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Increasing rewards in Tower of fame weekly contest?


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Anyone else wishing that devs would improve Tower of Fame rewards for the weekly contests.

Not only these XP option are majority for ToF events, but the amount XP they give is utterly abysmal. Even 1st 2750 Xp is practically useless after lvl 200, not to mention of how much effort and even real world money to possibly get this horrible reward. And the amount of ymes you get isn't all that great either. 

So. here's what I suggest. Very least add 1 in front of both highest XP and ymen rewards, which would then make all the rest of the rewards more worthwhile. This would also go long way of helping people to reach the ever increasing level gap at sometime of this millennium. 









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Nowadays the 9 categories in ToF are oriented as follows so they cover all the spectrum of players:

Mojo: Medium level players
PvP Wins: High and medium level players
Wins vs Villains: Medium to low level players 
Money spent: High level players
XP experience: New players
Girls: New players
Stat upgrades: Medium level players
Affection: Medium and high level players
Harem levels: Medium and high level players

For very new players the rewards are good, but for medium and high level players not. Remember that those are free rewards you have even if you don't compete for first places, but yes, they could be updated a bit.

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42 minutes ago, jelom said:

Mojo: Medium level players
PvP Wins: High and medium level players
Wins vs Villains: Medium to low level players 
Money spent: High level players
XP experience: New players
Girls: New players
Stat upgrades: Medium level players
Affection: Medium and high level players
Harem levels: Medium and high level players

I don't know if the tiers listed are true and how my level 193 is considered (medium or low tier) but I never managed to get a place above 5-10 in weekly contests in ANY competition from the very beginning of my player experience. And I am playing very much. There are always some guys, that are WAY above you. Actually, I am only doing somewhat well in Mojo competition (5-10 best place) and PvP wins (101-1000 best place), and that's it. In the other ones I always get the last place. Yeah, once I was 11-100 in stat upgrades - but only for ONE time.

I think, that the only fair leagues are: Mojo league and PvP, where everyone can earn Mojo and battle the others in, somewhat, equal attempts. The rest are just for whales and veteran players. The whole weekly contest concept is good but the rewards are low and the accessibility of them for all players differs significantly.

As regards the "Girls" competition, I always got the last place when I was a new player, so I doubt. The same for XP - 1001th +

Edited by Тёмный Властелин
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What I mean is that if you look the top 100 in every category you will see players of that level. If you think you are going to place frequently in the top 10 in some TOF categories then I am going to dissilusionate you, because it is very hard, you are competing against tens of thousands of players. In some categories you can only TRY to win ONE time, (affection, stat upgrades), and that only after managing resources for a long time and praying that no other player will do the same as you the same week.

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16 minutes ago, jelom said:

If you think you are going to place frequently in the top 10 in some TOF categories then I am going to dissilusionate you, because it is very hard, you are competing against tens of thousands of players.

Sure, I understand that. But what's the purpose of getting 1001th+ every time in almost all of the leagues? To get 52.8k (!) Ymens, 27 (!) exp and a random gift (presumably some rare affection item or whatever)? I struggle to be placed in top 10 in ANY Tower of Flame category, and even if I do, for that effort I only get 1,32kk Ymen and 654 (!) exp, and some random rare item. Like, really?

Really strange game feature with LUL rewards. That's how I see it.

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