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Thank you, Team, for a Great Game in 2017!


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I have greatly enjoyed playing this game and I congratulate the creators and developers for what they have achieved: (mostly) great stories, expressive illustrations and character development of story characters and girls.  Highlights for me: (1) how the girls that randomly drop appear as a large silhouette from the right side of the screen to settle left of centre.  We don't know who it is until the details emerge, although Zoe was recognisable early on as a silhouette from her distinctive hairstyle.  This is a very clever piece of gaming development and, if it is an original idea, you are geniuses; (2) the extremely baleful expression on Lenaëlle's face as she faces being humiliated by Bunny for being a virgin (I can't wait to see how she develops as a character as World 9 unfolds and how on earth such a shy diva would ever willingly enter a harem!); (3) Hamelin Town World story... there is a lot of humour here and a well-developed storyline.  Of course, I could mention some of the positive changes to the game, such as the increased affection levels for some girls and greater payouts and battle stats (Agate is a case in point), as well as the long overdue upgrade to XP limits.  I am, however, struggling to figure out how Abraël could gain an extra two affection levels before Princess Noemy.  The profile option is a great move and I've had fun playing around with this.  I am looking forward to see how the announced proposed changes pan out especially those related to PVP (which I assume means 'player versus player' arena battles).  How this was explained was far from clear and does this mean that the battles with the so-called bosses will cease?  Does this mean that this route to obtaining new girls ceases? One change to the world battles with bosses I recommended was to progressively upgrade the bosses' battle stats to make it more of a challenge to defeat them (you could be beaten from time to time and this would make it necessary to rejig one's equipment and harem team more often).  The proposed new opponent may go some way to answering this question.  As a quid pro quo, if it is harder to beat the bosses, maybe it ought to become easier to acquire girls from their random drops.  If it is possible to customise things more, like one's specialty, this could, of course, mean changes to one's harem battle team and I could use girls that I have hitherto ignored, like Cunegonde.  I have failed to acquire her in any of my games in which my specialty is hardcore.  I do not agree that there have been improvements to girls' payouts, except maybe overall.  In the case of Solveig and Mountain Sophie the reverse is true and huge payout sums have been slashed from them with the changes.  When these changes occurred my harem's total payout was slashed from over 50k to under 35k in one fell swoop!  I'm not too upset because it makes the game more interesting, but I would've appreciated accuracy with all the self-congratulations.  The other thing about proposed changes to PVP is that the team must make it fairer.  If it is player versus player I don't want to have to face player versus bot, especially if their battle stats are unfairly stacked against me.  I look forward to a concerted effort by developers to complete Plain of Rituals because it has become torture waiting to see how it progresses.  I am assuming World 10 will be announced in the New Year and with it the realisation that I will be hooked for another year at least!  I agree with some players that a world involving that fairy in Gems Kingdom or one involving the mermaids might be really interesting and genuinely romantic approach - more true love, a high level of respect and less nympho fucking - might seem a refreshing approach because most girls like to play hard-to-get and are not seduced so easily.  Lenaëlle might well fall into this category as she seems to be quite shy.

Anyway, I wish players and HH team the best wishes for the New Year and the best of holiday season to all.  Stay safe!  For those Anglo-Saxons among us, try not to get too plastered on alcohol.  You don'e need to get trolleyed to have a great and fun time.  For the rest, avoid an over-indulgence on food (and other things!).  I can't wish you all a very merry Christmas because I realise a great many players and some among the HH team itself would not be Christians but may follow other faiths.

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