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  1. I totally agree. I also would love to see the girls/ guys using MY favourite poses during battles and not just a default pose (which is always the last unlocked/ highest unlocked affection pose). But the devs actually fully inteded this default choice of the pose. The reason for this to avoid players tricking opponents into thinking that they are less upgraded than they actually are (higher star = higher stat multiplier). It's at least understandable though we may not like it. However I also made the same suggestion and added a possible solution to it. Maybe you want to add something. http://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/3112-allowing-players-choice-poses-for-battling/
  2. Dunric

    Ideas Main

    Hello, I also made the same suggestion (including a possible solution) and I totally agree...being stuck with the last unlocked faces/ poses for battles is really annoying. http://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/3112-allowing-players-choice-poses-for-battling/
  3. A very big fun aspect of this game (besides the story) is collecting girls/ guys and unlocking their affection poses. Choosing the prefered pose for a girl/ guy allows the players to customize their harem by picking the sexiest pose and enjoying their favourite girls/ guys striking the pose the player likes the most. These poses unfortunately are completely ignored by a very big part of the game. Actually you can only see the chosen pose in the "My Harem" view and in the group screen of our personal profile. When visiting the market (books and gifts), for the head only icons the game suddenly and strangely switches from our chosen favourite pose of each girl/ guy to a default pose, which always is the latest unlocked / highest unlocked affection pose. Ok this is just strange for the market but it really hurts for battling. When battling, players are not allowed to watch their favourite girls/ guys in their favourite pose. Instead once again our chosen prefered pose will be replaced with the default pose (highest unlocked affection pose). You love your favourite girl's/ guy's 4-star pose much more than the 5 star-pose? Well too bad, as soon as the 5-star pose is unlocked your favourite girl/ guy will never ever again use your favourite pose during battles...from now on you are stuck with the max affection pose during battles forever...no matter if you maybe don't like the max affection pose at all. This is just sad...this game is about visuals and eyecandy and beeing allowed to customize the look of our battling girls/ guys by choosing which pose they strike, would be so much more fun. At least for me it totally kills the fun when I have to see my favourite guy battling in a pose I don't really like at all. The reason for this is obviously to be found in the PvP situation. Chthugha was so kind to point me to the fact, that the devs did this on purpose to avoid players tricking opponents into thinking that they are less upgraded than they actually are (higher star = higher stat multiplier). That makes sense but I think there is a better way to stop this cheating...a way that can solve this issue without sacrificing the players' freedom to visually customize their battling teams. It's actually super easy. Since it's all about visualizing how many affection stars the opponent's girls/ guys have, why not simply add the amount of stars + the level to the icons of each girl/ guy? When visiting the Tower of Fame you can already see the number of stars and the level of the opponent's Alpha on the Icon: When clicking on your opponent's portrait, you can also see his Beta and Omega but both without their number of stars and level displayed: So it would be just about adding the number of stars and the level to the icons of the Beta and Omega as well...like this: Besides the Tower of Fame interface, adding the number of stars + level to the icons of Beta and Omega would also work for the Harem Battle interface so it would look like this: With this simple change it would be very easy to see what level and how many stars the girls/guys of the opponent's team have and thus to estimate the chances of winning against an opponent. There would no longer be a chance to trick other opponents into thinking that a team is less upgraded than it actually is. And most important of all...this would allow us players to finally enjoy the lovely favourite poses of our girls/guys during battling as well. Besides the aspect of player's choice/ customization it's also a matter of consistency...when I pick a favourite pose for my guys I would actually expect this pose to be displayed in every part of the game ( Harem View, Battles and even for the head only icons in the Market) because the reason I picked this pose is that I like to see it and it really kinda bugs me that I have no choice what pose is displayed during battles. I'm starting to become afraid of upgrading some guys simply cause I don't wanna loose their current pose for battling. So please for the sake of enjoying this game's beautiful eyecandy... Please free the poses.
  4. Oh thanks for the reply and for clearing this up. So it is indeed intended. Still I'm wondering why this is necessary at all cause when picking an opponent via Battle or via the Tower of Fame you can clearly see the number of stars on the Alpha. Why not simply just make those stars visible on the Beta and Omega too? That would make tricking opponents impossible but would no longer sacrafice the meaning of poses and the fun of customizing our battle team. Some non-max affection poses are just gorgeous and it's a bit sad that we are not allowed to use them for battling. I mean this game is all about eyecandy isn't it? So after knowing the reasons for this decision (thanks again Chthugha) my new suggestion would be: For battling please make the opponent's affection stars also visible on the Beta and the Omega (just the way it works with the Alpha) and therefore give us players the freedom to customize our battling team by allowing us to chose in which poses our girls/ guys will be displayed during battles. That would be a huge improvement in terms of customization and it would also give much more meaning to the poses.
  5. I don't know if this is a bug ( maybe only in Gay Harem?) or working as intended but I'm wondering why the chosen pose of a guy is not beeing displayed during battles. When battling, my guys will ALWAYS show up in the latest unlocked pose...in other words: during battles the guys will always be displayed with the highest affection pose unlocked instead of the pose I actually chose for them. For example: I have Bunny's affection on 5 stars. But I really love his 4-star pose, so in the My Harem view I chose the 4-star pose to be displayed. When in My Harem view this is working as intended...I can see Bunny displayed with the 4-star pose and even the head-only icon on the left shows his 4-star pose. But when I'm battling (no matter if another player or a world boss) Bunny will be displayed using his 5-star pose (the latest unlocked/ highest affection pose). The same goes for the head-only icons in the market when buying books or gifts...here as well the head-only icons will always display the highest unlocked affection pose instead of the pose I actually chose for the guys. The same goes for any other guy no matter how high his affection is..during battles he will always be displayed with the highest affection pose instead of the pose I chose for him. I don't know if this working the same way in Hentai Heroes...if not it's obviously a Gay Harem bug. It would be very nice if the pose we chose for a girl/ guy would also be displayed during battles (and in the market for the head-only icons). Right now this is not the case...instead of using the pose chosen by the player, the game will always use the latest unlocked/ highest affection pose by default, which makes chosing a pose a bit meaningless. Right now I'm actualy kinda afraid to upgrade a guy if I like his current unlocked pose, knowing that he will no longer be able to use this pose for battles as soon as I unlock the next pose. So if this is not a bug, please consider this as feedback to make the poses more meaningful and to give us players the choice which pose our harem members will be using during battles. This would also be a nice way to personalize the battling experience.
  6. Im still pretty new to the game...started Gay Harem about a week ago, but I absolutely love it. It is extremely addictive and so much fun. I wholehaertedly want to thank the devs for having the balls to create the first truly extensive and long term gay themed browser game. I really love the story part, it's so hilarious sometimes and always entertaining and really hawt. This "gotta catch them all" collecting passion thingy totally works even for adults, especially if it's combined with sexy eyecandy .I found my self sitting in front of my PC like a little child loudly screaming "Yes!!!" for joy when I got Straw (the hottest harem guy from Ninja Spy). I'm really looking forward to the first event coming to Gay Harem on February and I'm already pretty excited to see what's going on in the Invaded Kingdom and The Juy Sea. This game really got me totally hooked and I'm truly enjoying it. I have to admit I'm a bit jealous of the Hentai Heroes players cause they already got so many girls, so many worlds with story to explore and a ton of events but on the other hand it's like looking into the future of Gay Harem and this gets me even more excited about the things that hopefully may come. So thank you once again dear developers for your great games and all the time and efforts you put into it. Please keep up your good work and Kudos to you!
  7. I was referring to that monthly card, which is 2,99€ and which gives you 60 Kobans each day + "Free Collect in 1-click all Harem" for 30 days. So having the ability to easily collect the Harem's money is actually an already existing premium feature and it's even super cheap. I don't want to tell you to pay as excuse for something. I just wanted to remind you that there already is a feature that makes collecting the harem's money super fast 'n easy and on top of that you get 1800 additional kobans each months. And even if there is no real conversion of currencies based of countries, 2,99 € still is a fair price for what you get in return. Nevermind I have to admit I kinda misunderstood you. I had the impression you were asking to completely replace the current Harem's view with that compact view instead of just adding another view option, so sorry for that. To be honest I also would love to see some visual improvements to the Harem's view but more in terms of "eyecandy improvements" like adding a gallery mode which would allow us to view our girls/ guys in higher resolution than those kinda tiny fullbody pics or improvements like the much sought-after sorting function for Harem members. But since you just asked for a Harem's view change for the purpose of collecting the money faster, I felt like reminding you of the monthly card and it's features was not that much of a bad idea.
  8. The team change grid is nice for team changes but for managing the harem it lacks some (at least to me visually important) things like beeing able to change the poses of the girls/guys and also beeing able to watch them in fullbody view (not only those thumbnails). So if this is just about a quicker way to collect cash well then you can already have that. Just pay 3 bucks a month and you can collect all the cash instantly without having to scroll at all and on top of that thereby you're also supporting the game that you like.
  9. As a Gay Harem Player I also would love to see a sorting function. Beeing able to put the favourite guys/girls on top of the list would be great.
  10. Have you tried using another browser? I'm playing Gay Harem on Microsoft Edge and the game is running perfectly fine.
  11. I second this. Right now there is only credit card and direct debit available. And as already mentioned not everyone owns a credit card. For direct debit, not everyone likes to do banking transactions via the Internet (like me). The so called sms payment that is also available is simply not working (at least for Gay Harem)...cause it directs you straight to a direct debit pop up window. Paysafe Card would be a very convenient and preferable payment method. It is uncomplicated and entails no risks. This might also boost the profit for both games since it would allow all those players to purchase Kobans, who have no credit card and/or want to avoid to use the internet for banking transactions. On a sidenote: I really love this game, that's why I (especially for this game) applied for a prepaid credit card to be finally able to purchase Kobans. But I guess a lot of other players would simply decide to not buy Kobans at all as long as there is no convenient payment alternative to credit card and direct debit.
  12. Thanks for your advice...will keep all that in mind.
  13. Well that went fast...I guess I'm lucky. Today I'm in my 4th day of playing the game and I just got the last missing harem member from Dark Lord (3/3). Since i'm still progressing through the story in Gems Kingdom and therefore have no other world boss to fight yet, it looks like I can enjoy some battles against other player's harems for a change.
  14. Thank you for your advice. I will stick to it and focus on world bosses for the time being.
  15. Oh this seems to be the right place for a newbie question, so I don't have to create a new thread for it. As a new player what's the wisest strategy? Saving combativity for fighting world bosses only until you have all their girls/guys? Or is the xp-gain from player battles and the faster leveling still worth it, considering that you can't speed up story progression by faster leveling anyway? Or am i missing something?
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