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  1. Its only sexomancers, all the other roles uses their element mana skill as usual.
  2. Yeah a sexomancer overwrites any element girl skill. The hp she recovers is based on her current ego, and thus sexomancers does not need any bulbs in order to work.
  3. Healing has not really been a problem, with a "normal" enemy team setup with 0-2 enemy skill girls I usually have no problem winning. This week tho, has not been the greatest for me, the blessings have left me with 4-5 girls in the top7, only able to narrow it down to 3-4 with equipment swapping. And while I have been able to move the girls into the forward slots so I can get to them easier, its not great. I was able to defeat a labyrinth earlier this week with 5 enemy blessed girls with only a 72% dodge relic, but I have also needed to use a revival stone in another run. My plan is to swap out Summoner Salem for Ara Ara when I get all the shards for her (30/100 atm) Heavenly Lenaëlle and Summoner Salem is my only two Fluffer/Eccentric combinations at this time. I could also try to swap out Finaltits and Yesette for other girls, they were some of my earlies additions, Yesette for eccentric and tanking, and Finaltits because healing and tanking. I could try to put in a couple dominator or pleasurelock girls at the top, Pleasurelock probably makes more sense as they will be recieving damage, and they get bonus damage from being critted. For me this seems better then the 5% damage from dominator. For pleasurelock, Layla (white) and Violetta (red) seems to be the most logical choice, since the damage added from opponent criticals is a team modifier (affects all pleasurelocks of your team) they should still do the added damage even if they get taken out and revived. If I do this, then it will remove 3 mythic girls with skills, thus hopefully making the next rounds of labyrinth easier. It should be noted that even with my mythic heavy team, its usually only 0-2 blessed enemy girls in a laby run. This week here is an outlier with the specific blessings. Sure, 3 and 4% is unlikely to do much on its own, but most people will probably not see much effect of it until you get 6% and more. Due to the stacking I still think its worth picking up as many as possible, dependent on the other relic offers of cource; dodge trumps all The stronger your team is the less important Finish move becomes, If you are going to win anyway, then finish move is just a win more relic, but with a low damage team against a high defence opponent, Finish move is really good, especially in combination with eccentric.
  4. I am grabbing all finish move relics I can since they do stack, but yeah, with low %, the chance of trigger is not going to be great, since you need to get them below the percentage. I'd say that 10% or more will be noticeble in battle. Yes that was me, here are the data from that run. I reported it to Rosso. Darkyz filled out a bug report and about it and sent it onwards too. I have not heard or seen anything about it being fixed or not. I got 46% and in my battles did not take out any opponent above 40%, so it seems 40% is the limit. This was also the run where I managed to take out my own girls. I have not been able to get many finish move relics stacking after that run, so I have not been able to test it again. If I get another run with 20%+ finish move, I'll take a look, see what I can find. I am running more fluffers then I did back then, so should have more chances to trigger. Slight laby team changes, swapped Dominatrix Ananke for Trojana. Trojana is know-how, more starting mana, even if she gets mana drained will be able to cast revive at turn 4. This also makes my team 4 Red and 3 White, instead of 5 Red and 2 White. Now both Red and White element powers are more viable, with this better color balance.
  5. Mythic Misora get. 717 combativity, 6.97% droprate. Did not spend any additional combativity for the movie.
  6. Seems like they flipped the image; I looks like the text on her t-shirt should say "FUCK YOU" but the way it is now it says "KCUF UOY" It could be that its a message to herself, and if she looks in the mirror she can remind herself of how she feels about herself. That does not really seems like it either, as the description we get of her on her profile sounds like getting into rock music was an improvement for her. Added comparison picture:
  7. Have you also observed something similar? I have lost with 2x72% dodge before, but that was probably an outlier. I feel generally safe with one 72% dodge at the top, and 54% is usually enough for floors 1-2. I usually skip defence+ relics over damage ones. I might grab girl specific defence relics for the frontgirls if availible. After dodge and bubble I take finish move and damage, if the main team wipes, having damage to push past enemy defence is vital, and finish move is really good here, as you need to do less damage to take out girls. I am trying out a new laby team this week. Boros burn, red/white. This makes eccentric and submissive element relics be a lot stronger, basically working as a better "impactful" Backrow has the sexomancers; Lively scenes gave me my first knowhow sexomancer, the second is Domi Ananke. Midrow has all fluffers, with the new Aquatic Hari being fluffer and Submissive for 40% area heal from girlskill. Frontline is the one I've used for a while, Yesette for burn and Finaltits for tanking/healing. None of the frontline girls have any traits associated with them, I might find something better to put there, but the best I can think of would be dominator for +5% damage. I would also have to level said girls up, I'll see how this team works out for now.
  8. :O I had no idea one could do that, I've always gone and manually resized them before uploading. While the post was not intended for me, thanks for the tip 👍
  9. Yeah, I cannot explain that. You would think a 5* should allways be stronger then a 1* There seems to be something weird with commons going on. Maybe something with the new laby blessings? This weeks blessings makes it impossible for me to bring a common girl into the top7, so I cannot check that. Actually, this is the first blessing in a long time, where I have no girls I use in the top7, so I don't have to do any equipment swapping to avoid opponent girl skills.
  10. So, I did the first floor of my laby today (daily goal) and I checked the rarity of opponent girls vs my top7. My top 7 had 5 mythics and 2 Legend; M6, M6, L5, L5, M6, M6, M6. Looking at the opponent, they used the same rarity layout, in the same slots as me. This is why I never got a common girl to show up, as I never had one in the top7. I am not sure what is happening with your common girls in the laby, its very strange. Maybe the rarity itself is locked in when starting the laby? and it always connect to the highest rarity common girl availible? I've no idea.
  11. A new challenger has arrived! Final 10 shards for Heavenly Lenaëlle finally showed up after 10 laby cycles. Now to get 10 shards for AraAra and do it all over again
  12. Yeah, I've been using fights on jackson for xp items. Much better return. But since I had so many fights left over, I just figured I would see how many fights it took to get the video. It did drop today, after 494 fights. Considering I only used 581 fights to get the girl, that is 87 fights less then the girl, or 85.03% of the fights needed for the girl. 1/494 puts me at a droprate of 0.20% Maybe they just attributed the old girl drop formula, the one before shards to the video? This was more of an experiment to me, I have zero interest in the video, I haven't even looked at it even tho I have unlocked it. Any remaining fights will be spent for xp items from now on, unless I have girls from other events to unlock with combativity.
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