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Objective progression notification may remain on screen, preventing interaction with the UI in the Market.


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When dailies objectives can progress through usage of books, the notifications appearing for their progression may remain on-screen if books are offered to girl at a certain pace, causing notification to stack on top of each other, with the last one lingering on-screen indefinitely.

Expected Result:
Notifications are cleared from the screen in a timely fashion.

Actual result:
Notifications remain on the screen indefinitely.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Load into Hentai-heroes.
2. Confirm quest objective include giving XP to the girls or leveling them up.
3. Enter the Market and select the book shop and a girl eligible for leveling up.
4. Offer books to the girl repeatedly, clicking the Offer button as soon as a new notification shows up.
5. Observe how the notification remains on-screen, possibly preventing the player from interacting with buttons on the UI.

Repro rate: 5/5
Please see attached media.

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Thanks for the detailed report. I believe it's a known issue, at least I've been experiencing it too for months. Going out of the Market and back in is the simpler workaround (sometimes just switching to another merchant and back to the one you were stuck at works too, but it's less reliable in my experience).

It doesn't happen all the time, but it's more likely when there are multiple notifications triggered by the same action. If you click pretty fast, you postpone the notifications, but on the flipside if you just rest your finger for a second a whole bunch of them will try to appear simultaneously, and I think that's the most typical way to get stuck with a lagging notification window that won't go away (unless you quit the Market).

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On Firefox you could use a  "content blocker" like uBlock Origin to stop all such push notifications. You should evaluate if that's convenient to you


Probably there's something alike for every browser.

Disclaimer: Credits to the user who told me, I don't remember. Not tested (too old version).

Edited by lepidocter
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