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  1. The drop rate system is garbage now. It's understandable that before they changed the system you could get any girls on the first try and that that was too much, but they didn't have to ruin the experience as much as they did. It's like they are forcing people to pay more in order to "guarantee" they would get "at least" ONE girl. it takes 10 hours for the combat energy to fully refills and sometimes you would waste all combativity points and only get 3 event shards and sometimes none as it has happened to me. I get frustrated having to waste my time waiting all that time just to get shitty shard drops. THEY GOTTA FIX THIS GAME. tbh this is dogshit and I wouldn't put my money on this game and luckily ever since the system changed I never did. Don't waste your money on this game, its neither worth it nor enjoyable anymore.
  2. Username: TuhSempaiXD Hentai Heroes Account Nutaku ID: 249541
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