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XP and affection cost in kobans and ymens


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can anyone calculated how much 10k XP and 10k affection cost (on average) if purchased:

- from the market using market restocks (without card discount); meaning how much XP and affection people get on average for the 42 kobans, assuming 300+ level, ignoring the mythic items and the actual cost for purchasing the items

- indirectly via 1 GP or 10 GP orbs - the orb cost is level dependent, but has anyone made some experiments how much XP/affection the user gets on average per orb?

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I can speak to the affection from the shop question:

You get ~3k affection per restock, but it can be as low as 2k if you're unlucky or 4-5k on a good roll (actual min/max is 910 - 10,500 at 7 non mythic items a roll).

for 10k affection I would budget 168 kobans (4 rolls x 42 koban) but it could be less if you have some good rolls. I wouldn't expect it to take more than 5 rolls (210 kobans) either.

If it hasn't been said before, the mythic affection items are a massive rip off because of the above. 510 koban for 15,000 aff is less than half what you would get with 510 koban of rolls.

Edit: did 100 single GP rolls just now, 10 xp items, 11 aff items, 1 legendary equipment, 78 junk equipment for 1080 exp and 1030 aff.

It's a small sample, but ~10% drop rate for each of xp and aff seems about right in my experience. I think the drop rate of legendary equipment from single GP rolls is lower than 1% and I just got lucky though.

Edited by CyrilFiggis
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@CyrilFiggis Thanks a bunch for the analysis! This is exactly what I needed. Essentially you need about 300 single GP orbs to get the same affection and XP as a single market refresh. Given the abundance of cash at higher levels it might be a worthy tradeoff, assuming one has the time and patience to click that much :D

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