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Is the Nymphobies Horde revival meant to start today?

Zorba the Geek

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This might be a time zone issue for me.  The new missions started at 4pm 14 October my time (probably 13 hours ahead of Paris given our Daylight Saving if Daylight Saving ends in Europe as expected).

The whole thing has confused me a bit because I got the notice at the start of the daily missions that the revival is now underway, but no event home page and no event panel - and no event missions.  It was meant to start at 5am UTC+1, 14 October.  I'm assuming Daylight Saving is still in force in Europe given this message.  It is even more confusing because the revival has started on the test server.

Can someone please tell me if I'm a day ahead of myself, or is there an issue?  Please don't be too hard on me, though, as I get confused easily. Lol.

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Just now, GeorgeMTO said:

If you think there might be a bug or "issue", in the future checking the bug reports section might help you figure out if it's something that others have reported.

As seen by these 3 other threads created within the last 2 hours



At that stage, I didn't see it as a bug, but it had a life of its own and became one it seems.  Lol.

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1 minute ago, Zorba the Geek said:

At that stage, I didn't see it as a bug, but it had a life of its own and became one it seems. Lol.

You yourself asked if it was an issue. What would you think is an issue bot not a bug?

22 minutes ago, Zorba the Geek said:

Can someone please tell me if I'm a day ahead of myself, or is there an issue?


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2 minutes ago, sucker360 said:

They fixed it now. It's live. Apparently they couldn't enable the event daily mission for today, but instead the gift now only requires 4 of 5 daily missions. It's usually 5 of 5 daily missions for it if I remember correctly.

You don't remember correctly, it has been 4 of 5 for ages if not the entire time.

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Yeah, besides the lack of an event mission, (now we can't miss a single daily mission if we want the equipment), they counted the 3 hours that they needed to fix the problem as if we didn't lose that time. In games that are concern for its players, the devs give a kind of remuneration with in-game currency, what kind of devs have this game?

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I correct, the event mission appear, my last message was after refreshing several times and closing my session, but now, after pushing the button that links to the daily missions from the event banner it appeared. Still hoping that the timer of the event has 3 hours plus, it's not fair losing that time.

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