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Found 11 results

  1. I started using the HH++ script ago days ago, and I noticed that there is a winning probabilty next to each fight (and an average prize). How is the percentage calculated? I will write a short summary of how I understand the HH fights mechanism: When a fight is started, you and your opponent are giving damage to each other in turns (the attacker starts). The regular damage you make is your attack subtracted by your opponent defence. After that, your opponent is giving you damage, and so it goes. You Ego is your HP in Hentai Heroes. When your ego or your opponent ego goes beyound zero, the fight is over. and the winner is declared. I'm hoping that was correct so far. If there were only Ego, attack and defence attributes, we would know the fight outcomes before they were even made. What give randomness to the fight are the ciritical hits. I will not go into the critical hits percentages (it is being described in the Performance Handbook), but in a nutshell, the probability to get a critical hit in each turn is determined by your Harmony attribute, which is also affected by girls colors. The critical hit percentage given in each turn by the harmony stat should be between 1% and 29% (according to the Performance book). If there was no Harmony stat, all of the outcomes would have been known before any fights were even made. Because there is a probabily for critical hits, we get some randomness in our fights. But how does HH++ calculate it? For example, we know beforehand if we have 0% or 100% probabilty of winning or losing a fight - If we are making a simulation in which my opponent is getting critical hits against me in every turn, while I'm getting none, and I still win in this simulation, it means that I have 100% of winning the fight. If we are making a simulation in which I'm getting critical hits againt my opponent in every turn, while my opponents gets no critical hits against me, and he still win in this iteration, it means that I'm having 0% to win this fight. But what about all of the other fights, those in the middle, in which I'm not having 0% or 100% probability to win? How does HH++ calculate the winning probabilities?
  2. When the Carnal Knights game club was first created, my idea was to have open membership until the club had 20 members. I did not foresee the initial growth we have experienced. Now that we have gone through three cycles of membership growth and trimming, I have decided to keep the membership open until Carnal Knights has 30 stable members. My feeling is a new club member should be somewhere between level 155 and 175 due to changes in the game. My temptation is to grandfather players below level 175 and set the new entry point to the club at player level 175. What do you guys think?
  3. Los mejores juegos de sexo
  4. Today, I got the news that Bunny and Company were updating the game. A relatively short downtime followed this announcement before the game was available again. My question is, what was fixed/added/changed in the game? I have tried searching, but find no topic discussing or announcing this event.
  5. you see even though the season time hasn't ended i cant perform any more in the tower of fame,is it just a bug or is it a new rule that i didnt new of? first of all i was just performing as usual then i used kobans to refill then perform again then by the 3rd(or 4th)refill the perform button is gone,anyone know whats happening or can provide me some ideas?
  6. I am Latin, so I apologize for my lack of knowledge in English, I am a big fan of this game and I have always had it in great esteem, both in art, history, gameplay, rewards, etc. But lately I've noticed that the unlockable art of the girls has reduced its quality, to what is this? They are very busy with a new game, you need more cartoonists. And I do not try to offend in any way, it's just that I'm very attached to the excellent quality they have provided in these 2 years that I've been playing. So I wanted to know if it's something momentary, and if you plan to improve it in the future? . I hope to continue enjoying this game, and all the news that is taking, do a great job, continue to surprise us more with new mechanics and girls. You are goodbye Sincerely. An active player
  7. Hello I just have one question! I want to know how many levels the game is made of and if someone already reached the end?😏 Greetings from the Mexican united empire
  8. I was thinking if there is a gay harem why there isn't a lesbian one. Like a game with lesbians and all girls.
  9. So I just got to the end of the story missions I can play (so far) and now energy as a resource feels a bit pointless. So the next part is "coming soon" so what am I supposed to do with the energy meanwhile? In the future, could we like convert our energy into resources or battle-points so we could get something for our loyalty and "hard work"?
  10. Mon avancement dans HentaiHeroes. J'ai pas mal avancé depuis mon dernier sujet qui fût celui porté sur DarkLord et les taux de drop concernant les filles de son harem. Le plus dur fût de faire preuve de patience pour sortir de la dernière mission du Village Ninja, "Tunnel Mystérieux". Avec 15 énergies dépensées à chaque bouton "utiliser" pour passer à une autre scène, je n'en voyais pas le bout. A présent je suis arrivé dans le Royaume Envahi, qui est gouverné par la princesse Noemy. Pour le moment les dépenses d'énergie ne sont pas faramineuses, mais ça ne saurait tarder car au début elles sont tranquilles et pas conséquentes, mais par la suite je vais devoir prendre mon mal en patience. Bien sûr le jeu se doit de durer le plus longtemps possible pour ne pas avoir à finir un truc en 4 heures de temps, mais je trouve quand-même (et je suis libre de m'exprimer à ce sujet) que les dépenses d'énergies sont parfois énormes, pour ne pas dire exagérées. Car ce serait plus avantageux pour les créateurs de HentaiHeroes de mettre de mettre de temps à autre (en milieu de mission) un petit "8" ou "10" en dépense d'énergie histoire d'avancer ne serait-ce qu'un petit peu plus vite. Autrement côté combat je suis assez satisfait de l'argent que l'on peut gagner lors des combats contre l'Espion Ninja ou bien Gruntt, avec un gain compris entre 3200 et 3800 pour l'Espion Ninja et entre 4300 et 5200 pour Gruntt. Il y a de ça 2 heures je me suis amusé à estimer l'argent que je gagnerai en combat contre Gruntt avec 14 points et en prenant en compte mes stats. Et ça donne un bon chiffre : Hardcore : 1170 Charme : 1174 Savoir-Faire : 1178 Endurance : 8189 Dom.Critiques : 25,00% Gain Gruntt estimé : 4300/5200 (selon dommages causés) J'ai 14 points de combat qui se renouvellent toute les 2 heures. 7x4300 = 30 100 (pour ma part c'est pas mal) 7x5200 = 36 400 (là c'est encore mieux ) Maintenant si je prends en compte le fait que mes points se renouvellent toute les 2 heures : 30 100x12 = 361 200 36 400x12 = 436 800 (2x12 = 24 donc j'ai juste) Bref, j'ai vraiment fait ça, et ça m'a permis de me focaliser sur autre chose que l'ennui, car oui l'ennui commençait à vouloir m'envahir !
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