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On hoarding resources


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27 minutes ago, Dr. Lust said:

So, Guys, would this be a correct assumption for a F2P gamer.  During the month save anything and everything until the last event, be it a PoA or Legendary event?  Save, cash, kobans, orbs, champion tickets, books, gifts, boosts, etc.  Squirrel everything away so that you have a surplus of anything needed during PoA or Legendary?  And to get this thread back on track.............Filya is HOT. :)

Here's what I'm doing, remains to be seen how effective it is:

Cash I spend as I get it. I can't win contests that require spending cash, and I don't care. If PoA requires more cash than I have, use epic orbs.

On kobans, I kind of judge on a case by case basis. How badly do I want girl A? How badly do I want girl B? etc. But a girl is never worth more than 5400 kobans.

Likewise for event orbs and mythic single orbs, save until there's a girl you really want available.

Epic orbs are used when I feel I really need an equipment upgrade, or need cash immediately. Currently have 36.

Mythic multi-orbs I'm planning to bank up until I have enough to gain all girls available (to me) in a mythic cycle. Long way to go here.

Tickets I will bank up to 50, then start a new champion "block" (for lack of a better word) taking me down to 25-30, repeat.

Books: Always buyout on a fresh market. Save for contests.

Gifts keep a reserve of 10 of each green, and piles of grey. These are just so I can make sure a girl gets EXACTLY as much affection as she needs without going over. Yellows and purples are spent immediately. We haven't needed affection for contests or PoA yet, so pay attention to the test server announcements to see if that's going to change.

Boosts I've been hoarding, I have no real plan on how/when to use them for now, so just letting them pile up.


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i got a prority list for my money:
1) I save up 5 mio cash always for the next lvl up (for stat upgrades)
2) if i have more than 5 mio cash does i spent it for affection point
3) does i got more than 10 mio cash does i spent it for books and presents

By the way does i do the champions only if im able to defeat all 6 champs at once, i need around 120 tickets, so i save 140 tickets.
But since the first Path of Attraction event does i save up to 280 tickets, it took a while but i get now around 40 mio every time when im able to fight the champs ;D

i use epik booster to make more wins in the tower of fame and i pay my booster with the kobans i got from the tower of fame

I got no problem to save something for a really long time, so i saved since the last PoA event for 30 days all my equipment. it gave me 100 mio cash ^^
I even saved my 1xmythic orbs until i got 90 of them, it gave my a lot of avatars and 1 girl :D
and i use epic orbs only if there is the correct contest. 

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Hoarding is the way to go I feel, but only if you have the time to be able to check in on the game more than 5 times a day.

Ever since missing out of on the first path of attraction girl what I've done is:

Keep my money above 100 million, if that's good spend whatever I want. My next milestone 150. I've been doing this for a long time. I don't know, I keep telling myself I might need it in an emergency XD

Books and gifts I buy when possible and only use them when there's incentive, like a contest.

Save up the Kobans I get from the tower and the daily stuff until I get to 7000. Used to save 5400, but Path changed that. I'm in D2, so this is doable.

Don't do champions. Now with path, I only do Champs when Im going to be rewarded by path. The way I see it, the time at which you do champions now matters, so I have no problem being patient for the most opportune time.

I'll use my orbs whenever. They're fun.

Edited by Silver2
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I posted my disagreement with Dr. Lust's post in the thread where he posted it.

Being FTP is all about identifying and seizing opportunities. And it definitely depends where in the game you are. For example:

10 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

Rule № 1 for me: don't spend any Ymens on affection items and stat upgrades from the shop (only your class and, maybe, secondary stat) until ~ level 300 or even more (until the last bracket). Save them for the contests and you'll win PLENTY of them. You'll get all the Ymens in the world in the late game.

This is good for lower level people, but I simply can't use that. Why? I'm level 391, and trust me, I've been winning nothing spending wise for a while, preobably level 300 is a good barometer there. Before the reset time change, I could snipe a top 4 in donation somewhat easily at times. Not now. My point with this quote is to note that Тёмный Властелин makes a great point about how to use Ymen to win spending contests, but that what works for them may note work for you, due to a different situation.

So you need to find your own opportunities as they arise.

Things I hoard:

Kobans. They are the premium currency in game, so should be treated as such. I haven't spent money on the game, so I need to make them count.

Tickets: This has everything to do with Alban on tier 6 with no girl yet. I feel that I want 50 before I start, as it's going to take me roughly that many to finish a stage of tier. So my plan will be get to 100, then start.


Things I keep a supply of, but don't hoard:

Affection Items: Get used when I get a new girl to get her affection up. I try to have enough to get a couple girls done at once if needed.

XP items:  Get used in conjunction with a contest to give my girls levels. FIlya will be getting some soon, since she's Charm, and so am I. When will depend on when I can reasonably get a top 11 or better in a contest. Top 4 would be great, but that requires competing against bigger spenders & those with bigger hoards.

Pachinko Orbs: Event Orbs will get used when there's a revival event of some sort and I have all the freely available girls.  Great and Epic Orbs are spent as needed, ideally to get Kobans, but the Epic ones can also net girls directly. Mythic Orbs I use sporadically.

Things I spend:

Ymen: Money is depleted with getting a new girl's affection up. I try and max them as I get them, so I reap the cashflow increase as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the less you will get in return.

Energy/Combativity: Obviously, it refreshes.


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2 hours ago, Zteev said:

Tickets: This has everything to do with Alban on tier 6 with no girl yet. I feel that I want 50 before I start, as it's going to take me roughly that many to finish a stage of tier. So my plan will be get to 100, then start.


I think you're overestimating your needed tickets, my last stage took 23 tickets, with 2 enemy position matches in the rotation.

Edited by Urist
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