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  1. Hey there, two small questions: - is there any way to gain back the security check before spending kobans? I accidentally marked the checkbox while pressing yes and now i cant re-enable it. - how do i disable the annoying starter offer banner? I dont have a credit card and will never be able to actually buy the starter offer. so.. there is no point in asking me for money all time. Thx and BR, langerpenis
  2. J ai succombé à l offre spéciale. Et vous?
  3. I'm curious to see what people plan to spend on this next Legendary event. I've set this poll to end at 12 noon on May 17
  4. Hi there. So basically, I accidentally checked the "Don't show this again" box on the screen that pops up prior to you expending Kobans in-game. Since I play on my mobile phone, it's commonplace for me to missclick and long story short, I would prefer the screen to pop up instead. I looked into settings, but didn't find anything for this choice. Where can I reset it from?
  5. J'ai perdu tous mes Kobans sans rien faire, est ce que je peut les récupérer ?
  6. I have been playing every day and battling all 48 battle of the day ,but for the last 20 day I have been fighting without any girl dropped even the events girls had not dropped. I even completed 2 world in the adventure without any girl dropped. As for the legendary days I have spent more than 3200 kobans which I obtained from daily reward ,events ,etc . and I did not get it. that made very sad ,because I was anticipated for it. And for now to the new event I am battling daily but I feel I will not win any of the events girl . I feel bored now because I am now just like fighting for money only .
  7. What about minigame? I play hentaiheroes for like 5 minutes because after that time you end energy, battle points, harem to collect, etc. But what if they would add minigames to get some kobans or money or everithing else. Just to make the players enjoy more this game. And i would like to see some gifs or exclusive pictures or videos it would be great
  8. I have three cards and I get "an error processing the card" for all three cards. I've been trying to renew my monthly card for the past three days to no success. why wont you just take my money So apparently contributing on the Patreon page, alongside the other benefits, rewards me with "Equivalent amount of Kobans + a special bonus each month - HentaiHeroes.com or Nutaku". Wouldn't this mean contributing on Patreon is simply better than straight up buying Kobans? To be clear, I don't want to resort to something so underhanded just to pay for a game I enjoy. It's just that when I've been having troubles for the last three days with three cards (and quite frankly, this isn't the first time I've had card issues in the four months I've been playing), I just want something to work. Could I buy a monthly card access off of Patreon or something? I trust that Patreon/Paypal would work for something like this. Again, not trying to resort to something so underhanded, I just want to literally give you my money for your intended features. I have 60+ girls to collect from and the monthly card was pretty much my savior. On top of that, the method I use to collect, clicking one collect button and tabbing to the next, eventually tabs me to the Spend 12 Kobans to Collect All button, which basically makes me pay 12 kobans to collect almost nothing. If nothing else, at least let us toggle the 12 Koban warning message again...
  9. So recently the monthly card was added. I really like the concept of that card and would like to buy it but it seems that only creditcards are available for doing so and I do not have a creditcard. SO my suggestion is as follow: add more payment methods. Options that could be added are: - Paypal - Bitcoin / litecoin / dogecoin / other crypto - iDeal - Swish I know not all will be possible for every country but please take them into consideration. I really love this game and I would not be against paying some money for it but the payment methods make it very hard for me to do so.
  10. Hello tous ! C'est dimanche, aussi je me posais une question... (les questions, c'est le dimanche, les autres jours, on réfléchit pas) C'est combien de Kobans qu'o gagne par event ? et par revival ?... Je l'ai lu mais ne suis point parvenu à le retrouver... Merci aux matheux qui savent...
  11. M.Adri


    Je ne suis pas un débutants ni même un vétéran de HH mais je connais quand même la frustration de ne pas avoir obtenue une filles d'event. J'ai penser ( et a vous de me dire si vous êtes pour ou contre ) que mettre en place un système pour obtenir les filles d'event ont pourrais rajouter dans le marcher ou dans le pachinko un bouton qui permet d'obtenir une fille au hasard dans toute celle que l'on n'a pas obtenue et toute les semaines la fille changent Je pense que c'est bénéfique pour les joueur et pour les devs car les joueur vont etre heureux d'avoir plus de filles et les devs gagneront plus d'argent car le jeux auras une duree de vie plus longue ( donc plus de kobans a acheter ) Voila voila
  12. En gardant l'effet du dernier prix aléatoire, un prix en KB (compris entre 15 et 50) amènerais, peut-être, plus de gens au PVP. De plus, je suggère la RAZ des combats en même temps que le compteur journalier. De la sorte que, si je ne termine pas mes combats durant cette période, je ne me retrouve pas, le lendemain, avec 1-2 combats à finir pour avoir le dernier bonus et être pris à attendre tout la journée avant de pouvoir en refaire... Merci et GG
  13. C'est très simple : on parle tous du Pachinko Epique, et des filles d'events. Je voulais que l'on se fasse une idée réaliste de à quel point ces filles sont destinées à une seule élite ?... (les gros veinards, qui devraient jouer au loto plutôt que de perdre leur temps ici !) Alors combien ? sur combien de filles ? d'events ?
  14. I was using all my kobans for epic pachinko but it is too rarely to drop girl. And i see for battle trolls 20 combativity can refill 150 kobans. Do you think for gain more girl it is better use kobans for trolls or is it better use them for epic pachinko?
  15. Would it be possible to establish a small reward in Kobans? This applies to all rewards, loot bosses, arena battles, missions, gift contest (yes), including the harem money income ...
  16. Lately Equipment is priced in kobans only for some and in cash for the remaining, today 6 out of 8 equipment are priced in 'kobans only' ranging from 400 kobans to 700 kobans and only 2 in cash. Is this supposed to happen when you level up, currently my level is at '82'. And the ridiculous thing is that just the normal grade equipment is ranged between 400-750 from my current observations. And whats even more ridiculous is that "Hardcore Shirt and Tie" of normal grade which has a single hardcore stat of +289 is priced at 438 kobans and "Hardcore Football" of normal grade which has a single hardcore stat of +286 is priced at 714 kobans.
  17. Salut ! Je viens de commencer et j'ai une question du coup : C'est quoi précisément les Kobans et comment en a-t-on ? Mercé et bonne gam
  18. Is it possible to get 2 girls in 10x Epic Pachinko or only 1 guaranteed girl?!
  19. I heard that you can win kobans from certain individual missions and not just for completing all the missions in your log but I haven't seen any other than the event themed missions. Also random question-do any other gamers out there feel weird about the empty quest log after playing games like skyrim with hundreds of quests?
  20. bonjour, depuis mon inscriptions dans le jeu je me suis abstenu a parler de ça, car je me suis dit que je trouverai surement un compromis mais le temps passe et j'ai rien trouver je vis en Tunisie ( je travaille la bas et je suis pas prêt de rentrer avant longtemps ). je ne trouve aucun moyen d'acheter des kobans depuis ce pays ( et surement beaucoup de l’Afrique ), je peux pas me contenir indéfiniment des kobans gratuits lors des fins des missions et des events au moins si je trouverai comment m'inscrire a l'offre 'Soyez riche pour moins cher' sa serait plaisant, mais j’aimerai bien entendre l'avis des créateurs sur mon petit problème et merci
  21. Greetings Coders, Developers, and other VIP! I have been having a decent amount of fun with your game thus far. It's far wittier than I'd expected, its light-hearted (while still nice and perverted) approach to spoofing anime and video games is right on tone I think. So first of all, good job! I've been apart of another group that developed a different game, which eventually moved in a perverted direction as well. While I was not strictly an inside developer working on code or anything, I was involved in the direction and some design aspects of the game in earlier forms. It's good to see regular updates and events going on here, I should note, as well. That is a good sign of an active and healthy game, which truthfully, has been the main reason of my continued interest thus far! As a side note, I was also very big into the Facebook games during their hayday, and I'm relieved to see the energy and stamina format return in some way, even if some would consider it dated, I personally kind of liked it, and it suits the format here just right. Alright, that said, let's get down to business. It's good that you've inflated the starting areas with goodies and things to get your players hooked and started. As all devs know, that's where the highest fall-off rate occurs, so good, good, you're off to a good start there. The tutorial is effective and not overly lengthy. There's never really a feeling of being forced while learning. Leveling seems smooth for quite a while, except right around the first time we aren't given full energy when we gain a level, I think that's level 11? I understand the idea that we are out of tutorial/beginner mode, and we no longer receive starting benefits, but it's inconsistent and a bit jarring to suddenly have something drop off like that. As I mentioned, if Facebook games gave energy on a level, it was often consistent for all levels, not just every ten after tenth level. That should probably be mentioned somewhere early on (by Bunny or someone) so that we are not caught unawares. Running through the story mode and suddenly being dropped off the proverbial cliff with energy rates is a big risk on retaining newer players. I might even recommend bumping it up to 15, giving players a better chance to farm Dark Lord girls before it drops off, and making much less of a gap between the first big refill at 20. That way, it establishes the norm to be every 10 levels without such a drop-off. You could even think about doing Full Stamina and Full Energy on tenth levels, and Full Energy on fifth levels, or something to that effect. While we never had to deal with this particular issue in the other game, this is just one idea I had that may help to alleviate that sudden shock. (If you notice people leaving game during the Sheharamezond sex scene versus the Dark Lord then this is the reason btw). Even with the quite effective daily missions system in place to alleviate the "I don't have anything to do now" mentality, I still don't think it alleviates it entirely, so I'm including a few other adjustments you might consider if you have the time and vested interest. 1) While I understand there is a feature to use Kobans as a recharge, that may be a bit too early to reliably convince players this is the point where they need to start using them. If you are willingly generous with energy and refills, showing consistent times when this will happen, players will be able to gauge whether or not they want to use it for this purpose, say, on a particular interesting scene that they're into? And I think this will generate more player loyalty overall. 2) Around level 20 or 25 or so, I think it may be prudent to add a switch mechanic. Meaning, energy can be used to gain stamina, and/or stamina can be used to gain energy. I know that where I'm at right now, personally, I'm just going to be sitting for days with full energy, wasting it, because I need to farm Ninja Spy before moving past the Invaded Kingdom. My recommendation would be Something along the lines of you can trade 2 Stamina for 1 energy, or 5 energy for 1 Stamina. This way, if players are only interested in Battle or farming, they can push their allowed energy into that, effectively doubling their Stamina. Conversely, if they get to a part in the story where they need just, 3 more energy to keep going before they afk for a bit, they can sacrifice 6 Stamina to do so. Levers like this are surely tricky from a balance viewpoint, I understand, but giving players these levers- and thus more control over their experience- is important for overall health of a game. Perhaps someone just wants to do Tower Battle all day? Let them have that experience more fully, showing you have their back if that's what they want, and you may also gain a more loyal player. 3) Speaking of player levers, we also have to have a talk about customization. I was supremely lucky in my first play-through, getting exactly what I would have chosen if I had had the choice, both in Avatar selection (from what I've observed anyway) and sex-type (Lover instead of Hardcore or Expert), but some players may not be so lucky. I understand since Avatars are random and all technically thematically appropriate, that it is technically balanced it that way, but if you aren't developing the option to actually choose and customize your player avatar, at least in whether I can choose a "Red M" hat or a "Green Stocking" hat (ahem, lol) and so on, then that will be quite a wasted opportunity, but I digress. More importantly, Choosing one's effective battle-type should not be automatic at the beginning of the game without the player being aware of how that shapes ones game experience. You could have a small quiz that suggests to the player which type they lean towards, if you wanted, but only to help guide them. Ultimately, they should be able to choose which of the three types they want to be, somewhere in Begin City. Using the first three girls, Bunny, Juliette, and Yuni, er, Red Battler, should make that task even easier, if you guys chose to do it that way. You could even present them as representatives for their type if you wanted (ala instinct, mystic, valor style) in sexy poses that might relate to their sex-battle type, giving players an idea of what kind of characters to expect in the future. Other than that, things look pretty sharp so far. As a footnote, it's sort of strange how late in the Gems Kingdom we really get to talk about the three battle types and all that. I suspect Gems Kingdom used to be the opening area or something to that effect? It was fine, honestly, just kinda funny to be learning about it then when all the other tutorial stuff had passed, but, I'm not sure of all the details on that choice so I can only speculate. In any case, I hope this feedback is helpful! With some luck and determination, maybe I'll even see some of these changes someday. Feel free to ask me if you have any more detailed questions. Cheers and have a good day!
  22. Bonjour, Concernant le nouveau magasin de kobans, serait-ce possible d'avoir une option de paiement téléphonique également ou n'est-ce pas faisable?
  23. En attendant une news officielle, voici les nouveautés de ce jour : - nouvelle quête (n° 3) disponible dans le monde 9 "Plain of rituals" - nouveau design de la boutique d'achats de kobans - nouvelle formule pour acheter des kobans : la carte mensuelle - la rubrique "Affiliation" accessible depuis le menu, qui vous emmène sur GamingAdult
  24. As a future feature that could get the game a lot more money how about a way for people to buy other people kobans? A better search feature for when you look up someones name so you can bring up more than one person would be good as well since you would just search their name then you get the option to buy them kobans that way you don't buy the wrong person the kobans as well which would be easy to do when more than one person has the same name. This feature would also upgrade the game so players can find players when more than one name is used as well which would help players look other players up.
  25. Affection level currently needs to be increased before players can upgrade the harem member and kobans only let players skip the money price of upgrading the girl however my suggestion is to allow kobans to upgrade the affection level and upgrade the girl at the same time making it more worth the koban price since it just skipping the money price is not enough since getting the items to get to being able to upgrade is even harder for most player giving them 2 for 1 deal for their kobans plus with the koban price increasing with every harem member players get it would be better for them to get more value for their money it encourages more players to buy kobans to do this as well which means the game makes more money which benefits everyone playing the game since more money to upgrade the game as well. You will get more people to use kobans to upgrade their harem members since the problem players have later on is also raising the affection level and not just upgrading the girl afterwards.
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