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  1. When I clicked the mythic event ingame the first time, I thought it was Mythic Norou that was revived. It was only when I clicked on this post here that I realized the mistake, and had to go back ingame to double check. I'd completely forgotten that they made Succubus Abraël look like Norou.
  2. It might take a bit of time for you to get favorable fighs, depending on what mojo range you are in. Finally I have fights that give me more then 5 mojo \o/
  3. That's a great selection, but if one wants to be pedantic about it, you are missing: Sweet harmony Egoist @Ich42 I don't have any shards for Heavenly Lenaëlle either :c
  4. The easiest way would probably be to setup a COUNTIF function in a spreadsheet to find all instances of Dodge to get the numbers and then multiply that number with the number of relic offers in all run. That should give a number that would be the chance of dodge relics to drop. Say what you want about KK, but they don't seem to fudge % numbers in this game. But yeah.. I don't feel like doing that, if someone wants to, let me know, I can make a google sheet with the relic data.
  5. I usually get a couple dodge relics each run, but sometimes none and sometimes a lot of them. I have full relic data from like 50ish runs, but I have not gone thru them all, and I don't particulary feel like doing it. I can upload it to google sheets if you want to take a look tho.
  6. That is one of the main reasons I posted my mistake, as an example to other players to not be stupid. If my mistake here prevents someone doing the same as me, then that is well worth it. I was trying to find what event I forgot to claim last time, I believed it to be boss bang, but the original harem shows me with all girls (apart from Mil. Agatha) I do think I posted about it, but I don't feel like going thru all my posting history to find it, its not that important. But yes, I know that I am not going to do this again, 3rd time is the charm
  7. Eccentric Fluffer is the obvious choice for me; Healing frontline girls and providing damage over time effect. The other options are less interesting Sexomancer, Ignores mana skill, making it irellevant. Dominator, 5% extra damage is nice I suppose, it would not stack with submissive (healer) as that heal is % based. Pleasurelock, I have not tried out the pleasurelock strat. It sounds good on paper; having one in the front that buffs all damage on the backline girls. The problem is that since the laby is better played staying alive, any protective bubble you pick up will reduce the damage bonus you get, and even worce; Dodge relics will completely nullify it.
  8. I was going to be "cool" and get each chest to be unlocked and then claim them all. Turns out that falling asleep while waiting on the last energy and waking up 3 hours after the event ended is not a good idea. Protip; Don't be a dumbass like me, claim stuff before event ends This is also not the first time I do this, I remember one other event a year+ back where I failed to collect too.
  9. Will get villain fights done with natural regen. Energy will be doable too, the 140 energy from this event will put me to 1079/1200 energy. That leaves me 22 hours to get the remaining 121 energy from natural regen.
  10. Been able to stay top 500 due to bringing in surplus kisses from last month, kisses are now used up, and I will probably fall down to top 1.000 soon enough.
  11. I got daily goals to do complete 3 floor in the labyrinth, so good excuse to test Dominatrix skill. Since Dominatrix (Spank) uses Damage value for base, "Vigorous Motivation" and "Berserk" relics does not add any damage to the dominatrix skill. My assumption on how the skill worked; based on ingame description and results of testing default skill was that Spank = (Damage * spank %) - Enemy def. An example of how this would work would be this: For the 200%, it would be (100.000 * 2) - 50.000 = 150.000. I suited up Jiggle Santa Claudia with 5 bulbs and off we went... And the numbers that came out was... strange. They are close.. but not entirely correct. Something weird is going on. Resetted the girl skills and tried with 1 bulb, same result. Did a final reset, remembering that in early damage testing, damage was affected by the 3rd girl skill, giving 1% damage (mythic 5 bulbs) for each girl in the team with the same trait. Santa Claudia had 4 traits, giving her 4% extra damage. Started a new test with 1 bulb, grabbing the extra defence option at 3rd girl skill instead. This time damage was correct, I did several tests with different bulb values, all came out correct. I then went back and added the 4% to the original data that I got, and it resulted in; It is a lot closer this time around, I cannot get the exact numbers to match, but I am confident this is down to rounding, I am only using two decimal places. I don't know whats up with the final entry in this table, the numbers are off by quite a bit, I have no explanation, its the only outlier in all the testing I've done tho. So yes; 1 bulb domi does the same damage as a normal attack and 5 bulb domi does the same damage as a critical hit. Technically its 4% more damage then a normal attack, since normal attacks do not get the damage bonus from GS3
  12. Looked over the data on Voyeur, found something interesting. First off, the mana is indeed transferred to the Voyeur girl, and she gets to keep it. Secondary, the drain in all the data I looked at was the correct %. Thirdly, the drain skill will not do anything if the target does not have any mana. Fourthly; the skill WILL drain mana from the opponent if they have mana, even if tired. Here you can see several opponent girls with negative ego, defeated by normal damage, and girls with 0 ego that are taken out by the "finish move" relic. Skill is still draining mana. One of the problems with this skill is the enemy mana regen, they will use mana skills faster and more often, and even if you drain them, its not going to do much of anything since they will regain 30-40 mana each turn anyhow. And even if you get some good drains off, like I have a round here where I get 30 mana back, nice... I spent 100 mana to get 30 mana with no other benefits. As of now, I don't see any scenarios where this will be useful, Avoid.
  13. The testing on dominatrix was done before we started using the Json to check accurate numbers. The % modifier are from the description of the skill itself, and all the testing I've done on it have been visually. It is affected by defence, as the skill does a lot less damage against higher def opponents. I assume its just taking the value that is listed as "damage" adding in the % from skill, then subtracting enemy def. My laby is on cooldown, so I cannot check it today. Edit: Considering "not so serious spank" from skill less girls is using 50% attack value - enemy def, it would make sense for Spank to add the skill damage before subtracting enemy def. As for Voyeur, I've saved the JSON from 5 battles (hard floor1 and each boss from floor1 to 4) I'll look at the data when I get time and see what I can find there. They would have to do changes to green, like giving it another ability completely. I just think regardless what I find testing of Voyeur, in its current form Voyeur is completely useless.
  14. With no defensive relics that does not seem thar far fetched. Here is an opponent girl from the 5th floor boss attacking me and scoring a critical. I had a total of 58% protective bubble (46.94% effective damage reduction) I did the calculations here too, you see that his total damage of 132.012 is the same in my calculations. (it is 2 pts off, due to rounding, I didn't bother going and adding rounding to all the values in the spreadsheet) If you look at the top4 rows in the damage table I made, without any protective bubble, he would have critted me for 248.796. Getting critted for over 200k from the 5th floor boss is not uncommon.
  15. I completely forgot to check for this in todays run. I does look from your picture there that she is getting the mana, that was not the case on release, and must have been added later, and since the skill is pretty bad, no one did more testing on it. So the voyeur skill drains mana on each cast, and that mana is then turned into mana for the girl. So it turns a 5 turn drain skill into a 4 turn drain skill... in the best scenario where they have mana. Against opponents with low mana, its going to give you 1-2 from each girl... yay? If you get less then 20 mana from a drain, you'll still be on a 5 turn drain. The skill is not going to have much effect at all, in a fringe scenario you might delay the opponents cast one turn, but considering the later boss have so much starting mana (60-80) and gainst like 40 each turn, it will have Zero effect. The only way this skill could work is if it gave the drained mana to ALL girls.
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