards from last seasonal event; I carried 872 combativity with me into this event, it just made sense to grab the girl. 812 total fights for a droprate 6.16% and total koban cost of 2.700. I did spend 5.940 on the two event cards. So if we add that cost to the girl, the total cost is 8.640. That is very close to my average cost of 8.707.
  10. As for Bulb skills, only two of the 5 skills are used in the labyrinth, the Stats Boost and the Active Skill. There are no traits in the labyrinth, and the consecutive attack is not applied. For the Stats Boost, you upgrade it as you would any normal girl, max out the 70/70 skill put the rest into % if the girl is Legendary 5* or mythic. As for the mana skills, the color is very important, if a girl has no bulbs in her GS5 skill, she will do a "not so serious spank" attack that does about 10% of your normal girl damage. Not very effective. Putting bulbs into the tier 5 skill will give you different effects based on the color of the girl, and more bulbs will give you a stronger effect. Submissive (white) 20% - 25% - 30% - 35% - 40% Heals all girls for a percentage of their total ego. Really strong effect, having 1-2 submissive girls on a team is highly recommended. Sensual (blue) 16% - 20% - 24% - 28% - 32% Shield 3 random girls on your team a percentage of their total ego. Strong effect, Preventing damage is always useful, 3 girls per cast means the skill can "miss" girls that needs shielding the most. Exhibitionist (green) 24% - 30% - 36% - 42% - 48% Give mana to 2 random girls on your team. Gives mana to other girls, can cut down the time on important skills like healing and shielding by 1-2 turns. Physical (orange) 4% - 5% - 6% - 7% - 8% Increase defence on all of your girls for 4 rounds. More defence is always good, not as strong effect as shields, but will hit all girls. Dominatrix (black) 100% - 125% - 150% - 175% - 200% Deal attack damage to a random opponent. Basically 1 extra attack at 1 bulb, and 1 extra critical at 5 bulbs, okay effect, but better ones exists. Eccentric (red) 5% - 6.25% - 7.5% - 8.75% - 10% Casts a damage over time effect for three rounds on two random opponent girls, Ignores defence. Useful if the opponent have strong defence, opponent girl needs to survive 3 rounds for the full effect. Voyeur (purple) 4% - 5% - 6% - 7% - 8% Steal mana from all opponent girls. Very weak effect, 8% at max level does literally nothing as the enemy gains 20 or more mana each turn. Playful (yellow) ? - ? - ? - ? - ? Chance to stun two random opponent girls for two rounds. Unknown stun chance, tooltip does not reflect actual chance. Tests points to 25-30% at 5 bulbs. Unreliable.
  11. Not a fan of the artstyle of VR Neono, Baroque Rabbi and now Oni Princess Yura. But where the others had more details, especially on clothing this one just feels like another L5. Very bland and basic
  12. Huhh... I thought it was weird yesterday, when the game decided to heal the 2% missing ego on my backline healer, instead of reviving one of my tired girls
  13. Harmony works like it does outside labyrinth, more harmony means more chance of crit, ans less chance for the opponent to crit you. Its not efficient tho, but with the updated relics, they are less terrible.
  14. I've been sleeping on Rejuvenation, I grabbed a couple today, 18% total, and while the total healing is not that great, it was enough to survive another round on some of my frontline girls, and thus kept them alive until the healing skills kicked in. It will not protect you against the "crit barrage" that the ai does sometimes, where it crits one of your girls 3-4 times in a row, or where 13 of the 14 first attacks are thrown against one girl. I lost two girls to that this run, its a bit annoying. My frontline had one casualty on floor4; the second to last battle, when the ai went full ham on one girl from the start, and my girl tired out on the final attack before it was my turn and had healing. My 4th floor consisted of 1 yellow (medium) fight, followed by 5 red (hard) ones Druidia Titania and Finaltits were my frontline girls of choice for the final two floors, unfortunately I did not have any spare bulbs to beef them up any further, so no girl skills for them. Titania's 32k defence along with the Protective Bubble made her really durable tho. Still today was a good run, lost 5.1 girls. (normal mode) Notable relics: 40% (34.95%) Protective bubble 18% Rejuvenation 15% Impactful 14% Front Defender 10% Finish Move 10% Global Critical Damage Increase 8% Egoist 8% Vigorous Motivation 160% Critical Damage Increase - VR Norou 120% Critical Damage Increase - Golden Rabbi 72% Duck Master, Sake (obtained 2 battles from finish)
  15. Thanks, seems like we had some of the same ideas in mind. I'll have to check my status on bulbs before tomorrows labyrinth run to see if I can try something. I have not used specials like mana boost, and defence much at all, could be interesting to try out. And I could also check the responce, and look if the defence is added correctly too. It should also be noted that I am not specifically going for 0 damage run, I go for all coins while doing as many red/orange fights as possible. So basically a long as I don't loose all my girls, it does not really matter. But as I mentioned earlier, I am usually in the 10-20 range. Last run was a 10.57, and I believe the one before that was 20.88? Somewhere around that. My best run so far has been a 0.23 run on normal, where I had 90% dodge, but the opponent got off a red skill that happened to hit the one un-shielded girl I had EDIT: Here are my latest Stun testing data; Mythic stun is slightly better then Legendary, it should also be noted that I had a really bad Mythic stun run a couple cycles ago, with 17.65% and that is surely dragging down the % a bit, I think its closer to 30% actual. But I'll keep testing and get more data as I go. There is an argument for swapping out stun for something else, stun is really good when it triggers, but sometimes you get 15 failures in a row, and that could have been 3 shields, heals or 3 burnout on the opponent instead.
  16. Your backline and midline is the same as my setup. I've not yet dedicated specific girls to the frontline as I seem to go thru 10-20 girls in a normal run. What frontline girls do you use? Tanks or Mages? I've had luck with mages early on due to their higher defence, but find that Tanks are not too bad later on due to them having more ego, as the shield mana skill is based on targets ego.
  17. I've always liked critical damage, and getting some extra critical damage along with some critical chance might just be what one needs to take out one really strong defensive girl. Critical Damage global has been working since the release of hard mode, and I am quite pleased with it, this latest update finally fixed the Target version, along with the changes to double the bonus, it seems like a good investment on a backline damage girl. Yeah, so you can stack defeat medication pretty high, but you'll need several relics for it, and you are constrained by the will of the RNG, will the frontline girl who actually need healing be able to hit the target she can defeat, or will she hit the one target she can't and end up tired the next round. It is a good relic, but it has limitations, especially until they fix the bug with "Finish Move" Considering that "Finish Move" is a much stronger relic, especially when stacked, it makes little sense to grab "Defeat Medication" at all, even when other options are sub-par. You either choose one or the other. I had a run with 38% finish move, and that was just stupid, Taking out entire teams when they had 30%-ish ego left. Needless to say, if I would have picked up any "defeat medication" relics that run, they would just be a wasted relic slot. As for healing, I am usually running two white girls for healing, Sake and Fanny&Fione, "Rejuvenation" relic seems a bit weak to me, as it only heals based on missing ego. "Ego rebound" relic can be good, regaining ego based on your damage, but you'd want that on a frontline girl for maximum effect, and then it becomes a problem keeping her alive again.
  18. No more big damage numbers, on the other hand; I do have some Good news; It seems they did manage to fix the critical damage relics. I had both global and target "Critical Thinking" relics in todays run, and I can confirm that they now all work as intended. Here I have Agate with a 160% Target Critical relic, along with two Critical Thinking 40% relics, for a total of 240% extra critical damage. Attack - defence (77.677 - 34.502) = 43.175. Multiply by 4.4 (440% total crit) = 189.970. I have broken down all the damage math in the table in this picture, so you can look how much each relic adds. I can sadly also confirm that "Defeat Medication" still does not work with "Finish Move" This is not unexpected as it was not mentioned in the patch notes, but it is worthwhile information to have nevertheless. I have 2 "Defeat Medication" relics, for 28% heal, but as you can see in the responce here, no heal was done. The girl is marked as "Finished" meaning she was taken out by "Finish Move" My girls total ego is 400.200 as seen in the red box, her ego before the attack is in the blue box; 387.252 and as one can see, its the same number as the ego in the responce, if the heal had worked, the responce number would have been updated with the new value. 28% of 400.200 is 112.056, and that would have fully restored my girl to max ego.
  19. Yes; while the best I've been able to get is 1x 90% or two 72% (on two different girls) they do make you a lot harder to get hit, you can still get hit by mana skills, like the domi "spank" and the eccentric "Burnout" In my experience, just having one girl with 72% dodge is not enough to survive against later fights, while I was able to dodge about 3/4th of the attacks, eventually enough hits came in and took down the girl before healing or shielding was available. Also if you happen to get 90% (mythic dodge move) or 100% (combination of relics) It's probably better to just run with 1 frontline girl, for a team of 6, as the other frontline girl without any dodge or defensive relics would be taken down easily. TL;DR - Yes
  20. I... uuh... I guess we're doing Finish Move today. A total of 38% Finish move was obtained in a normal run, It is unfortunate that I was not able to get one more relic so I could test if the 40% cap is indeed correct, nevertheless I was able to test Finish move as I played, checking the different caps I had at the time. Don't worry about the first part here, its just information for me, so I can easily look up the data again if I need it. The interesting part is the "Finish Move" Column and the "Percentage" Column. The "Percentage" one shows the remaining amount of ego on the girls when they got executed, and I've highlighted the most notable ones in green, to compare remaining ego versus "Finish Move" Percentage. As you can see, the highlighted ones are really close to the amount of "Finish Move" in play. I don't know if the relics caps out at 40% as we have been told, but I can atleast conclude that "Finish Move" does atleast stack up to 37.45%
  21. That's the opponent battle order, its mirrored compared to the players. Where the players start in the middle, up then going clockwice; as shown here, the opponent does the same just anti-clockwice. This means if you have girls of equal speed, girls in the later positions will act last. Thus you might want to re-organize their position if you want a certain mana skill to be used before others. Of cource this only applies if the speed of the girls are exactly the same.
  22. I actually thought you had her for a solid minute there, the mythic versions avatar is really similar to the legend one. Speaking of Legend, the art on this one does not look anything special, If I only had this picture to look at, I would think it was a L5 girl.
  23. One of these days it would have been really nice if my team started working with me and actually focus fire some of the opponent girls, this is getting dumb...
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