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Awaken? Gems? Test server nightmare - R U SERIOUS?


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Just to state fact: this is second time im posting this msg. For unknown reasons my post disappeared leaving only this sublime msg:


So let's get back to it shall we? Since Kinkoid might loose this msg again i'll copy it and post it as many times as necessary, so they would get good or bad feedback they care about :)

I was puzzled when i saw gems in test server, diffrent colours, at least 2 types drops from
villain - it kinda pissed my off cause it's event and my chances to get shards for girls r lower now, cause 2 new items showed.

Didn't know what r they for, but colour me suprised when i decided to level girl and hit CAP lev 50... This is where your gems now come in, you need depending on what type of girl it is certain amount.

What amount we r talking about? Let's see:



Oh, yes boys and girls thats 350 for legendary girl lev 50 to let you reach level 100.

Thats 100 for epic.

Don't have any mythic yet but my guess its gonna be sth around 1200? For level 50... You can pbly guess higher you get more shards you gonna need...

It kinda sound like joke right?

Not only u have to spend time, and save money to level girls now u also need to hunt for some damn gems (and by doing so your chances for shards gets lower). And trust me i get it its game made to MAKE MONEY, but damn r they really gonna introduce mechanics that slows you down, when longer playing players will not feel it as bad as the new ones?

It's almost like they don't care bout new players (and potential customers)

If this would be something simillar to dating tokens, and you could even buy those tokens i wouldnt mind. But leaving to chance if i will get gems so i can level girls to matter in PVP which is important in Seasons, and most major events?

You wanted feedback u have it, and please dont lose my posts again - it's so hard to CTR+V all the time :)



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11 minutes ago, dgxg said:

You wanted feedback u have it, and please dont lose my posts again - it's so hard to CTR+V all the time

Well this time you managed to not post it in announcements, so it'll possibly stay. My phone isn't letting me shift posts properly, but still hides them fine for when I can get to a PC and shift it into the appropriate thread. Your feedback isn't important enough to deserve its own topic instead of the preexisting thread that everyone else is using so this'll get locked, but stay visible so you know not to try to post it a 3rd time

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