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EpicBacon last won the day on November 9 2024

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  1. Mythic Kira get, slightly below average droprate at 5.83%
  2. I like ego for frontline girls too, makes them able to survive longer, especially if the enemy is crit-happy. It works very well in combination with protective bubble, especially if you don't get any dodge.
  3. I think I had 724.000 or so in my last run, I don't think I had too much increase ego tho. What was the base ego of your Lenaëlle? Mine has 467.101 base.
  4. The art for this event is okay, usually there are one or two really bad ones, but not this time around. Sagittarius is the weakest for me and I actually like Cancer, the artist used really sharp lines for her, it really makes her stands out. She kinda looks like she's come straight from a comic strip.
  5. Interesting, I don't have that one, but yeah, could probably work for a screenshot.
  6. I think having a picture of the battleteam, along with labels would be good, people are more likely to look at a picture then read text, and having a picture to reinforce what was written goes a long way (atleast for me) something like: Not sure if labels for healers are needed, red and white should be somewhat easy to understand, however my team is not a good example. I am running a dual element team. Obviously this would not be feasible for new players, as I am using specific girls that have no substitutes. My midline consists of girls that are unique in there role/element.
  7. I am aiming for 82 more points, that will give me 14.250 pts, for another 20 sapphires (2400+1200+450)
  8. Maybe throw in a small blurb about a standard team setup? Just to give some ideas on what to start out with? Something like: 2 sexomancers, 2-3 fluffers, 1 or more healers (submissive) 1 or more eccentric
  9. Fell to the 3rd floor boss, serious lack of defensive relics; 12% protective bubble 18% egoist Decent damage relics carried me till the end. 13% impactful 11% Vigorous Motivation 10% Back attack 16% finish move
  10. They need to "Step" up their game (Sorry @bolitho76 for being off topic, could not contain myself, you can issue me a warning if warranted)
  11. A 2007 episode of MythBusters demonstrated a greater penetration depth of lead bullets versus silver bullets; the experiment utilized a 250-grain (16 g) lead slug in a .45-caliber Colt long shell vs a lighter, 190-grain (12 g) silver slug fired at closer range. Another MythBusters episode, from 2012, showed that silver bullets are less accurate than lead bullets when fired from an M1 Garand. Michael Briggs also did some experiments with silver bullets compared to lead bullets. After making a custom mold to ensure that the sizes of the silver bullets were comparable to the lead bullets, he fired them. He found that the silver bullets were slightly slower than the lead bullets and less accurate.
  12. I am fairly confident to make it past the two first floor without any decent relics, after that tho, it can get a bit iffy. I've not had a defeat in hard mode for some time but I don't know if I've just gotten luckier with relics or my team is simply better;4-6 months ago, I had several runs loosing to the 3rd/4th floor boss or the 1st hard fight on the floor after it. Having to use a revival stone just to be able to defeat the last boss. I think when I started to use 2 sexomancers with 3+ fluffers, 2 healers and a couple eccentric girls was the turning point for me. Removing enemy girl skills are also really useful for me; I had a run a couple cycles ago where I was not able to remove all enemy girl skills, the opponent got a dominatrix girl. Every 2 turns she was spanking one of my girls for about 80% of her total ego. Needless to say, If that hit a frontline girl, she would easily be taken out by the rest of the enemy team, and if not revived immediately, would make the rest of the team fall down like a house of cards. (assuming no dodge relics)
  13. That makes a lot of sense, a good suggestion. The guide to the labyrinth has become quite large at this point, so having a short summary, with maybe some team suggestions would be helpful to those who wants to get a better labyrinth team, maybe go for hard mode, but does not want to read thru the whole thing in order to figure out what to do. With a summary of what you are suggesting, they can get going quickly, and if the need arises then they can go back to the guide and look more closely on a specific topic. We've all probably have instances where we are at a wiki, and we just need to figure out this one basic thing in order to get going, but the wiki just goes on and on about advanced stuff that we don't really care about yet.
  14. Maybe she has been secretly been drinking red bull, and the fruit actually had no effect at all?
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