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Patch Notes Week #6


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Art Survey


More than 660 of you voted and your favorite guys are:

1.Gadget Man Isaías with 33.6% of the votes


2.Ryo with 7.2% of the votes


3.Aster and Aether have 6.5% of your votes


Your least favorite guys are:

1.Dash with 13.4% of your votes


2.Roger with 11.3% of the votes


3.Neapolitan Isaac with 8.9% of the votes



Q&A with Rosso


The founder and creator of all the Harem games – Rosso is taking the hot seat to answer all your burning questions about the game in English!

Join us on the 9th of February at 5:30 pm UTC+2 on Comix Harem’s Discord! All questions are welcome! The first topic will be Comix Harem, but we will answer also questions for all the games and future projects! You can leave your questions on GH’s Discord.


Bug Fixes Survey

Thank you all for the feedback! 

Fixing the bugs will be our top priority for the next weeks/months. 


Roles v2 Survey

2000+ of you took the survey! Thank you! Here are your favorite roles:


Path of Renaissance


A new event is coming to the Haremverse!
Path of Renaissance is a new event containing revived PoV recruits.



  • The labyrinth floor background will be used in the Labyrinth battles


Bug fixes:

  • [Labyrinth] Coin bags will appear in a way that they will be all obtainable
  • The visual issue making recruits overlap when picking them on the hero profile page is fixed
  • A dynamic update is added when claiming all chest and winning a recruit in Boss Bang


  • Thanks 1
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