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Suggestions to improve HH


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I want to give some suggetions to improve the game experience.

- Favourite girl feature in harem:

If we could hace a list with our fav girls in the harem it would be easier to find them. This is more important as we get more and more girls.

- Filter function in equipment section:

Now is easier to get more and more equipment, for example when spending 10-orbs Great Pachinko for contests we can get hundrends of items of equipment. In those cases is a mightmare to navigate in the section. One option would be to sell what you dont want in order to find what you need faster, but mechanics of "Path of atraction" and contest require to save as much items as you can, so selling aint a good thing. This wouldnt be a problem if we could filter the items by rarity and type (hardset, mascot, etc), this way we could look for the equipment we need even if we got a lot of items.

- Improve rewards from Champs and/or improve champs power growth rate:

Now there are 8 main rewards for beating stage 5 champs. After that, the rewards are not as good to keep fighting because it get a lot harder to get them every time. For high level players, legendary equipment can be get very easily in pachinko, so to spend lot of time fighting champs to get 1 more piece makes no sense. And kisses just can be obtain at stage 5, thats a long way to get there, besides again for high level players to reach tier 51 in seasons is not hard so those extra kisses are not a great reward.

So the suggestions are: improve rewards, maybe could be a chance to get some mythic books or gifts from stage 1-4 and/or to have a chance to get mythic booster or equipment (I guess that will come sooner or later) for stage 5. Even if its not a fixed reward and just a chance to get that would be a good improvement. Another suggestions is to reduce the power increment of champs after level 8. I mean the first 8 levels are ok now because we want to get the 8 main rewards, but after that make no sense to keep making champs more and more powerful each time as the rewards are not better.In my case im level 479 and Alban is level 12, even for me it takes A LOT of time to beat that guy at that level, is to time consuming or kobans expensive to keep fighting for the current rewards. But if after level 8 the increments are very little or even stop after a while it would motivate to fight more.

- Club Champions redistribution of shards and better rewards for players that already got the girls:

Im not sure if this happens now, but I think it would be great that when a player that already got the girl fight a club champions, the shard that player would get are distributed to the other players. That way the stronger players of club can help their team mates. Besides another way to promote players that already have the girl to keep fighting is to improve rewards. An idea could be that the gifts obtain are related to the damge made: more damage, better reward (for example, 1% gets flowers, 10% gets lingerie and even more damage can get mythc gifts).

Finally, Im sure you already know that rewards for tiers 52 to 61 in seasons are horrible. I mean, to get from 51 to 61 you need almost double the mojo required to go from 1 to 51 but the difference in rewards is huge. 

I really hope that anyone of Kinkoid Team reads this. I got more ideas, but I think its enough for now.

Hope you find it useful.

Thanks, bye.

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Once I got all 6 girls from the Champions, I stopped playing to win. I purposely set up a bad combat team and just use the Champions as a sponge for times (contests or events) when I need to log Champions battles, then I let the accumulated damage decay back to 0. The 10X great orbs take care of Legendary items and cash income, so Champions aren't needed for either. The only change needed for Champions are some new Champions with new girls.


They could put Mythic things as rewards, which I never pay for in the Market.

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Some good ideas, good on you for contributing.

On 9/10/2021 at 4:59 PM, Daniel1903 said:

Filter function in equipment section:

You can do the most important function within equipment now i.e. determine which legendary equipment you should either equip or sell, after you've used a heap of 10x equipment orbs (and save the rest of the useless equipment until you either need the money or a "Sell Items" comp comes along).

First you will need to install the tampermonkey browser extension, then activate the HH++ userscript. This will give you heaps of new, useful information, and includes the ability to sort equipment by rarity.

i.e. after installing...

1. go into the market and scroll down to the bottom to load *all* your equipment (each refresh gathers the next 100 items)

3. Press Sort button to show legendary equipment at the top.

4. physically click on each legendary equipment before you decide to either equip or sell. If you don't click and simply mouse-over then sell the sort order gets screwed up

-> and in a few minutes you've sorted all the legendary equipment out, and know you didn't miss any by accident.

Edited by jamanga
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