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Ads broke Comix Harem

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after ads were added in {without any input from the player base mind you} my adblocker and the brave shields in the brave browser even after turning them all off certain functions in Comix Harem either don't seem to show/load properly or they are there and i can see them but clicking on what i know should be interactable nothing happens. i don't know why the website seems to have broken with the use of adblockers but i should be able to play the game whilst running my adblocks with no problem. if there is intentional design behind ads and adblockers causing the game to malfunction then that would be a bunch of BS indeed, either way i am seriously considering stopping playing the game altogether if these interactions are not fixed or preferably ads removed entirely.

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Can you paste a screenshot showing what is not working?

In firefox browser all (*) is working as always even with adblocker enabled, and people with chrome report the same.

(*) Note: The daily 30 gold rewards for visiting HH and PsH only appear (even with adblocker enabled) after you close the main window top right ad (for which you have to disable your adblocker for one moment).

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I can only suggest you to close all browser tabs, clear browser cache, close all programs and restart PC, open browser with addons disabled, and if nothing changes try another browser: firefox, chrome, edge, opera ...

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