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Ease up on the events


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I know chances to gain new girls is the main point of the game and events are where you can earn the most girls but you can have TOO many events. Looking at the sept calendar there are exactly 0 days without an event running and in fact in a couple days we'll have 2 at once, the normal and a mythic. With so many events we have to ignore other features like leveling up trolls to get their 3rd tier girls, I currently have 4 that need to be leveled up 100-200 levels or 1000-2000 fights. Since these are later worlds event girl are rarely there basically only orgy event might have a girl there if you don't already have her so never get a chance to grind levels up. Plus the burn out of always having an event running makes the overall experience more stressful and less enjoyable. 

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The point of too many events is a potentially valid one, but your reasoning here is silly. Yes, Classic Events, Legendary Days/Epic Days and Orgy Days don't give you much choice in which bosses to fight, but they total up to only 18 days. You have the other days in the month (10+) where you can choose to fight the later ones. Those events don't require you to fight a specific boss. And once you've been playing for a while, you don't have as much fights to do in Orgy Days, so you'll gain more time there too.

Also, if you'd prefer to spend the time fighting a later boss instead of obtaining event girls, you're free to skip any event of your choosing to go do so.

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